This was posted 2 years 5 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sofirn Q8 Pro $90.29, BLF LT1 $78.94, IF22A $47.44 Delivered @ sofirn-au via Amazon AU

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Vivi (store rep) from the Sofirn Torch AU group on Facebook shared these deals.

For questions about more deals, coupons and after-sales support for the sofirn-au store on Amazon Australia, please contact Vivi via: [email protected]

Q8 Pro kit 6500K $90.29
5% coupon and 25% off with promo code RSAKU7IV

BLF LT1 kit with power bank feature $78.94
Clip with $29 coupon on the product page and 15% off with promo code 2JHLRC54

IF22A Kit 6000K-6500K $47.44
Sofirn's own user interface (not Anduril).
35% off with promo code 2YS68HZK

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Do these include batteries?

    • +3

      Yeah mate, anything in a kit includes the batteries.

  • +3

    Thanks for this. Got a IF22a
    This is a good upcoming flashlight brand. The Sofirn Q8 is a very popular light in the flashlight community (yes there is a flashlight community) you cant go wrong with one of those.

    • +8

      There's also an xkcd for flashlights too

    • +3

      Sofirn has been around for a while. Not really up and coming but yes they make relatively good quality lights at reasonable prices.

    • The if22a is a meme light made for throw at all costs. It lacks high cri, or a boost driver. It does have neat charging and battery bank capabilities though. I have one. Ill probably sell it, fun for highlighting people across a football field, but somewhat useless in practicality.

      Or maybe ill keep it because theres few pure thrower 21700s that small. But its a novelty.

  • Excellent post OP, thanks got an LT1 and IF22a

  • Thanks! I'd been waiting for a good price on the LT1

  • Love these torches.

  • I bought the Q8 from one of the other deals a while back, it’s pretty good but not epic

    • When it was $35 it was

  • I bought the IF22a when it was on sale for $55. It’s a pretty sturdy and decent flashlight. I’m skeptical the usual price is $72 though.

    • +1

      That's the amazon price. I got it for cheaper on aliexpress yesterday

  • Wish we got the Q8 pro in 5000k

    • +1

      They have the 5000k available in their aliexpress store. I asked Vivi if it will become available via amazon but was told they are in short supply so won't be able to do so.

      • Yep, saw it on the AliExpress page. But holding out for an Amazon deal as those arrive so much quicker and works out cheaper too. (Actually just being greedy, I've already got the SP36 BLF in 5k already!)

  • Any decently bright torch deal using the more common 18650 rechargeable batteries?

    • My Q8 uses 18650 batts.

      • Deals?

        • +3

          Yeah i seen some deals for it going around.

          • @ego22: Where?

            • @edfoo: The q8 pro kit in this deal has a listed 11,000 lumen output and uses 4x 18650 batteries (included). It's blindingly bright to use indoors on turbo mode XD

              • @jerdp: Right, I couldn't see in the description that it uses four 18650 batteries.

    • The tide is changing to 21700s. Bigger size fits better in the hand, much better capacity, and with onboad charging its no issue.

  • Got the LT1, thanks op :)

  • +8

    One of my kids accidentally got caught in the crosshairs of my Q8 Pro the other day. Kind of like a near-death experience, but way too early. On the plus side, we’re having a lot of fun learning braille together

  • Thanks OP…got an IF22A

  • Any recommendations on places to buy extra 18650 batteries?

    • tinkertechau are good. It depends what you want to put the 18650s into.

      Q8 Pro, SP36 etc may need button top 18650s due to the ring that touches the top of the batteries. If you use flat tops then they might get snagged and damaged.

      Sanyo NCR18650GA 3450mAh has a decent capacity. Samsung 30Q or Sony VTC6 may be better in torches that require more current.

      • Do you reckon the protected Samsung 35E will be fine in the Q8, or better off getting unprotected for higher current? I recall one torch I had a few years ago that couldn't fit protected cells as they were too fat (at least that is my recollection, could be wrong though). Cheers

        • +1

          Protected button top 35E should be fine for the Q8 Pro in terms of current.

          Someone measured 22A on Turbo:

          You can insert 1, 2, 3 or 4 18650 cells but I'd recommend at least 3 or 4. If using 35E, the cells might cutoff when 10A is drawn. The more cells connected in parallel, the lower the current is for an individual cell.

          I'm not sure about the length. Q8 Pro kit may come with button top 18650 cells. 35E protected might be a bit longer. The springs at the bottom should compress to fit 35E.

          Flat top cells may not connect properly.

          • @Tim Mc: wouldn't that be 22A divided by 4? 5.5A from each battery? Yes, just looked at your link. The batteries used have a max of 10A: "so in order to get full brightness on Turbo you need to use at least 3 batteries"

            • +1

              @poohduck: Yeah, 22A divided by 4 because they're in parallel. If you use two 18650 cells then you may get 11A across each cell and it could trip the protection circuit and cut out. So you should use at least 3 cells when using Turbo.

  • +3

    FYI for those new to the hobby, anything >5000K starts to look blue. I get that the Q8 and IF22 are primarily for lighting up the outdoors, but 6500K isn't ideal. Something like the SP36 would be MUCH nicer to the naked eye @ 5000K and 90CRI. I know it's "only" 5000lm, but it would be a much more enjoyable light IMO

    • Agree. I prefer natural white instead of cool white at night.

    • SP36 BLF is very nice - been very happy with mine.

  • +1

    I am waiting IF25A. Hope with any coupon or promo code.

    • +1

      Same. Been waiting a looooong time for a coupon code for this model.

  • I have all 3 of these flashlights and for the money they are insanely good value. Especially when you factor the Q8 Pro and BLF come with about $40 worth of batteries included.

  • +4

    Once I bought the BLF LT1 camping lantern I knew my search for the perfect campers lantern was over. It's ideal on a picnic table
    or overhanging the cooking area. As it has multiple tripod mount points may I recommend a mini tripod such as this for under $10
    As this helps you better direct the light to the desired location and raises the lantern above the items on a table.
    This lantern is also ideal as a night light, which is fantastic for little kids to help them feel safe at night.
    I find that with a bit of care I can keep this lantern going almost a week while camping without the need to be recharged.
    When it does need to be recharged you can use your car cigarette lighter USB charger to recharge your lantern,
    it will most likely be the same charging cable as your phone, unless it's an Apple phone.
    I know this lantern was designed by the Sofirn enthusiast community, and it shows, as every design feature
    is geared towards function, power, efficiency, durability not cost cutting or marketing gimmicks etc.

    • Is there any real use for it other than camping and blackouts? Sounds good for camping. Better than bunnings, BCF and Anaconda lanterns by the sounds of it!

      • +1

        Newer versions function as a power bank, has a candle mode which can set the mood. Can also set it to strobe and adjust it for your desired rave vibe.

        • Thanks. They look cool. Might wait until I have a use for it.

  • +2

    I bought the Q8 Pro just last week… every time I buy something, no matter how obscure, a couple days/weeks later it goes on discount.
    Seriously unbelievable.

    • Let us know what you buy as you buy it, so we are aware of imminently upcoming deals… thanks!

      • +1

        Way more opportunity to be had if you know which stocks/ETFs I buy/sell.
        If I buy, you short.
        If I sell, you buy,

        • Sounds like you have a lot of money to lose… congratulations!

  • +1

    Done a deep dive on the interwebs & reddit, bought 4 torches (IF22A was one), $200+ a few days ago.

    The Q8 was the last one I needed but not this soon, this deal is too tempting..

    Edit: caved.

    Edit 2: anyone know where to buy red/green/blue filters for the IF22A/Q8/Z1 zoomie?

    • +1

      My Acebeam x80 has a police light mode and independent RGB… maybe you need that light too ;)
      Acebeam is probably my fav fl maker.

  • lol there's chinese sellers who claim to have 100,000 lumen flashlights for $20. sometimes even a million lumens.

  • +1

    LT1 deal has expired?

    • Seems like it. We will have to wait for the next deal I guess

    • Damn yes the $29 coupon no longer there

    • +1

      The coupon ran out but Vivi extended it an hour ago.

      • +1

        I reached out to Vivi earlier for the $29 coupon availability and can confirm it's back on for the BLF LT1.

        • great, thanks!

  • weird, im trying to checkout but it wont let me add or use my usual payment methods?
    trying to buyu the q8

    Edit: had to add something else totally unrelated to the cart to get it to work. odd.

  • +1

    If you are looking at the LT1 lantern check out the newer LT1S shorter version, it's more practical imo, you can sit it on benches much better around the house, since it is more stable. They also just released it in all colors last week.

    • That one seems to be cheaper too. Any idea why it's newer and cheaper than the old one?

      • +3

        I have both, the difference between the two in my experience so far

        - Longer battery life 4x18650 3000mah = 12000mah total
        - Slightly brighter output (can go up to 700+ lumens from what I've read vs 500 lumens on LT1S)
        - Anduril 2 UI - customization for advanced users and has a candlelight flicker mode for ambience. Also has a simple mode.
        - IPX7

        - shorter battery life 1×21700 5000mah battery
        - 500 lumens output
        - has a red light for emergency SOS beacon or if you just prefer to look at a red light
        - sofirn UI - simpler settings compared to Anduril
        - you can direct the light by turning off one side to reduce glare which somehow helps imo
        - has more LEDs than the LT1 for a more smooth, equally distributed/diffused lighting.
        - can reach 6700k tint range
        - IPX8

        Both provide power bank functionality (fast charging when i connected to my samsung galaxy s20 FE)
        The price difference could mainly be due to the UI, bigger battery capacity and brighter lumen output of the LT1 vs LT1S

        In terms of practical use, you can probably get by with the cheaper LT1S for occasional/general ambient lighting. It would be easy enough to top up with a power bank to extend runtime if taking it for camping.

        Gotts say the LT1 does give you a more oomph feeling when holding it by its handle.

        • +2

          Barry (Sofirn) is gauging interest over at budgetlightforum to see if it's worthwhile producing a LT1S Pro (LT1S with Anduril instead of a simple UI). It's probably several months away from production….

          • @Tim Mc: One of the reasons I went for the LT1S was the simpler menu, Anduril can just be far too complicated.

            Especially if you ever buy one as a gift, good luck getting the average torch user to care.

            I was more excited about extra colors than I would be about programmable menu but that's just me.

          • @Tim Mc: Would be good to include some kind of magnetic and tripod mounting options for the next pro iteration :)

            • @jerdp: Those are two features that multiple users on BLF have requested…. I hope they can be added to the Pro version 😅

  • Is the IF22A code expired? It does not seem to do anything.

    • It worked for me just now.

      • thanks it is working, silly me forgot to hit apply button

  • Missed out on Q8 Pro

  • Anyone can recommend a flashlight using only one 18650 battery and has good spread of flood beam? Don't really like long narrow spot beam.

    • +1

      Acebeam E70 Mini has a nice floody beam. Three Nichia 519A LEDs. It takes a protected button top 18650 battery with built-in charging and won't accept shorter unprotected flat top 18650 cells though.

  • Will wait for a code for Sofirn BLF SP36 :).

    • You could try messaging Vivi who could work something out for you. I got a deal for this exact torch doing so. They're pretty responsive in my experience.

  • PSA: The Q8 Pro listing has been updated to indicate that current stock from today is for the original Q8.

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