Just a PSA, to all my fellow Ozbr's to drive safely this Thursday, as the NSW Government is bringing in Double Demerits..
Updated to include Wednesday 21/09/22
Just a PSA, to all my fellow Ozbr's to drive safely this Thursday, as the NSW Government is bringing in Double Demerits..
Updated to include Wednesday 21/09/22
It's what the Queen would have wanted.
Seatbelt (6) and phone (10) would be enough to do it!
We're from the government, and we're here to help (ourselves).
What's the excuse this time?
It's more dangerous to drive while grieving.
22 Sep to 25 Sep.
Updated - Thank you.
SA never copied double demerits from the states that have it because, of all parties, the Greens - who had the balance of power in the upper house at the time - asked for proof it worked. And the people who advocated it couldn't come up with any.
I was involved in road safety in NSW at the time the double demerits idea was come up with. Harold Scruby, the head and sole member of the Pedestrian Council of Australia thought of it and suggested it to the NSW Roads Minister. He never had any proof it worked. It was simply a gimmick to get the issue into the headlines. With the result that huge numbers of drivers have lost their licences and many have lost a lot more, including their jobs, by losing their licences.
If a certain penalty is what is appropriate on one day for one person, another person on another day should face the exact same penalty.
Road safety should be evidence based. Not gimmickery.
Scruby got scammed, I supposed there's karma in this world:
People should drive safely all the time, not just when double demerits are implemented.
I'm guilty of speeding on overtaking lanes. You know when someone is sitting at 90-100 and once the overtaking lanes come they floor it to 110? Yeah they're arseholes.
It's the sudden stopping that causes the damage.
If only the popo would enforce "driving safely" in addition to all the technicalities of the road rules.
You should be the National Roads Minister, you just solved Australia's road death toll!
That's very Bold of you. :)
Yes, if you are after bonus points.
I collect them.
I didn't know there were BONUS points for punctuation?
Thank you for the PSA
Not everyone listens to the ABC or reads Murdoch press. :)
I got most of my information from OZB :)
And the highway patrol be out in force, i guess… all earning double time for sitting around.
Meanwhile, 9 out of 10 burglaries remain unsolved.
The Police just find it far easier to spend their time terrorising ordinary law-abiding citizens for jaywalking and driving slightly above the speed limit, rather than do the hard work of chasing dangerous criminals who might actually fight back.
I wonder if the Mobile Speed camera Operators will be working, and getting Public Holiday Rates?
surely they can just get the unmanned wall-e speed cameras deployed
They're considered contractors/casuals.
I saw there was a job a few months back, but I thought it was Full-time?
As contractor, you can work full time.
should obey the law all the time…
Oh yeah right, so you've never gone a tad over the limit? Never made a u-turn when you shouldn't have? Didn't indicate for the requisite time before changing lanes?
You're perfect are you?
Fact of life is that we are all human and all make mistakes. The point of this PSA is to be extra vigilant because the cost of those mistakes can be a lot more severe than normal.
You're perfect are you?
I am.
I follow the road signs. If it says no u turn, guess what? I don't do a u turn. Hard to fathom. But its possible. If your a tad over the limit, majority of the time cops aint going to do shit. More then 5kmh over for a excessive amout of time you deserve a fine. Its not hard to glance at a speedo and adjust slighty. Indicator, as long as im not getting cut right off, where its put on and switch right away i dont care. Dont go swerving across the second you flick the stick unless the lane is empty.
No I'm not a perfect driver. I dont claim to be. But you should be driving in a safe manner at all times, not just during double demerits. Ive had my licence for just on 9 years now. Only interactions ive had with the police are when on my Ps. At booze buses, a random pullover at 3am because of the type of car i was driving and once for driving my brothers car and he is a dumbarse who has only just started behaving himself and his car itself was targeted.
And to even be fined for a tad over the limit you'd have to be being a massive dick to the police also
And to even be fined for a tad over the limit you'd have to be being a massive dick to the police also
Can I hazard a guess that you're a middle aged white male?
@coffeeinmyveins: If 28 is middle-aged, yes, I also have some dodgier looking mates driving powerful cars and they don't get hassles
@Jake17: One issue is that speedos are not accurate, compared to a GPS. Or is the GPS speed not accurate?
@BewareOfThe Dog: It's not an issue because the speedo will generally show you a higher speed than what you are actually travelling. So if you just stick to the posted limit according to your speedo you won't be fined.
If the law is appropriate.
Low set speed limits are imposed because the authorities understand that most reasonable people will exceed them…..because it is safe to do so.
Wonder if school zones are active on Thursday? I guess it depends on the technicalities of how they’ve described the public holiday vs school gazettes days.
Wonder if school zones are active on Thursday?
Not during school holidays
Thursday would normally be a school day.
Thursday would normally be a school day.
It's now a public/school holiday so the speed zone does not apply
School zone days
40km/h school zones are in force on all days which are not a weekend, a public holiday or a publicly notified school holiday for government schools.
@jv: I get that. My query is because it’s a one off, short notice public holiday midweek. Potentially there is a technicality which means that school zones may be active, especially those with speed cameras that would need to be programmed not to work on Thursday. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if school zone lights are still flashing on Thursday.
technicality which means that school zones may be active
It's officially a public holiday, and the link I provided specifically states the zone do not apply on public holidays.
Thursday is a public holiday. Double demerits always start the PREVIOUS day. School holidays start officially on saturday. So the way I read the NSW double demerit rules, wednesday and friday are school days, school zones will be be operating, and there'll be double demerits on both those days. And that's what the official NSW Transport press release actually says, that there will be "some days" during the double demerit period that will be school days.
I'll be sure to do my school zone speeding on the Tuesday before.
How many points do you lose for hitting a child at 41km/h?
Lucky other states that don't have demerit points.
Just joking, bloody simply just drive legally and you wont have any trouble. 😁
Unpopular opinion, remove $ fine and keep double demerits or increase demerits. I think this will solve the revenue raising whingers.
They will never do this, as it is easy revenue raising.
There are a lot of former premiers we need to support on pensions and benefits.
The current politicians and bureaucracy do a good enough job of pissing the money against the wall; in comparison, former premiers are cheap. Honestly, there may be some benefits if we could just pay all the politicians to go away. The last person you want in politics is someone who wants to be there it seems
@BewareOfThe Dog: Honestly, the best perk of leaving politics seems to be the dough they're all making afterwards, either lobbying or PR for big corporates
Yeah like they've just paid out Amy Brown $400k for farking up her job? Someone's gotta pay for it.
Bad news, people.
Double demerits in NSW start on Wednesday, not Thursday according to this:
I think news.com.au has confused wednesday 12am with wednesday midnight
The sign on the Hunter Expressway reflected this
I have also noticed that soon as the sunnier weather comes in, there's way more rbts.
They must sit in the office when it's cold and rainy thinking Na not going out in that.
I'm my area during the nice weather I see them daily.
I've never seen them during rain, which is the weather they should watch since people drive stupid in it, if they're drunk even worse.
More revenue raising. Makes it hard to respect.
I have also noticed that soon as the sunnier weather comes in, there's way more rbts.
I think this may because, people are likely to be out enjoying a drink, as well as the sunset etc = more traffic on the Road.
That's true but I mean, I literally have never seen them even sitting on the highway in their cars watching speed in the rain that I see them daily in the sun.
I never see speed traps during the wet.
So if you're caught doing 70 in a 60 zone whilst talking on the phone without your seat belt on on Thursday they'll take away your license… note to self.