Snag yourself a RTX 3090 Ti for what could be the cheapest price right now.
Calculations are based on todays exchange rate and using Hopshopgo as the middleman to receive item from Zotac US Warehouse and then forward the parcel to AU.
Total works out to be approx. A$1753.77 (Refer to pinned comment).
Using the Hopshopgo shipping calculator, the cost of Shipping (Weight of 7.26 lbs/3.29 kg) is approx US$92.
Factoring in the above with today's exchange rate
US$1079.99 + US$92 = US$1171.99 = A$1753.77
Please explain your calculation on your approximate total cost.
Should GST / import duty be included as well?
Most likely, waiting on OP to confirm.
Ah, I think you might be correct. I was excluding the insurance and surcharge possibly. Also I've never had to pay import duties so I'm really not sure on that front.