• expired

SKYN Original Non-Latex Condoms, 10 Count - $4 (in-Store Only) @ BIG W


Don't be silly wrap your willy.

Purchased 2 packs from Big W Plumpton this morning, with a best before date of 31/10/23. Plenty of stock, on special until 28/09/22.

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closed Comments

    • +75

      You don't put the box on your dick, genius.

      • +6


        • +1

          Username checks out.

      • +34

        But you do put your dick in the box, am I right eeyyyyyyyyy??

    • Yeah because religious folk want more little devils roaming the earth, or more abortions!

    • +13

      If it's anything like the last 20 pack I bought, they will probably remain unused.

      • +1

        Bun in the oven already?

      • +1

        it's the thought that counts

      • No posh wank?

        • what…ahhahahah posh wank…LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

  • +1

    These are great. Recommend these battle helmets in the thin variety for better sensation.

  • +4

    No glove no love

    • +4

      Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.

    • +1

      You better see a surgeon if you have a hand down there.

    • +2

      If they are looking spunky, protect your monkey

    • If it's not on, it's not on.

    • +1

      If you have an erection use protection

    • +1

      Don’t use a sock to wrap your

  • +49

    Say no to plastic and rubber. Go raw and save the planet. Be environmentally responsible

    • +14

      I'll have you know my fleshlight is carbon neutral.

    • +19

      Having a child is the worst thing you could do for the environment.

      • +37

        You must be very mad at your parents in that case!

      • -1

        How many carbon credits will 'they' deduct for your child ?

        • +3

          Depends if you can stop breathing. That way you don't exhale anymore CO2.

          • +2

            @plmko: It’s the methane he produces that’s the problem

      • +8

        Having a child is the best thing you can do.

        • +11

          Wife reads your comments here?

      • -1

        You've clearly been getting that data through the mainstream. Life's about balance. Excess to either end hurts. 🤦

      • +4

        Lmao I really didn't think this would be a controversial comment, just a fact that the humans aren't great to the environment, and most of its unavoidable whether you like it or not.

        • But you are right though, controversial comment or not

        • -1

          Lmao I really didn't think this would be a controversial comment,

          Not controversial, not poorly thought-out. eg what exactly do you think 'the environment' actually is? And if you can't define that, how can you claim what is good or bad for it?

      • -2

        Let me guess. You're one of those nutters who is a dog "pawrent" and they're your kids. Ugh.

        • No I have a cat

      • +6

        Careful, you're going to trigger all these people for whom being a parent is their whole identity, and living vicariously through their child is their own hope for achieving anything with their lives.

    • +3

      Reduce, reuse, recycle

      I didn't have much luck using a woven protector I made from seagrass, so nowadays I just re use. A bummer the recycling centre in Vietnam closed down

    • +1

      "Say no to plastic and rubber!"
      Who said anything about rubber!! Go traditional! slip your dick into some good old fashion sheep intestines!
      PS… anyone know what the vegan equivalent is?

      • A piece of bamboo. No need for viagra either.

        • Godddddd…. a punji stick? Lord save us!! Definitely no problems about conception if you stick your dick into one of them!!

      • +3

        At least buy the sheep a drink first.

        • +1

          sheesh… I just worked out what you mean there Big Boy!!

      • +2

        This is ozbargain, not nzbargain.

        • thnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bbbbbaaaaaaaa

    • I've done this a few times and had a lot of sleepless nights, I hate being non-environmentally responsible but I think I need to make the change for my sanity.

  • +34

    WOW two packs. I like OP's confidence

    • +7

      Lifetime supply.

  • +21

    Finally, a lifetimes supply for $4

    • +9

      Settle down big boy. I'll leave some of these in my will.

      • +5

        … and some on the willy.

      • For your seed?

        • Hopefully it will be a tree by then

    • you sure is not two lifetimes

    • -1

      Planning to kick the bucket by 31/10/2023?

      • +1

        Are they best before or use by?

        • Taste usually is pretty degraded by the date, but they remain edible long after.

          Lots of préservatifs

        • +1

          Best before but can't risk any form of degradation considering what's at stake.

  • +3

    I like the toys-for-joy address on the receipt.

  • +3

    4 bucks could get you 2 rolls of cling wrap

    • Don't be a bitch, wrap your sandwich!

  • Serious note how do you check stock

    • And you can drop it off at your local redcycle collection afterwards if you get the right brand

  • +32

    Cool, My mother in law works at big W, I'll get her to get me some with her staff discount to bring the price down a bit more.

    • +4

      Just make sure she isn't keen to become a Grandmother in law.

      • +6

        Careful she ain't one of those religious people that pokes holes in the box lol

        • Is there actually any evidence of a third-party tampering with condoms on religious grounds, outside of reddit fanfic?

      • +4

        Do you mean just grandmother?

    • staff discount


  • +6

    Friend wants to know if they can come in XS?

    • Just chop a bit off the end? (Not the top)

      • How about girth.. asking for a friend?

        • The 20 pack box for these show 53 mm width but check as this can vary between batches.

      • I think you guys didn't notice the word "can" in my question..

        • If you can fit it, why not? May not get it back though

    • Pour boiling water over it to shrink it (before you put it on)

      • +6

        nah put it on then pour boiling water so it will contour to the shape and make a perfect fit

      • +5

        Instructions unclear, now waiting in ED with burns…

      • +4

        Poured ice cold water on in the hopes it would grow but it still shrank

        • Never studied Physics? Matter shrinks when cold, expands when hot. At least that's the matter with me!

    • If they can't I'd feel bad for them. XS should be extremely tight.

  • +10

    Ozbargain way is to pull out

    • Even after factoring in the cost of tissues and water?

      Well, there is another way to make it go away..

      • Well, there is another way to make it go away


        • Pressure washer!

    • +8

      Straight in the gob… No muss no fuss and someone gets a free lunch

      • +1

        We have a winner

        • The race to the bottom has been won, by a significant margin!

          • +6

            @Ham Dragon: Yes, the bottom is another place you can deposit it.

      • +4

        Why give someone a free meal when you could give that free meal to yourself?

        • A few reasons, not least one being we are not all contortionists.

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