This was posted 2 years 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kaabo Wolf Warrior X Plus 60V 21Ah Dual Motor Offroad Electric Scooter $2639.20 Delivered @ Ride Hub


After yesterday's deal on the best sub-$2000 eScooter is a deal on this more high end scooter that normally sells for $3299 at Scooter Hut and other stores. This is excellent value compared to other $2600ish scooters like the $2599 Dragon Raptor Pro 58V 23Ah as it offers a bigger battery, more range, more power and better tyres.

I've rode the Wolff Warrior X Plus a few times myself and the stability and control is hands down the best I've tried simply because it's dual stem at the front instead of single stem. The 60V 21Ah battery provides a lot more power and range over 36V/48V/58V scooters and the 10" x 3" all terrain tyres are great for both road and offroad riding. Plus if you're into RGB the underdeck lightstrips can be smart phone controlled.

Featuring a restricted legal speed limit of 25km/h, an unrestricted (private use) speed limit of 70km/h, 3 power modes, max range of 70km on a single charge, front & rear 1100W motors, front & rear hydraulic brakes, front & rear suspension, two bright front headlights, dual charging ports and suitable for riders up to 120kg.

The coupon is supposed to be for Zip Pay only, however it seems to work for Credit Card and Afterpay.

  • Apply the coupon ZIPFEST20 at checkout

Free delivery nationwide and offer ends Sept 18.

Please note: Electric Scooters aren't legal in NSW, VIC and SA for public use. Electric Scooters are legal in WA, QLD and TAS when the speed is restricted to 25km/h. Always wear protective equipment.

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  • +2

    Scooter bingo before the unlucky Sydney and Melbourne residents rock up.

  • +1

    Jeebus thats a motorcycle.

    I have a Xiaomi Pro 2 and had a go of one of these - felt like i was riding a R1200GS BMW, just with bicycle brakes and no safety gear.

  • Two 1100 W restricted to 25km/h. Yep, makes perfect sense.

    • A 1100W motor isn't stuck at 1100W. The speed modes are essentially restricting how much power can go to the motor. You could go into the P settings and change the power level for each speed mode if you wanted higher or lower. Plus I wouldn't ride in dual mode all the time unless I was on a hill.

      I personally restrict my scooter to only go up to 40km so I'm not tempted to go dangerous speeds. Easy to switch it back to 25km/h for public roads.

      • where do you legally use the 40km/h mode?

        • +2

          Private property. I have access to about 200ha to ride.

      • Cyclists on non-electric bikes are restricted to around 400 W roughly (their heart). That's just one motor.
        "If you apply 400 watts of power, you will ride at groundspeed velocity 43.35 km/h."

        With this scooter:
        "If you apply 2200 watts of power, you will ride at groundspeed velocity 78.87 km/h."

        • Hence the unrestricted speed limit is about 70km/h when both motors are running at peak. You'd be crazy to ever go that fast.

          • -1

            @Clear: I saw people doing it many times… Usually wearing full face motorcycle helmet and protection. Does not protect people they collide into. You are right, crazy.
            I just do not understand why this excess power is needed if everyone is claiming to ride legally.

            • @Musiclover: Off-road use is the primary reason. Sure it can go 70km/h on a flat surface but how about up a hill or a dirt track up a hill? Some of the hills I've tackled I can't go anymore than 30km/h up.

              Thats also one of the main reasons for dual motor. Handles hills better than single motor.

            • @Musiclover: Well i find the car drivers in the 50 zone get cranky when I did 25, but 40+ seems to keep them happy

      • I tried doing some research and it seemed like riding on dual motor should not drain battery any sooner as each motor needs to do less work to maintain a speed vs a single motor having to work harder. Also, longevity of motors. Keen to hear opinions and views with reasoning.

        • Nup, it certainly chews thru the battery.

          Of course dual motor is required for a half decent hill (anything over 6-8° (~ 10-12%) and over 50m long. Although it depends on your Weight too.

          But with mine, I get ~30km in dual or ~40km on single. The dual motor accelerates quicker and will increase your top speed. So that's where the battery power goes.

  • These are getting ridiculous. People pay whatever price these days. Just look at the iPhone and Galaxy prices. Don't even get me started on houses. We will convince ourselves to pay whatever prices these days.

    • Parts aren't cheap so this is a very reasonable price. Especially when Scooter Hut have rights over the Kaabo brand so getting any of their models cheap almost never happens.

      I'm happy to see better alternatives ☺️

    • +2

      You have no idea what you're talking about. This is not comparable to a $700 ninebot.

      • +1

        I'm talking about how much we are willing to pay for goods generally in Australia. In economic terms our willingness to pay (which is basically the market price determinant) is so much higher than the rest of the world. We are happy to pay more for everything compared to other nations.

        • -1

          How much are they overseas, why cant you just import and sell for a profit to take advantage?

        • +2

          Honestly I agree.

          Looking at phone prices makes my eyes water, we seemed to have casually slipped from $1k+ to $2k+ like it was no big deal.

    • +2

      Debt, dipping into superannuation, little consideration for the future / investing, 'I must have it now', self entitlement, etc.

      House ownership is heading towards have and have nots, quickly. In other words you own one house or many, or you have no chance. The no chance people will be spenders and renters, the difference is they won't care. Just let them consume here and now!!

  • Only people who haven’t ridden an escooter think that 70km/h is fast. I can cruise along at 60km/h all day and it feels like walking. I will admit I have ridden motorbikes for years however.

    • How do you do 60kmh all day without recharging?

      • Sorry I meant, I could do 60km/h all day if I was allowed and the scooter could do it.

    • -1

      Until you come off without proper road riding gear. I'm yet to see 1 scooter rider with anything but a bike helmet and regular clothes. Many have no helmet and shorts and t-shirt.

      Cool story though hero.

      • Until you come off without proper road riding gear.

        The same can be said of a bicycle.

        I'm yet to see 1 scooter rider with anything but a bike helmet and regular clothes. Many have no helmet and shorts and t-shirt.

        Darwin's evolution helps with that.

      • Yeah mate, I actually know how to ride.

        Have ridden motorbikes for 25 years, can snowboard confidently down blacks, skateboard and ride a push scooter very, very, well at an average speed of 18km/h for about 5km (feel free to give it a go).

        I am also stronger than most people, with all of my lifts being in the top 90% for my age (40+). This makes me very agile.

        I’m not planning on coming off and if I do I’ll wear it. But considering I’ve never had any serious accidents so far odds are ok.

        Not everyone is you, incase you didn’t realise.

        • That's a lot of unnecessary information to share with strangers on the internet 😅

          The point is valid, 70km/h without protective gear suited to that speed is dangerous regardless of your skill.

          Any experienced riders that see someone wearing thongs and a singlet doing >120km/h down the motorway don't think "wow he must be a good rider" they think "that kids got a death wish"

          • @TheFlyingCoder: Haha yeah 😂 I just hate the stigma. Scooters are a viable mode of transport. I ride mine daily multiple times a day.

            I never said I don’t wear gear, always covered head to toe. Otherwise 10km/h.

            I agree most people don’t value their own safety. Becoming a competent rider takes a brain and years of practice.

          • @TheFlyingCoder: To be fair he might be wearing full leathers at 60

        • The only relevant point you made here is that you'll wear it if/when you come off the scooter. Saying that you wear gear sounds like a logical thing to do too. I remember when I went through rider school the instructor said - "Think you don't have to wear gloves when riding? Everyone puts their hands down instinctively when coming off a bike, who's going to wipe your ass for you when your lose all the skin off them?"

  • stopping climate change one escooter at a time!!!

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