This was posted 2 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order] PlayStation 5 Console + Horizon Forbidden West Bundle $887 (RRP $894) + Delivery / C&C @ Harvey Norman


Pre-order now! Stock expected from early October 2022! (PriceMatch at JB)

The PS5™ console unleashes new gaming possibilities that you never anticipated.
Experience lightning fast loading with an ultra-high speed SSD, deeper immersion with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D Audio, and an all-new generation of incredible PlayStation® 5 games.
With the bundled game Horizon Forbidden West, you join Aloy as she braves the Forbidden West – a majestic but dangerous frontier that conceals mysterious new threats.

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +8

    Its a deal because its in stock (well, will be) and it aint a deal cause its from Harvey. So overall - no deal.

    • +1

      Price match with JB :) and save few $s

      • +1

        where do you find stock?

  • +8

    Still a rip-off but I guess it's technically a deal as the going rate is $894 for this bundle.

  • -2

    What a rip

  • +11

    Seems Bundling shxt is a norm from Sony now.

    • +5

      This is not new. Bundles have surfaced with nearly all consoles 2 years after release.
      XB with Halo, PS with a controller or Metal Gear Solid, Destiny, Gran Turismo.
      It actually becomes a nightmare for stock control with several hard bundle SKUs on shelves.

      • +4

        Yeah, Sony has standalone consoles before but now they decide to add the old games and extra controllers to turn away scalpers and get more profit.

        However, it also turns away many gamers who don't want the games at full RRP or extra controllers.

      • +1

        @klaatu true but you still had the option of the console only which is different to the current situation.

        • +5

          …aaaaaannnd, two years later, the bundled console was usually a better deal than the console at launch. Here, Sony is taking the piss by bumping the RRP and controlling availability through forced bundling - I agree with @BennyHe2018

          • +3

            @pennypacker: Absolutely agree with your points, however with chip shortages and restraints with manufacturing having either stand alone and a bundle is difficult. Bundles deter scalpers and make the console available to all, as usually they last at least 8 hours being up online at $887. Or would you prefer the console sell out to scalpers at $749/$799, or customers try to get a stand alone against all the 3 minute sold out BOTS which ultimately forces many to buy off scalpers for over $1200 for just the console. People complained when scalpers took all the stand alone and sold for $1200+, and now the same people complain that a bundle that stops scalpers is over priced. I'm not a fan of the Horizon Series, but if it enabled me to buy a console and game for under $900 from a legitimate retailer and stick the scalpers with stock, then it's a win for me.

            • @klaatu: Yes there are some issues like you mentioned. But it is only Sony that has increased the price. Others (Microsoft and Nintendo) remain the same though. Sony customers are loyal so the company is trying to benefit from that.

              • @Edwardrw: And Phil Spencer from XB has refused to rule out a future price increase. Thoughts across the games industry was that PS5 would launch for $50 or $100 more than the actual day one price. Sony took a massive hit at launch and could not sustain the losses, especially with a 5% inflation rate in 2022.

            • +1

              @klaatu: It has nothing to do with stopping scalpers (a console sale is a console sale) and everything to do with fleecing as much from the buyer as they can. Sony's share price in the last year has basically halved and sunk from $126 to $71

              • @LowRange: Share price halved you say…. as is with many other electronics companies worldwide.
                If you are suggesting a $50 increase or a bundle is a cash grab creating billions of Yen that will lift Sony share price then you don't really know how company strategy or financial balance sheets work. When console manufacturers can't produce as many consoles and therefore meet production targets as forecast, the share price will drop. Sony are tracking around 7-10 million console sales short of expectations communicated in financial reports and shareholder meetings. Any company that cannot meet production and sales targets will drop in value. If your suggestion is that Sony only do bundles to generate revenue to plug a gap, then you certainly don't know the electronics or games industry too well.

                • +1

                  @klaatu: Sorry pal, the first game i created was with C64 in 1986 using spites, poke etc probably before you were even born. After transitioning to Windows i founded a software/tech company with over a million in yearly turnover before retiring. So i do know something.

                  Sony are tracking around 7-10 million console sales short of expectations communicated in financial reports and shareholder meetings. Any company that cannot meet production and sales targets will drop in value. If your suggestion is that Sony only do bundles to generate revenue to plug a gap, then you certainly don't know the electronics or games industry too well.

                  That's exactly what's happening.

                  • @LowRange: Born in April 1967, so the born before thing a moot point. My first console was Atari 2600 back in 1977. Followed that up with Sega Megadrive. Then in 2000 worked for many years PlayStation Australia as NSW State Manager Surry Hills Sydney with then MD Michael Ephraim. (They have since moved to another close by Sydney building and some originals are still there where I still keep in contact with Sony PlayStation Mangers as good friends).

                    Currently work in Solutions Hardware Marketing Manager for a huge global Japanese professional imaging organisation with a presence in 48 countries. My current work life is new model launches, tracking production timelines, manufacturing targets v incoming units, daily monitoring of sales pipeline along with Australasian P&L and Balance sheets.
                    So I guess my first hand experience with PlayStation itself and other consumer electronics firms, might give me some idea on their strategy and marketing tactics.

        • Is anything the same as it was before the pandemic?
          Face Masks and RAT Test Kits were selling online with 500% mark ups.
          Fights over toilet paper and selling online with similar mark ups. These here are crazy times like we have not seen before in this generation……

    • And in this particular case, it's a Harvey Norm.

  • +3

    At least the price is better than other retailers.

  • +3

    Is this another ps5 stock thread where people complain about being a rip off, xbox is superior, $125 games and yet the system goes OOS.??

    • +1


    • +1


    • +2

      Is this another thread where you post exactly the same thing??

    • @kazuyamishima is there a thread where people say that Xbox is superior?

      • -2

        Sales of PS5 are far superior than Xbox. Stock of both is difficult.

  • Still waiting for my Aug order which had an estimate release of late Aug!! Called HN yesterday and told no ETA at this stage…WTF!!? Give your $$ to other places, BigW/Target/Amazon all better than HN.

  • +2

    Reckon once the God of War bundle comes out, i'll jump on board.

    • +1

      I doubt Sony will do this since it will be selling like hot cakes without bundling other things.

      • +1

        Bundles are working in deterring scalpers. Expect to see more. If Sony or retailers do stand alone, watch stock sell out in 5 minutes. No company wants its stock in the hands of scalpers around Christmas as they absolutely rip off and take advantage of desperate shoppers.

      • +1

        I think you should look up how sales went up when they released the GoW bundle with the PS4 pro.

  • +5

    1) price increase despite new model being cheaper to manufacture.
    2) being forced to buy a digital copy of a game drastically higher than the physical copy.
    3) Harvey Norman.

    The trinity of bad deals.

    • +1

      Gerry thanks you for your G(Gerry)ST

    • But every competitors (HN, JB, Big W, Target, Amazon including Sony etc) selling this PS5 bundle at this same price the last 2 months.

  • +4

    Better this than paying scalpers.

    • +3

      100% ^
      People complained when scalpers took all the stand alone and sold for $1200+, and now the same people complain that a bundle that stops scalpers is overpriced.

      • +3

        Except the two scenarios are either pay a scalper or overpay for a game. Some people prefer nether of these.

        • And you’re paying close to $100 for a digital game that been out since the start of the year. Bad deal.

          • +1

            @Griffindinho: You are comparing a discounted physical disc retail price against current Sony digital copy RRP. Sony and every other manufacturer set a RPP/SRP and they stick to it until an official price drop. Company will always set and sell at RRP until there is a price drop. As much as they cannot force a retailer to sell at their RRP. All the leading brands do the same. BOSE, Panasonic, LG, Samsung and Microsoft with Office applications.

            • @klaatu: Yes which isn’t a deal. Not worth paying that amount.

              • +1

                @Griffindinho: Not worth paying that amount.

                But in our democratic society… your opinion is yours to voice.

                With all respect to you, what or how people spend their money is up to them.
                Just the fact that it's a little easier to buy a console lately is down to the product bundles.
                I'm not a Horizon fan btw and see your point, however too many people are cynical about a strategy that has been in gaming for decades.

                • @klaatu: Yes and people purchase Apple products, doesn’t mean it’s worth the price when a similar product is cheaper.. People are easily manipulated by marketing.

                  Pumping up prices on two year old hardware isn’t the norm. Sony’s market shareprice has dropped the last few years. They need to recoup the costs, while the sales from these consoles don’t generate enough compared to the sales of games and online services.

                  Sony knows people will still pay whatever, since the demand for the console is still there. It helps having limited supply to make the demand even greater.

                  • +1

                    @Griffindinho: And companies like Apple spend far more (Billions) on marketing. Apple sell aspirational lifestyle products. A car is a car, yet Toyota and Hyundai sell functionality and Ferrari or Lamborgini sell aspiration. Their product is very similar to others in the market and provide the same functionality, but it's the experience that each product delivers to it's purchaser.

                    • +1

                      @klaatu: Nothing aspirational about an iPhone.. when the average Joe can get it on a plan..

                      Also you can’t compare a Ferrari to a Hyundai. The engineering & specs are worlds apart, unlike an Apple phone and a decent android phone.

                      • @Griffindinho: Nothing aspirational about an iPhone.. when the average Joe can get it on a plan..
                        I didn't say iPhone …I said the Apple brand. It's the same marketing that drove people to wait outside the store for two days to be first in line.

                        Can’t compare a Ferrari to a Hyundai. The engineering & specs are worlds apart, unlike an Apple phone and a decent android phone
                        But they both provide exactly the same function. Either to get you from one place to another or to make a call, text or stream.
                        The price difference is driven by the brand…not the product.

                        • +1

                          @klaatu: Yes and that’s marketing, most people are manipulated by it. The Product doesn’t have to be great, just how you advertise it will generate even more interest in said product. Capitalism 101.

                  • @Griffindinho: Sony’s market shareprice has dropped the last few years. They need to recoup the costs

                    If you think a $50 increase to a console will solve a drop in Sony share price avert billions of yen wiped off in value …well !!
                    A drop in share price goes much deeper than PlayStation or it's products. Sony will need to do what mine and many other companies have done and cull headcount and streamline efficiencies to turn it around. Nearly all electronics manufacturers including my global electronics company I work for, were around 30% down in revenue each year this past 2 years.

                    • @klaatu: It wont completely solve it. They will still lose money by selling these consoles. As I said they make their money in games and online services. $50 increase is just keeping up with general economy of consumer prices. Microsoft is playing it smart and waiting it out longer. Since it might entice people looking for a console to purchase there’s instead. Plus with game pass it’s a no brainer.

                      It helps when you can purchase from different digital Xbox marketplaces on one account unlike on PSN. I’ve saved a ton of money over the years purchasing games from other regions. Still have a PlayStation 5 for Sony exclusives in the future. First chance I’ll play it in months after the real season of God of War Ragnarok.

                      • -1

                        @Griffindinho: Microsoft is playing it smart and waiting it out longer. Since it might entice people looking for a console to purchase there’s instead. Plus with game pass it’s a no brainer. As I said they make their money in games and online services. $50 increase is just keeping up with general economy of consumer prices.

                        You are 100% correct. MS will likely wait until after the Christmas gift period if they do in fact move on price, either up or down.
                        And yes, games and online services is the profitability of PS and MS. Bundles are a pain in the Haas for manufacturers.

                        • @klaatu: Yeah, forgot to mention. Microsoft did a deal with the chip manufactures to assemble more Series consoles. However, PS5 is still the more desirable console to purchase.

                          if a parent wants to purchase a gaming console for their son/daughter at christmas and the xbox series x/s is only available to purchase at retail. I'd assume they would go with that.

      • +1

        People like to complain, maybe they are xbox uses 😆

        • +1

          I know your joking, but bundles have been in the gaming eco system for decades.

          • @klaatu: Until now, bundles generally gave the game for free or at least at a discounted price. This is charging more than the game is being sold by itself.

            • +1

              @PainToad: You like it or not this is still a good deal based on;

              *Pretty much everything gone up in price lately.
              *Xmas is few months away, lots of people people after them.

              Plus in stock at least for half a day not 10min.

              • -1


                *Pretty much everything gone up in price lately.

                Their competitor hasn't put up the price.

                *Xmas is few months away, lots of people people after them.

                There are other gift options.

                • +2

                  @PainToad: Their competitor hasn't put up the price.
                  Phil Spencer has commented just last week that MS refuse to rule out a price increase for XBSX

                  There are other gift options.
                  Yes there are… like a Lego Star Destroyer for $800+ for pieces of plastic, yet that's my opinion and people will still buy them.

                • +1


                  Their competitor hasn't put up the price.

                  XboX still got stock to sell, hence old production pricing. Ps struggling to meet the demand, hence pricing based on current markrt ?

                  Plus why Xbox need to increase pricing, MS got way bigger budget than Sony, they can take a hit on cost increase due to current market.

              • +1

                @boomramada: 100% this ^
                You get it.

            • +1

              @PainToad: Yes your right, bundles were often cheaper when consoles were abundant and chip shortages weren't an issue. Unfortunately when production targets cant be met, economies of scale extend the regular product life cycle and therefore the normal cycle of price drops.

              "charging more than the game is being sold by itself"
              Physical copies by other retailers…. like JB Hi Fi or Amazon yes. But isn't that the case for all digital and physical releases, not just bundles.
              This bundle is from Sony. Their selling price of software digital and physical or inclusions in bundles will always follow their own current RRP.

        • Maybe we don’t care about Xbox or PlayStation rivalry and care more about gaming in general?

    • That’s a low bar to set.

  • +4

    1) price increase despite new model being cheaper to manufacture.
    Your right, but the increase would have been $100 if not for the changes made to internals.

    2) being forced to buy a digital copy of a game drastically higher than the physical copy.
    What every gamer experiences with every new release or shopfront digital purchased game, including PC from STEAM. That's why many opted for Disc console. Placing a physical disc game inside the box is both expensive and open to theft at retailer level or manufacturing error. Thieves don't like codes by redemption.

    3) Harvey Norman.
    Can't offer anything to rationalise purchasing from HN…. lol :)

    The trinity of bad deals.

    • +1

      You make good points.

      • +1

        I had been in the games industry for many years.

  • Does JB HiFi do PS5 pre-orders?

    • +1

      Some stores do…check your local. Sometimes they have stock out the back. Some take names for when stock comes in.

    • They do, you pay full price and kinda wait for stock to come in. Last I checked, it was 8-12 weeks waiting period.

  • +2

    *HN Dubbo
    *HN Grafton
    *HN Coffs Harbour
    *HN Fortitude Valley
    *HN Kingaroy
    *HN Capalaba
    *HN Everton Park

    • +1

      All showing stock on HN Website.

      For best results, request AusPost in notes for delivery (if possible)

      • +3

        Thank you gerrys minion.

        • -1

          He's providing good service. I like Russian people, but dislike their leader.

          • +1

            @klaatu: If I could get a job elsewhere I would. Thank you JB, GG, Aldi, Costco for not accepting me.

            • +1

              @BewareOfThe Dog: Keep up the good work. It's a tough job working the floor at Harvey N, but you quickly learn how to sell product.

              • +2

                @klaatu: Fortunately I'm not on the floor.
                If I can help someone regardless of who sells it to them, I would.
                My daughter works for JB.

      • Hi mate, can you help chase my Aug preorder?

        • Suggest you call your store and get in on these incoming units. August pre order would most likely be depleted.

        • +2

          Hi, I don't have access to other stores info. I would suggest contacting the store, and seeing if the other store will transfer it etc.
          One of the guys I worked with tried ordering from another store, and got stuffed around. He knew someone at JB, and he ended up getting it from them.

  • +1

    Call your local JB, they'll most likely have stock.

  • As someone who got a ps5 for the original retail price, these deals look shockingly bad to me.

    • +1

      That would be because of the Bundle deal, I suspect.

      • More so how expensive the bundle is than mere fact it's a bundle.

  • No

  • +1

    Ordered one and have marked as pickup. order seems to have gone thru thanks.

    • +1

      And it available for pickup… Sweeeet

      • +2

        From one of the above stores?
        Otherwise, it must have just come in.

        • +2

          It wasn't one of the above no, it's odd, it said it was out of stock when I placed the order,, but managed to order as a pickup. Anyway,Got the SMS and email this Arvo to collect it and bring ID

  • -6

    Pretty sure I paid $844 for this bundle at JB. Sold it for $1,300 the next day. Bundled games haven’t affected my margins. When a regular person like me, who doesn’t work in retail or have mates to stash stock, can walk into a store to buy a 4K or an iPhone cable and walks out with a PS5 on nine seperate occasions it’s hard to have sympathy for people still crying they can’t source one at retail price. But yeah, this isn’t a deal.

    • LOL ok…

    • +1

      You expect people to believe you went in on 9 separate occasions in store to purchase 4k or iphone cables over the past 22 months?!? This during lockdown periods where people were not allowed in store! Not factored in, that's still averaging every 2 to 2 and a half months!

      Why they hell do you need so many cables, so frequently?!?

      • -1

        Haha believe what you like mate. It’s a shame I can’t share the receipts. I paid for two in store just before 5pm the day lockdown started. They were due in stock the next day so were shipped to me as soon as stores were allowed to staff online orders. Timing huh! Gumtree didn’t close during lockdown.

        There’s been plenty out there. Combing CR boosters online spoon fed to you by others might get you a 2% cash back on skittles, but by the time someone posts here where PS5s are in stock they’ll be sold out. If you expect someone else to find one for you and ship it to your door, with free postage no doubt, you’re in for a long wait. Take my advice or leave it. Just stop complaining they aren’t available.

        • First comment…"When a regular person like me, who doesn’t work in retail or have mates to stash stock, CAN WALK INTO A STORE to buy a 4K or an iPhone cable and walks out with a PS5 on nine seperate occasions"

          Follow up response…"They were due in stock the next day so WERE SHIPPED TO ME as soon as stores were allowed to staff online orders. Timing huh! GUMTREE DIDN"T CLOSE during lockdown."

          So which one is it did you go to the store to get cables and end up buying ps5s that were stocked in hand or did they randomly offer you a ps5 online and ship it to you when you made an order online for cables?!?

          And gumtree? So you considering scalper stock as in stock?!? Also wasn't aware that gumtree was a walk in store.

          • @mantrex19: Also i do believe the ps5s are somewhat available, i agree with not just relying on ozbargain posts as stocks are usually depleted by the time the post gets up…I snapped up 2 myself and returned one, was on 2 waiting lists, jb and eb…but never in the last 2 years have i seen it in store on shelves. And you just walked in and bought 9, on 9 separate occasions? But now the cables were shipped and you bought of gumtree?!? Hmmmm…

  • +1

    so no more chance of disc version at $749 i guess? is JB still selling those if you get on a list or are they more expensive now?

    • +1

      Nope, that's long gone.
      Standalone consoles are a thing of the past to stop scalping.

      • +1

        unfortunate, reminds me of being the good kid in school and getting punished for the bad behaviour of others when the whole class has to stay back for detention ;(

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