Is There Any Way to Verify a Win 7 Key before Installing It?

Some years ago now, I got in on a deal for a family pack (x3) of Win 7 HP. I know I used 2 of the 3, but not sure of the last key. I've been looking at either buying a PC or building a PC, w/o Windows preinstalled. I want to use the Win 7 key to activate Win 10, then 11 (unless Win 7 keys activate Win 11?).

There used to be a site you could go to and input the key and it would tell you. Now, everything 404's or takes you to the M$, "Buy 11" site.

Anyone know if such a site still exists?



  • +7

    Wouldn't trust one even if there was. Sounds like a great way to harvest legitimate keys from gullible people then resell them on.

  • +1

    why not just do it then buy a key online if it fails?

  • I was hoping maybe if not a site, that there might have been a legit M$ tool that would do the same thing. I'm basically clearing out waaaaay too much tech junk I kept, thinking it might be useful later, and I'm on a mission to dump everything I can! But if the key is still valid….I prob won't build until next year (hoping prices keep dropping).

    Lounge room is covered with stuff and I'm only 1/2 done! :(

    • Take a photo of the key then throw out the physical stuff

  • +2

    MS not that strict.
    You can re-use a key, provided it hasn't been used recently too many times.
    Even if its intended for only one PC.

    • +3

      This. Even if you activate 5-6 times, it may prompt to call MS. They'll just give you a new code over the phone lol.

  • There are ways to determine which version of windows a key is for offline. But you have to dig up the code from some shady windows modding forums. This won’t help you determine if they key has been used though. In any case, if it’s a legit windows key and it hasn’t been used much, it should be fine.

  • You can still use your windows without actived it.

  • Just install it and if it wont activate then use the MS telephone activation service.

    1800 642008

  • Don’t know if your interested or not, but I bought a key for Windows 10 for a new PC from Digital Chill Mart, found a discount code online from a partner and only paid $9

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