It's tax time, so I thought I may ask the wisdom of tax savvy Ozbargainers. I came across this problem when doing my tax return this year.
I sold some shares early this year. A few week later, I used the money I made from the sale to reinvest in shares of other companies. In other words, the money never left my trading account as I didn't cash out.
During my tax return, it appears that ATO ask me to declare the sale for tax purposes. Is this accurate?
I understand the sale may have trigger a CGT event but I thought I only need to declare it when cashing out the profits, e.g transfer money to cash/saving account.
Every time you sell, regardless of whether you cash out, you trigger a CGT (or loss) event. Discounts etc are then applied based on time owned.
So yes, you must declare them all.
The exception is if you run a business as a trader.…