What Is The Best Gift Card Tracking System?

I am struggling to keep on top of some of my gift cards. I find Shopback's system pretty decent where they're all in one place, but anything that i don't buy from them isn't possible to track here. I have seen there are a few apps around but they don't work for cards like Bunnings for e.g where you have 2 different barcodes to scan at the register

Anyone got something that will work well?


  • +1

    Buy them when you intend to use them…

  • Be careful about storing them on third party sites and apps as they can be hacked.

  • +1


  • +1

    Straight to Amazon account

  • +2

    Card Smash(play.google.com) , been using it for 2 years now, you can change the bar-code styles even as sometimes some barcodes styles don't work on particular terminals. Once you know which barcode style works, you can save it for future and don't need to change it
    All my GC's go in there for a consolidated system. It also combines GCs from same merchant in groups, if you like that.

    Main issue i was facing was that you can buy GC's from few places like Prezzee, Shopback etc. and they will be stored in there but you can't load any gift card purchased out of Prezzee/Shopback etc. in the app, whereas I prefer to have a consolidated system for all GC's.

    I had even posted a deal sometime back and developer is real responsive to any queries/updates.

  • I agree this is a pain

    I just use woolies and coles GCs. Woolies have their own money app but I use stocard for coles. As long as your gc had a barcode, stocard should work. It doesn't track your balance tho but it does allow u to add notes so u can keep track of the balance. It's not ideal, but it works. Stocard is designed to keep your membership cards so I use it anyway for a whole bunch of stuff (eg flybuys, library cards etc)

    • Card Smash has the balance update option. You can enter the amount you spent in a transaction and it shows the balance. It also syncs via dropbox, if multiple family members sre using same gc. I tried stocard when i was looking into different options but its mainly for loyalty cards.

      • Thanks I might check it out my self! Cheers

  • Stocard

  • Merged from What Is a Good Giftcard Storage App

    What app do you guys use to store giftcards?

    We use woolworths money for the wish giftcards

    But not sure what to do with Coles, supercheap, target, kmart bunnings. etc

    Have been importing them into stocked but that's not the easiest.

    I saw a post on here about prezee that said they use that to add other aswell but can't find how to add a non prezee card…

    In happy to keep the woolies ones seperate but would like to have all the other in 1 app if I can.

    What's the best app?

    • You can’t add non prezee cards

    • +1

      Stocard is pretty good.

      • Stocard may not be safer than lastpass that was hacked recently.

        I only use it to store one or two low value Coles eGCs. Other memberships are fine to store there as they are not that straight forward to be used/redeemed.

    • None. So many horror stories of people coming back to gift cards and finding a zero balance. Even Woolworths ones. Then spend forever trying to get it fixed.

      It's even more of a risk when using third party apps and providing card details to them.

      Only buy discounted gift cards when you're going to use them straight away.

    • to have all the other in 1 app if I can

      I use the simplest way: an email app that you may already use and trust, create some email drafts for most eGCs that can be edited whenever there is a change. Make sure you do not add any recipient to it (to avoid accidentally send it) or add yourself as the recipient. For some eGCs received in an email, I add star to it and remove star after use.

      There's no absolute safe. I don't recommend use any password safety app like lastpass that can be easily targeted by hackers.

    • Your phone's wallet app (e.g. Google Wallet) should be able to store them too. Keeping balance tracked is another story though

  • Merged from Gift Card Management App Recommendation?

    Is there any apps to manage the gift cards?
    A lot of gift cards are just PDF files, hard to organise, it would be good if an app can manage multiple different gift cards, and easy to check balance.

    • +6

      I just buy my gift cards from ozbargain classifieds, then you don't need an app to manage them.

      • +1


        • I love how the first search result for that was ozbargain.

          • @freefall101: Lol. It is a mapax original so I guess that makes sense…

    • +1
      • I tried this yesterday, it seems it only supports loyalty cards. There is a gift card section in the app, but only gor buying new cards from inside the app.

        • No you can add gift cards as well. I store all my Coles gift card on stocard. It will say it's not a "recognisable" format but you can save it anyway.

    • +2

      Card smash has been suggested before. See here for similar question previously asked:


      • Looks quite promising, I'll have a try, thanks!

    • +4

      Here is my approach… and unfortunately, I do not use just one app!

      • Gift cards issued by Woolworths Group: I store them in the Woolworths Money app, because I can quickly see the balance of a given gift card and recent transactions. I gave the Everyday Rewards app a go, but I found it was too slow to load gift cards, it does not support all types of Woolworths Group gift cards, plus it does not have any way to record notes or a nickname for each card (and I like to do this to keep track of percentage discounts and stuff like that).

      • Gift cards that can be redeemed using a barcode + PIN (e.g. Coles Group, JB Hi-Fi): I store them in Stocard, using the description feature to record the PIN and available balance (and sometimes the discount too). Having said that, it is a manual process to keep track of each gift card’s balance when compared to the Woolworths Money app.

      You are right in saying that Stocard is geared towards loyalty cards, but the section where you store loyalty cards also actually has native support for a number of gift cards (e.g. Coles, Kmart, Target, Officeworks, David Jones, Myer). You can also add gift cards for which there is no native support (e.g. JB Hi-Fi), although you will need to file it under Other Card. I personally avoid adding gift cards issued by Woolworths Group to Stocard, because Stocard lacks native support (and the Woolworths Money app is so much better).

      I should also mention Stocard works really work with barcode scanners at Coles, Target, Kmart, JB Hi-Fi, etc, because the app sizes the barcode correctly. This is especially for helpful at Coles, where the Flybuys barcode scanners can be very picky with the barcodes it can scan…

      • Gift cards that can be stored on a mobile wallet as a payment method (e.g. Ultimate gift cards, digital TCN gift cards, Activ Visa gift cards): I store them on Samsung Wallet. Fortunately, Samsung Wallet lets me record notes against each card (unlike Apple Pay nor Google Wallet), so I use this feature to manually keep track of the PIN and available balance of each gift card.

      • Gift cards that can be redeemed using a code (e.g. Amazon, Apple): I leave the gift cards in a pile at home and place a sticky note (or write on the gift card) with the balance and/or the percentage discount I bought it at.

      • Gift cards that must be redeemed physically (e.g. AmpolCash physical, Coles Mastercard gift cards, Perfect EFTPOS gift cards): I place a sticky note on it and track the available balance and the percentage discount I bought it at, and I usually carry them in its own dedicated gift card wallet. (Yes, I have so many physical gift cards that I need to carry a separate physical wallet…)

      I have seen other people use different solutions, particularly Google Wallet. Personally, I prefer Stocard over Google Wallet, because:

      • There is no way to add a gift card to Google Wallet by scanning its barcode via the device’s camera, which means I would need to manually type in the gift card number.

      • Google Wallet does not warn me if a gift card number is in the incorrect format, which means a typo can render the gift card unredeemable until I correct the typo. With Stocard, it will warn me if the gift card number is in the incorrect format.

      What works for me may not work for you, so keep that in mind!

      • +2

        As always your replies are gold WM!

        Gift cards that can be stored on a mobile wallet as a payment method (e.g. Ultimate gift cards, digital TCN gift cards, Activ Visa gift cards): I store them on Samsung Wallet. Fortunately, Samsung Wallet lets me record notes against each card (unlike Apple Pay nor Google Wallet), so I use this feature to manually keep track of the PIN and available balance of each gift card.

        I actually find the TCN app useful and it shows balance as well so I use that for most TCN and other GC issued by Blackhawk. Maybe I should ditch Google wallet and try Samsung wallet instead…

        • The TCN is very useful, except you cannot delete nor archive gift cards. (WTF?)

          I love Samsung Wallet, especially its support for MST (yes, my Samsung is that old). However, the one thing I will caution you about Samsung Wallet is that it has limited support for payment cards vs Google Wallet. For example:

          • A lot of financial institutions - including ING and Macquarie Bank - still do not support Samsung Wallet.

          • When I signed up to ubank a while ago, I had to wait until I received the physical debit card in the mail before I could add it to Samsung Wallet. However, if I opted to use Google Wallet, I could instantly add it to Google Wallet via the ubank app.

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