This was posted 2 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Leatherman Wave Plus Multitool + Nylon Sheath $142 / $138.45 (eB+), Wingman $83.60 / $81.51 (eB+) @ Knives and More eBay



Lowest price for the Wave and Wingman in recent history. As with all the other eBay deals PLSAV22 gives a slight saving for Plus members.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Ripper price on the wave plus. Have the black and the stainless ones. 10/10 recommend.

    • +1

      I have to agree.

      The Wave Plus stainless is my favourite Leatherman so far (I'm yet to get the Charge TTi, MUT and OHT). It feels so good in the hand.

      • +2

        wouldn't bother with the MUT unless you have a firearm, as it's basically for firearm maintenance. i know it looks cool and everything lol.
        get the charge tti when you can because it has the s30v blade. and because, titanium

        • +1

          I know! Definitely getting it when the price is right.

          I got the orange G10 Charge on the last deal and I have to admit I was slightly underwhelmed as it seems pretty much identical to the Wave Plus, other than the included driver bits, the S30V blade and the G10 scales. In fact, I kind of prefer the way the Wave Plus stainless feels in hand. Still getting the TTi though!

          • +1

            @johnwinds: i got the orange charge as well. i intended to allocate that to the "to be used" pile of knives and tools but it's so pretty i don't want to get those love orange handles dirty lol.

            • +1

              @tdw: It's sitting on my desk right now next to a similar color orange ESEE knife and they look nice together!

              • +1

                @johnwinds: aww, what a beautiful couple they make.

            • +3

              @tdw: bloody hell that orange is gorgeous!!!

          • +1

            @johnwinds: The Charge TTi is actually heavier and chunkier than the Wave+, interestingly.

            I bought a new Wave+, and then found my long lost Charge TTi, I was surprised by the comparison. The Wave is nicer to carry, the Charge is nicer to use. S30V can be an arsehole to sharpen though, especially compared to Leatherman 420HC, which is actually pretty good.

        • The titanium handle is really salt water corrosion proof, nice for fishing but make sure you rinse your tool well in fresh water otherwise the blades will be rusty and ugly. I always coat the blades lightly with silicon oil before the sea.

  • I don't understand… How good are these?

    • +5

      As good as it gets for the product. The only other thing that competes is the Victorianox Swisstool line.

      They'll last as long as you will if you treat them right.

      The Leatherman Wave is the multitool that all others are compared to.

      • +2

        alright, thanks for the brief. now I need to find a case when I will need this.

        • Skinth solutions make awesome sheaths. I carry my Charge TTi in one every day for work.

          Postage from Canada was very reasonable when I bought mine a few years ago. Highly recommend.

        • +2

          Yeh exactly I want one but I am struggling justify - the ozbargain way

        • For me it's been very helpful. The generic flat head and philip head screwdrivers are handy around the house, the knife is a handy box opener. Scissors come in handy when I need to quickly cut some thread off my shirt to not look daggy. It's just something I can pull out of my pocket and I don't have to wonder where I put the kitchen scissors last time.

          I haven't used the serrated knife or the files, so they're kinda useless.

          And did I mention. bottle opener?

      • +3

        The SOG multi tool is pretty decent too!

        • +2

          It's great for the price, and I love the compound leverage, but the SOGs I've owned are nowhere near as solidly made as the Leathermans and Swisstools.

          There's no beating the Powerpint in the weight class tho!

          • +1

            @Joker042: True, Leathermans are a class act.

            I love the look of the Powerlock though.

            Something about the softer steel the Victorinox tools use make me a bit unsure about them. Maybe the Swisstool line is better though.

            • +1

              @johnwinds: At the end of the day, they'll all last you if you use them well. I haven't had an issue with the metal and I'm using a 20 year old Swisstool. I don't use the knife for prying, or cutting anythind hard, the large flathead, file and saw are good those. I'm sure the Powerlock will lass well too!

              The only thing that sets the Swisstool apart for me is apparently the steel is the most corrosion resistant of the bunch. 20 years in and I don't even have a spot of corrosion on any of the tools, which is awesome. I'm good at 'right tool for the job', but cleaning the tools at the end of the day, not quite as much :)

            • +1

              @johnwinds: i have an early gen powerlock eod and it's my go-to tool. take it with me every time i travel. i have more leathermans in my collection but they're just collectors pieces mostly.
              that said, SOG's customer service has taken a downturn since the early 2000's. you used to be able to buy replacement parts for your multitool and they'd only charge you $5USD plus very reasonable shipping. now they won't even ship any parts out to you.

              • @tdw: I'm definitely seeing a Powerlock in my future. Any good sources for deals in AU? Catch doesn't seem to carry them (they do however have the SOG Field Knife and SOG Ace knife, both of which caught my eye - sold by Ziptac on Catch).

                • +1

                  @johnwinds: i bought mine on ebay from the US. got a nice used one for a good price but that was many years ago. SOG doesn't really have a presence in Australia. i've seen them in a few army surplus stores locally but way overpriced.

    • Its just a piece of compact tool that sits quietly until you need it. I find these very useful when travelling anywhere. I use it alot for work and I use it when I feel extra challenge (it's can be annoying to use sometimes). While I don't think it's very useful for fixing a car, maybe pull out a puncture screw or stripping some wires. Cars need big tools. It's a good tool for collection and it's got a good resale value.

      I also don't understand the knives and the little saw on some of these tools. I tried them on small branches which takes forever when I can cut with just a few stroke with a full size saw. I also prefer my plastic $1 snap blade pocket knife. However I have to admit that the saw and serrated blades are made to be admired. Perhaps I'm not very American to appreciate the thick blades knife I didn't need them during camping trips.

  • I have both of these and can confirm they are great tools and these are great prices.

    • Is the Wingman much smaller? I want something that's compact.

      • How about Style PS, it's super compact?

        • their description is incorrect - the style ps doesn't have a knife blade.

      • +1

        Wave+ and Wingman are similar size.

  • +12

    The only question I have is, what do I tell the minister of war and finance when she asks me why I got this?

    • +9

      Forgiveness is easier than permission

    • +3

      Tell her this is small change compared to those submarines…

    • +3

      wait till you've fixed something with them, especially something of theirs?

      • +5

        Show us a better price for the Wave now and we'll care. Otherwise your comments are completely useless.

        And now you're going to reply to this comment with something that isn't a better price for the Wave, but just more useless commentary.

      • +1

        Are we meant to be disappointed that you don’t post your bargains? Please, please, please post them. We are so sorry for not giving you the attention you desired.

      • -5

        won't tell you kids

        • +5

          says the crybaby

        • +3

          And there it is. Useless boy is useless.

    • +1

      Cool story bro

  • +2

    These are bloody great. If your fence sitting just get one, I’ve had one 20 years and it’s still great.

    • +1

      I also got surge, black oxide WAVE, newest version WAVE. The stainless WAVE was my favourite

    • Thanks for the confirmation. Just ordered

      • +1

        No worries mate I hope you like it.

    • Thanks for the push. Have been fence sitting for a while and seems to be too many options. Got one on order now.

    • +4

      I don't recall asking.

    • +2

      what did you do with the other four?

  • +1

    Do you guys carry it everywhere? Have you ever been questioned by police? I understand the laws are different depending on the state you are in.

    • +2

      In Qld at least

      It is a reasonable excuse to physically possess a knife to perform a lawful activity, duty or employment; to participate in a lawful entertainment, recreation or sport, for exhibiting the knife or for use for a lawful purpose. Examples as quoted in section 51 of the Weapons Act 1990 are:

      a person may carry a knife on his or her belt for performing work in primary production
      a scout may carry a knife on his or her belt as part of the scout uniform
      a person may carry a knife as an accessory while playing in a pipe band
      a fisher may carry a knife for use while fishing
      a person who collects knives may exhibit them at a fete or another public gathering
      a person may use a knife to prepare or cut food at a restaurant in a public place or when having a picnic in a park, or
      a person may carry a pen knife or swiss army knife for use for its normal utility purpose.

      • Yeah, I read some of those at another site. Do you take one wherever you go or just when you think you will definitely use it? I'm getting a nice sling soon and thinking of what to take around with me when I go out and about. While I do want to eventually get a multitool, I'm wondering if I could get into trouble if I just leave it in my bag. I will almost definitely get a really good one if we start to go camping (a lot).

        I'm in QLD too btw.

        • +1

          I have it with me Monday to Friday definitely- other days depends where I’m going.

          Fwiw I have been searched by police before (pockets and car) and they gave zero forks about the wave.

          • +3

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: I have a skeletool that's in my pocket all the time. Never had a problem.

            • @macrocephalic: Same, i always have my Skeletool on me no matter where i go. I pocket carry it so the clip and top part of the tool is visible.

          • @Jimothy Wongingtons: What was the research given for the search? And was it because you were 14 and at a festival?

            • +3

              @dust: Wrong place wrong time and possibly racial profiling . Long story but they suspected I had drugs lol

    • sure, it's a tool - if you got a need for tools where you go bring it with (people using tools is common place everywhere).

    • +2

      In Vic at least you need a lawful reason to carry a knife. This counts. That said, there is zero percent chance of a problem unless you're directly being a dick to a cop or committing a crime.

      With a normal pocket knife you could have issues, but with a pliers based multitool I'd be amazed.

      • +1

        Makes sense. I've carried a box cutter around with me before as I needed it for my job. I don't think I've ever been stopped by cops in Australia other than RBTs so chances are pretty low to start of with.

    • +1

      i did when i did some work setting up for an event. no, i didn't get any grief from the cops, mostly because i didn't wave it around. and the people i worked with either didn't notice it on my belt loop or were fussed when i pulled it out to use a few times.

    • +1

      You just need to use some intelligence. Don't go flashing the knife around in public unless you're actually using it as a tool and you shouldn't have a problem.

      • And if you do commit a crime, don't have the tool on you - as it's another thing for the police to slap you for.

    • +1

      I have been caught by the police with one. The nice cop told me that if another cop asks, tell them that I am using it for work and it'll be OK.

  • Great prices! I'm going with the Wingman for my bugout/hiking pack since I already have a Charge Ti in my work bag.

  • Edward scissor hands

  • +5

    $7.20 more to get it with a cap as well!…

    • +1

      Nice. Was checking out as you posted otherwise would have grabbed one.

    • It is nice that the hat comes with a multitool, grabbed one.

  • +2

    I bought the wave a few years back with all the bits and extension but have never used it. I have had it for about 5 years

    • Same here, feel this is the spirit of ozbargain :-p

  • +1

    Thanks, got a couple for the sons for Christmas

    • -2

      You rich rich person

  • +1

    Bought my son a wave + for his birthday because he is into cubs now and the Simpsons assures me you need a knifey spooney.

    Honestly, I’ve found my one way more useful than I thought it would be. Probably gets used at least once a day around the house.

    • +1

      You must live in a wood cabin up in the mountains 😂

  • +1

    These are great. I used the original black version extensively until I snapped the flat screwdriver in a rack one night (racking networking equipment).

    The second is somewhere in the house - I thought I was going to lose it about 15 years ago going thru Singapore airport as I didn't pack it in hold luggage, but I showed them it was just pliers, they shrugged and let it go thru…

    • I thought I was going to lose it about 15 years ago going thru Singapore airport as I didn't pack it in hold luggage, but I showed them it was just pliers, they shrugged and let it go thru…

      Whoa! Lucky.

      I had a similar thing except I was attending a court case and it didn't occur to me that my Leatherman Micra was attached to my keys and could be seen as a weapon - they only took it for safekeeping though…

      But I managed to do it twice!

      The Micra is my EDC so it never occurs to me that it can be seen as a weapon. It's so small and innocuous that I forget I'm carrying something with sharp blades.

    • used the original black version extensively until I snapped the flat screwdriver

      Hard to tell from your comment, but if you still have it, Leatherman will replace the tool for you. Their warranty is great.

      • If i come across it again in thr house ill give it a go

  • Thx OP, just ordered one.

    • Supertool 300 vs. Wave Plus pros and cons?

      • +1

        Main one is that the Wave+ can take different screwdriver bits. Supertool can't. Wave+ also has scissors.

        • The tools aren't accessible from the outside of the supertool, you have to open it up. It also means that the cutting edge of the knife is further back than the handle when you're trying to cut something on a flat surface.

      • From memory the supertool is a chunk bigger but the wave is comfier in hand. Particularly the rounded edges of the grip vs the supertool - both cool multis tho. My preference is the wave, I’ve got a charge and a few other multis, wave is my pick.

        Also as mentioned by wombat some of the little tools are different.

        • Whats your pick between the wave vs the surge?

          • @concento: Hey buddy, I don’t have a surge but do have a charge.

            The charge is a bigger more substantial tool, probably better if you’re going to use the pliers a heap - Personally I find myself using the wave more but that’s maybe just out of habit. Both great tools in my book.

            As for surge, not sure as I’ve never used one.

          • @concento: surge is bigger and heavier than the wave by about 1cm and 100g so the tools on the surge will be slightly bigger.

            if you have big hands and/or want the most tools, the surge is the way to go. the scissors are beefier and more ergonomic vs those on the wave. but the party trick on the surge is the blade exchanger — you can swap out the saw blade for the file. downside to the surge is the smaller range of included bits. and don't laugh, but the awl that only the surge packs can be surprisingly useful e.g. if you ever have a belt that needs a new hole punched in…happened to a friend

  • Anyone find that the inner tools on the Wave are stubbornly tight with short nails? I've got an old Wave sitting here that I barely use since it's a pain to open, but my previous Rev was easier to open and use

    • yeah they're like that from the factory. gotta keep opening and closing them to loosen them up

  • +1

    I want one because "shiny", but I don't see myself needing to use one regularly enough to justify the price. 😔

  • I'm going to get one whilst it's still tax deductible

    • How is it tax-deductible?

      • +1

        Everything is tax deductible until you get audited.

      • +2

        If you work in the trades and use it as a tool of your trade, why wouldn't it be tax deductible?

        • That's great for those who actually use it for work more than 50% of the time, but OP said "whilst it was still tax deductible". Just made it seem as if there's an extra claim/deduction you can make even if it's not a work-related purchase.

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