• expired

[VIC, NSW, SA, QLD] Join and Receive $50 Credit for Gas, $120 for Electricity (Credits Apply on 7th Month) @ Globird Energy


Click "Send Quote Email", offer details will be in email heading. The website does not display the full details of the offer yet.

This code is a hack using the same method from: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/684600

Proof: https://i.imgur.com/oSJPjjh.png

Email with Offer Details: https://i.imgur.com/FyGYCh8.png

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Referral: random (248)

$50 account credit for referrer & referee.

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GloBird Energy

closed Comments

  • Very impressed with Globird so far

    • Many below have GloReviews

    • I dont know if the ozbargain referral links are working - can i get a referral from you?

  • +6

    I was with Globird for about a year and they increased their rates 3 times during that time. In their last review, they straight up doubled their rates. 100% increase! That was the last straw and I moved to Red energy. Globird is now one of the most expensive provider in the market.

    • Who are you now with?

      • Red energy

    • +2

      Ditto. It was unfortunate as I wanted to stay with them as they were great and had decent rates. Like yourself my rates were to increase by 103% from 01 Jul.

      Stupid part was I even asked if they could do better but they said unfortunately not and actually recommended their customers find another provider (wow)!.

      I had no choice but to move. Ironically when I checked their rates mid July they were only 29% more compared to my original. By then too late as I moved to RED and luckily their rate was only 12% more than what I was with with Globird. A bonus was that my Red rate is locked in for 12 months which is a bonus as am on a much better rate compared to Globirds current.

      Globird support is great and their Website is decent as well unlike Reds which offers nothing other than paying your bill. Shame I had to move but their Rate increase method is flawed and they lost/dumped a lot of customers due to this!

      • i noticed they charge a 120 fee for disconnection- did you have to pay that?

        • No as Globird don't have lock in contracts. Where are you seeing $120 fee to disconnect?

        • That is likely to be the distributor charge if you choose/need to disconnect the electricity from the property, not if you choose to move to a different provider.

          You will lilekely be charged a move out fee but that is usually around the $30 mark, but also depends on the distributor for your area, not the retailer.

          • @Cousin IT: ohhhh that makes so much sense now. i was getting confused cause different places was telling me different things. thank you!

    • Yep. Similarly we were with Glowbird too, last rate hike pushed peak SA prices to nearly $0.52c / kWh and off-peak to $0.44c / kWh for electricity.

      Bye bye Glowbird.

    • Yes same experience here.

    • Was about to make similar comments. Very sneaky this company.

      • +1

        They were not sneaky at all. One receives notification of the pending change several weeks in advance thus giving you time to shop around. In fact I received a follow-up reminder to ensure I was across it and they recommended that I search for 12 month lock in deal prior to the big energy rate hikes. That was good advice. In turn, they are very transparent which is why I liked them.

  • The pricing is….

    • +1

      Depends on where you live and plan selected….

      • But a shedload more.

  • +2

    Got a quote: no thanks!
    Best offer was "47% higher than Reference price"!!
    Currently pay less than Reference price!

    • Exactly. Anyone who was smart & locked in months ago will be on a much better deal.

      • +1

        Quote is 47% dearer - always compared to CURRENT Reference price! Not the cheaper locked in price before price rise.

        My rate with Nectr was locked in for a year - ending just before price rise was tipped. Had received $100 credit to change to them (paid in 2nd month).

        So changed retailer in May (cheaper but variable rate). Luckily price rise hardly affected me. Received $100 gift card for changing.

        (And State Govt added $175 credit to accounts to help out.)

        Waited for another Deal. Changed retailer today, for $150 MasterCard. Stay with them 60d to qualify, then change again…

        Anyone who was smart & locked in months ago…

        In my circumstances, has been more profitable changing retailers, than locking in price! (Same as I do with SIMs.)

        Won't take up this poor offer!
        7 months wait for $120 credit, while paying at least 47% more for bills…

        • How often do u review?

          • @capslock janitor: When I see an attractive Deal to change retailer.

            With consistent low usage, major cost consideration is daily supply charges. Makes comparison easier.

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: Do you just do VIC Energy Compare monthly? Or monitor Energy Supply tags on OzBargain?

              • @autonomate: I'm in Qld! Where the Govt generates & regulates wholesale prices of electricity. Fewer retailers compete - so little variation in prices.

                Qld Govt gave a $175 credit to help with increased bills from August. Up from $50 in past years. Plus $310/yr credit to Seniors.

                Plus the weather here means lower (winter) bills!
                My Winter bill is $15/mth!!
                Effectively paid by those rebates & offers to transfer to another retailer🎉

                Just notice posts like yours, as rebates on electricity bills are handy.

                Read about Globird Energy in posts. Didn't think they sold here. So checked it out. Don't think they're a serious player here, given very uncompetitive pricing.

                • @INFIDEL: I had a $300 gas bill last month.

                  :( very jelly

                  • @autonomate: That's why energy bills are a personal decision. We all consume & live differently.

                    Gas - what's that?😉
                    Electric only, solar not installed as was intending to move house.

                    Lived off-grid overlooking ocean for years. My bath was under a mango tree, heated by small fire underneath. Idyllic, but energy supply was very limited, so learnt to conserve. And taught others that skill.

                    Now in suburbia, know the consumption patterns of appliances, using Energy Meters.
                    No installed hot water (available 24/7) - but boiled in $7 Kmart kettles as needed (saving hundreds per year). Had my usual 42°C bath earlier - as I would on my travels in Japan. All for $15/mth!

                    I enjoy the challenge!

                    • @INFIDEL: That's wild. So cold showers only?! I did that in my early 20's because we never paid the power bill, but I feel like that's a creature comfort I can't live without!

                      • @autonomate: Frequent traveller in Japan - I luxuriate in fragrant baths @42°C! Just takes longer to boil the water. A lovely calming ritual. Certainly no suffering involved😊

                        Hot water system broke 8 years ago. Was $2000 to replace. So found a different solution - that suited me.

                        Washed at sunrise every morning, in almost iced water, in the Himalayas in my 20's - while studying with Monks! I prefer hot water.

                        • @INFIDEL: I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

                          • +1

                            @autonomate: Ran workshops in creativity when a Uni student - earning $250/hr. Changed peoples lives.

                            Had my own consultancy, helping corporate clients, Olympic hopefuls, artists, & Govt Minister to think differently.

                            A varied life experience can be turned into a profitable commodity!

                            Now…. Rather be Travelling!

    • Who u with?

      • +1

        Now Alinta (3mth), then OVO (2+mth), then…

        It's a matter of which retailers are available at your location, their rates (given your electricity usage - mine is very low, with no gas or solar), & if there's an attractive offer to switch.

        • Don't you waste money on fees?

          • +1

            @autonomate: What fees? No fees to change retailers etc, that I use.

            Transfer handled by comparison service who pay me. ($150 MasterCard later for transfer yesterday.)

            Main downside is limited choices of retailers paying them for new customers. But not many retailers to choose from anyway - at my location.

            Always go with which ever retailer has lowest rates at my location, based on my usage.

            Best offer was "47% higher than Reference price"!! in your Deal!!
            That's a Deal killer for me!

            • @INFIDEL: Ah I'm a doofus! I thought you had to pay connection fees switching providers. My bad! Wow, so you can regularly churn utilities too?!

              • @autonomate: Yes. As I've been doing with SIMs for many years. Wrote the Wiki on how to get the most from Telstra Starter Packs - long ago.

  • I was with globird for about 5 years, and only switched plans twice whilst with them. Then they put their prices up substantially (40-50%) a couple of months ago.

    Switched to Lumo as they had a plan which locked in rates until August 2023.

    As a company everything went smoothly (connection, billing, etc) but would avoid them because of their current rates.

    • I switched to them about 6 months ago and they're still 25% cheaper on gas, and the same price on electricity than anyone local. I think if you churn annually you keep decent rates.

  • never gonna with Globird again, I was using it even VIC energy compare tells me better offer but one day, they raise 50% then previous month.

    • They do give at least 4 weeks advance warning and noting new rates. Thats plenty of time to move.
      RED who I am currently with apparently only give two.

    1. The sign-up bonus will be credited to your energy account on the seventh month once you have received and paid at least one bill, and have no overdue amounts owing.

    So will have to stick with them over 8 months

  • Getting this error:

    Sorry, that promo code is not valid or may be expired. Try this one: WELCOME

    It accepts WELCOME but it doesn't show the benefits of using this code.

  • expired! Can anyone run the hack again lol. I tried, but.. I failed lol

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