So, went to Floriade Canberra today and they got a public carpark attach to it. We went around and were about to leave as there were no free carpark when we saw this car leaving. Drove up and then this lady came and just stand in the middle of the free space when we were already blinking.
Asked her to move aside and her next line was she is reserving the space for her family car!! Like wtf??? Is that really something in Australia where you reserve a carpark by standing in it?!! Especially in a public space?!! Like every single car were doing the right thing by going around and looking for a space and this lady who by the way speak really well English just walk up to the car space and stand there saying she is reserving it! Told her there are not such thing in Australia and she still didn't move. We gave up and just thought some people does not know the rule of the country they are living in.
Later on, i was enjoying the flowers display with my family and she came to harass me and threatened my family inside Floriade as she didn't appreciate I told her that no one do that in Australia! It might be a thing in India or Asia but not here (as I'm Asian myself and saw it there)! So, now I'm just wondering if this is a new rule and if I should do the same next time as it's seems that covid have make people totally out of mind?!!
It wasn't necessary to sign your message off with "you whitey OP", let's leave the racial slurs at the door …