When you sign up for GloBird - there is a request which returns a list of all valid Promo Codes SHA-256'd in Base64 format. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/UGMV9bV
To extract the latest promo codes, visit GloBird and request a quote using your address with F12 open to the network tab. Copy the response for the request as show here: https://i.imgur.com/m8KI7DG.png
I've created a CyberChef recipe to extract the SHA256 hashes, you can then run them through CrackStation or try cracking them yourself! If you succeed, please reply and share the deal!
Paste the request you copied above into the Input field of the CyberChef recipe as shown here: https://i.imgur.com/VzS55rk.png
https://mega.nz/file/eNcGVLjS#xryusQDRaJAFSvZOoXDaGf70_8SPej… (updated 2022-02-22)
Never trust the client. ;)
They're case insensitive, so only guess lower-case alpha-numeric.