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Broadlink RM4 Mini Universal Remote Control Hub IR + Wi-Fi Smart Bulb $27.82 + Post ($0 Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Broadlink Amazon AU

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The Mini is out of stock but you can still get the Pro with full support of IR/RF devices (Many new TV are RF version) with a free smart bulb


Check the Promotion Message below the price and pick the free bulb.

Free Bulb: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B086X9VY34

Good Reviews, Great way to start automating and making your house Smarter :)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • Am I reading it wrong or does it have a built in temperature/humidity sensor?

    • +3

      The temp sensor is in the USB cable (bulgy bit on the cable in the picture)

    • +1

      Yes , This will assist in making smart automations like switching the aircon on and off

  • +2

    You got a free bulb with yesterday's deal too.

  • +1

    These are great and the cheapest method to make aircons smart. I bought six of these for my house and they integrate well with Home Assistant and Smart IR integration.

  • +1

    Ah stuff it I don't think I need it but why not try it thanks grabbed One

  • How does this connect in to a split system cooler, like where does it go? 🤔

    • +2

      It's an IR blaster so it can go anywhere where there is line of sight to the cooler and within WIFI range.

    • +2

      Imagine it as a acting as another IR remote, except you use the remote via an app/smart assistants rather than needing to physically press the buttons on the remote.

      So it needs to be in a place where the remote would work in controlling your split system.

  • Does this have RF? And RF at a frequency that is useful for a ceiling fan?

    I bought one of these on eBay but couldn't get it to work. I actually think it was a knockoff because the seller gave me my money back no questions asked.

    • +1

      Try this one https://www.amazon.com.au/Broadlink-RM4-pro-Universal-Automa…? Also you can get free smart bulb

    • +1

      The mini's do not have RF. The Pro version does 433mhz. Check the frequency of the ceiling fan.

    • +2

      For RF you need the RM4 Pro(amazon.com.au). The RM4 mini does IR only, while the RM4 Pro does IR and RF.

      • thanks trippy.. just bought one. needed one with IR and RF both to see if I can automate my projector screen.

  • Does anyone know what kind of physical range this sucker does?

    I've got a spot I could put it, but it's 4.5 metres from the aircon across the room on a shelf about 1.8 metres, below the aircon sensor.

    So it kinda needs to go diagonal.

    • I have one around that same distance and it works fine.

      • Can I use home assistant AND google home?

        • Not 100% sure, as I only use HA. I think you can use both at the same time as the Broadlink does not need a persistent connection with HA and it does not need to pair.

          • @skid: I use Genio globes and I was absoloutely unhappy when Tuya changed how they operate for the Mirabella stuff in home assistant.

            You can still do it but it's complicated as heck, so I gave up for the time being. Luckily………. Tuya app still works along with Google Home, so we use that, same situation here, love a backup option.

        • +1

          I am using it for Home Assistant and Amazon Echo with no problem

          • @ozpopo: Thanks

            Of course this is all after bloody winter, when I wanted to turn the heater on max from bed at 5:00am for an hour.

    • +1


      It's just an infra-red remote, exactly like whatever remote you already have for your AC, or a TV remote, or whatever (except it can be programmed, and controlled by your smartphone via wifi). So if your remote works from somewhere, this will work from there too. If not, it won't.

      Your aircon just needs to be able to "see" the infra-red "light". It's not going to go through opaque walls, but same room (or even sometimes around a corner, just like light) is fine.

  • Does anyone know if this will work with a Samsung A/C? I have tried to use a Harmony remote but it just beeps and doesn't do anything.

    From what I understand, A/C remotes send a whole set of instructions (on/off status, mode, temp, fan speed) at once rather than one command at a time (which is suspect the Harmony was only able to do).

    • I think this has modes for either situation. Works well for my mitsubishi which uses the whole set at once method I think.

  • If you own a smart speaker then grab one of these and have a play. Once used it is hard to go back to not having one.

    • What do you use it for with a smart speaker?

      • The smart eco systems have "Skills" to interact with smart gear. So for my setup I set this thing up in its own software (A tv and all its buttons, an air con etc) and then add the Broadlink Skill to Alexa. Now I can use a voice command to effectively push a button or combo of buttons on any remote/remotes. Assuming they are first set up in the Broadlink app.

        So say I am still working at my WFH desk but it has hit 6pm and I want to at least hear the news "Alexa, turn on the screen" and the tv turns on. Getting a bit cool at night but the air con remote is on the wall out in the lounge. "Alexa, turn off air con". Don't even open your eyes let alone get out of bed and go look for the remote.

        I use one for my parent whose eyesight is failing. As it goes it reduces her need to find the right button on the physical remote. She can say "Hey Google, turn on ABC 24" for example. No need to struggle with small buttons and perfect timing in between.

        You don't need your smart phone for every use. Really just for set up.

  • Looks to be oos tried adding but failed 😕

  • What sort of radius would this operate in? I have an AC on one wall and a TV on the other, if I put it on the ball between would it get both?

    • Bought already btw, part with the cash and then get answers later!

      • +1

        360 degrees but going upwards. Northern hemisphere sorta thing.

        • +1

          In my bedroom it does a tv at its level as well as a cheap projector I have up on a high shelf on the opposite wall.

          I would be surprised if this didn't meet your needs short of your rooms being bigger than a tennis court.

    • +1

      In my experience it puts out a fairly strong beam and remember it is 360 degrees. Some of those will bounce.of surfaces and reach a lot of places. On top of a tv worked fine in test because the signal bounced off an opposing walk.

      Biggest enemy in my experience is dust. A gradual coating (it has some static electricity I imagine) blocks the signal a bit. Need to wipe one of mine down sometimes as it gets a bit flakey and it works perfectly again. This model undermounts which would reduce this problem. I should probably blutack the old one somewhere less dusty as well

  • Is there a way to know if the IR works with an old Marantz PM6100SA? I don't have the original remote to copy the commands.

  • How is it powered and wonder what sort of range it has? Where my split system is, there is no Power point nearby that would allow myself to mount this neatly

    • +1

      USB power by the looks of it

    • there is no Power point nearby

      As long as there's one somewhere in the same room (or even another room from which you can still see the indoor part of the aircon unit) you should be OK.

  • Sorry but what is the RF part for. What device in you house would need RF for control. Am I just old because I have never seen a RF remote for a tv or aircon or such.

    • +2

      Normally the garage but I thought most of those are kinda secured protocol now.

      They prob charge more for the RF because few people need it but those that do would pay for it.

    • I have a fan + light that is RF, and older garage doors as above

  • Has anyone had any luck getting this device to work with Foxtel iq4 also Vodafone tv

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