Record low as per ccc
Top range model I believe.
This is a trimmer and not a close shave product. Use a razor for a close shave.
Fellas be careful downstairs
Ladies/gentlemen, complement your man on his effort.
Record low as per ccc
Top range model I believe.
This is a trimmer and not a close shave product. Use a razor for a close shave.
Fellas be careful downstairs
Ladies/gentlemen, complement your man on his effort.
Any further feedback? Charge duration? quality feel?
This man has already told us the most vulnerable thing anyone could ever share on a bargain website. He used it on his private parts and things didn't go to plan. Do you think whilst he was being masacred downstairs he thought "hmmm, I wonder what this battery charge is like"?
Well it definitely gave something else a charge.
I actually own one of these that I've bought like 3 years ago. I swear it's powered by demons at this point. I was using it regularly for 2 months without charge before I had to charge it again.
Same. I use it maybe once a month to shave my head. I think I've charged it three times. Maybe.
Same. I've owned it for a few years and only charged it twice. I only use it 2-3 times a month though, but even still… holds charge well.
Overall look and feel quality is good. Battery, well, haven't used it enough yet.
Using the nick guard - Received quite a few cuts downstairs. Works really well for the underarms and did enough of a job for light chest hairs.
Metal attachments - Mate, when I turned on the shaver it scared the life out of me. Felt like a whipper snipper going off. Literally used it for 2 seconds on my chest and was like oh hell no, this thing is trying to kill me. I removed the attachment and made a promise that I will never reunite the shaver with the metal attachment ever again. Felt like a fantasy movie where if two items unite, it summons some end of world creature.
I'm now considering writing a story.
You just did.
I'll buy the Kindle version.
dreamcasting a story, i wait for the sequel.
everything can be used once…
The 18-in-1 would be better for that, it has a special attachment that is for body.
Yeah 18 in 1 is a better thing to buy. But double the price then۔۔۔ doesn't justify
Its fine if you use the blade with the plastic guard on it, but the head is a bit janky so it makes it really inefficient to use.
Why can't this be used downstairs?
Is it because it's missing a foil clip or something?
Currently, I own the Bodygroom series 7000 (TT2040/32).
i assume multigroom isn't for close shaving as bodygroom is
Apparently the attachment second row far left is for the origin blues.
Yeh, I thought the same. But then why are some people complaining that downstairs is not recommended?
Bought this about 3 weeks ago for $94 off ebay. Very happy with the product so far.
Reviews are worrying.
I bought the MG7770/15 in December 2019. A few months ago it started randomly turning itself on and off, and now it won't turn on at all. Seems to be a bunch of reviews against this product that suggest it has done this for others. It's feels great in the hand with very solid build quality, but I'm not sure I want another example for landfill.
Please dont use anywhere else except your beard and head!
Great product for the face, chest and head. I use Manscaped for the balls. The battery lasts ages, I shave about once-twice a week and it lasts more than a month. If I shave my body I might have to charge after 2 shaves of the body (though I am tall and heavy so)
I use this for full body. I've pricked my James Jr a couple of times but still does a great job. Not enough for me to not want to use it anymore down there.
Beware this is the plastic body model with weaker battery.
I recommend you get the stainless steel model of the same.
by any chance do you know the model number or have a link to the product ?
Many models come with stainless steel body.
Here is an example.
It looks like a metal body with rubber grip to me
It’s painted plastic.
Oh ok. But that should be fine. I bought QG3371 more than 7 years ago and although its all plastic but build is solid and was still going strong. Its battery just died so need a new one. I have been using it every week for trimming beard.
@sidozziee: My previous Philips was plastic. However I really like my stainless steel Multigroom 7000. It feels quite solid in hand and battery life is 5 hours instead of 2 hours which means i don’t need to continuously charge it.
Also mine came with 5 yrs warranty instead of 2 yrs.
I bought one in the last deal. Wouldn't recommend using downstairs.