Can I Remove Lime and Neuron Scooters from The Front of My House?

Every weekend there are 3 or 4 of these hideously toxic green or orange scooters just dumped out the front of my house? Often they're strewn across the sidewalk blocking and I have to move them anyway. I'm thinking of just taking them throwing them on the back of my tray and taking them to the tip because they sometimes just sit there for days.

Considering they are just technically just dumped on public property would anything happen if I did do this? Thinking of even just putting them in my shed and charging Uber to get them back like a true bargainer.


  • +7

    … just dumped out the front of my house?

    Unless they're on your property, you can't do anything other than complain to the council or call the company to pick them up (but you can't do shit if they don't pick it up).

    I thought those scooters were geofenced and not supposed to work outside the MCC "trial" area.

    Considering they are just technically just dumped on public property would anything happen if I did do this?

    They're not dumped. They're someone's property. They're GPS tracked and if a few are tracked to your garage, you might get a knock on the door from the cops.
    I don't like how they do that, but imagine you parked your car outside someone else's property (legally) and someone towed it to the dump?

    • +2

      I already reported it to the council who said to contact the company, who don't respond so it's pretty annoying. I was doing that for four weekends in a row and now I can't keep spending time trying to get them removed when the companies don't care. They just get picked up when they get picked up or are taken by someone else.

      Because I live near the end of a geofence its particularly bad. There's always heaps just dumped in a nearby park where the geofence does end.

      Yeh I really wonder what the legal obligations are? Maybe it's easier to just throw them into the river until the media gets outraged enough they get banned again lol

      • +8

        These schemes seem to be so difficult to make work here because so many people don't respect others' property. I dare say that things would be much better if they did a trial where people can participate by BYO'ing their own scooters. Noone will be dumping them all over the place.

        But then, that won't happen because council doesn't get paid kickbacks.

        • +7

          many people don't respect others' property.

          The owner's don't respect their own property. If you own something you have a duty of care for it and the way it affects others. OP said he contacted the company over 4 weeks and they don't care. Obviously the company has done their accounting and have factored losing bikes and pissing people off in how they get to their bottom line. I hope they fail and are replaced with a company that does care.

          • +1

            @fantombloo: OP says that he's contacting them each weekend - so it sounds like they're "new" scooters every weekend.

            • @bobbified: Yep the scooters do get picked up sooner or later or taken by other riders, but regularly enough they will sit there for 72 hours, fallen over, blocking pathways, etc.

              Every weekend is a new lot of strewn scooters.

        • +5

          How would a “byo scooter” system work exactly??

          • @87percent: I would say the same way that people ride bicycles? The aim of it all is to trial the new ways of travelling, not to trial the viability of a company.

            It'll rule out a lot of those accidents where people have decided to do something stupid "just because" those scooters happen to be there. The injury rate would likely be a lot lower

      • The council won't do anything unless it has become their problem.

        Problems like someone kept knocking those bikes onto the streets and causing traffic problems. Or the bike is parked / fell on the footpath in a chaotic ways that annoys local people/cyclists.

        I always wonder what would happen if the barcode on the bikes can't be scanned and no one can ride them.

      • I wonder what would be done if they were on the side of the road and deemed to be hazardous…..

      • +1

        You're actually in a great situation. You can get paid for charging them. If you have solar, you can charge a bunch every day for free and get paid for it, but not have to drive around picking them up like other people would who want to charge them.

        • That's a clever idea. I would much prefer to just give the company a fine they can pay to get them back. $5 to enter my property for each scooter.

          • @shruglord: I don't think you can do that. You put them back when they're finished charging. If you take them and don't put them back, that's theft.

          • +1

            @shruglord: $5 isn't going to get their attention tell them you are not a storage facility and it's $100 a day per scooter on your property

      • +1

        Don't throw them in the river - not great for environment.

        But dumping them at the tip is probably a good idea

        • Harvest the valuable batteries and electric motor first.

    • +11

      but imagine you parked your car outside someone else's property

      Bit different mate.

      A car is legally parked on the road in a spot.

      These are just thrown across the footpath.

      It would be akin to people randomly parking their cars on the driveway, blocking it, and the footpath.

      • -3

        The point is, the scooters are legally allowed on the footpath as part of this program. And yes, scooters on the footpaths do make things inconvenient for some people, but so do cars that are parked on the road.

        • +14

          You'd be pretty pissed off you were in a wheelchair and the footpath was blocked by these things.

          Where does it say they can just be thrown on the footpath, blocking pedestrians and disabled people?

          Genuinely curious.

          • @coffeeinmyveins: They're allowed to be parked on the footpath, but obviously meant to be parked in a manner that is blocking the footpath.

            (I'm in no way defending how they're used. I live in the middle of the CBD as well and I constantly have to walk around them on the footpath too).

            • +1


              must park an e-scooter in accordance with council and operator requirements :
              in an upright position on the kerbside, in a manner that does not obstruct the footpath for pedestrians

              Yeah so you've just proved my point. They are parked illegally.

              Your analogy of cars being parked on the road is the same as if the car parked in the middle of the street blocking traffic

              Op should report to council but tbh I'd just bin them if it kept happening outside my property

              (I'm in no way defending how they're used. I live in the middle of the CBD as well and I constantly have to walk around them on the footpath too).

              Fair enough. I guess people are just assholes but that's no surprise . Same thing with shopping trolleys

              • +1

                @coffeeinmyveins: If a car is parked blocking traffic or illegally, you wouldn't go and tow the car away to the tip yourself . You would call the police or council to get it removed. And if they don't do shit about it, you still can't just go and destroy it because it's someone's property.

                It wouldn't be worth a theft or destruction of property charge.

                Like OP said, I find that they're often all over the place after Friday/Saturday nights - most likely after all the drunkards have used them.

    • +4

      I don’t agree with taking it to the dump but these companies are taking the piss. Council says “not our problem” and the company doesn’t do anything. They shouldn’t be blocking pathways, and they do. They are heavy if not impossible to lift for some people eg elderly, mums with recent caesareans, wheelchair users. If the business model can’t ensure users will park them responsibly, it’s not an okay business to be running in public space.

    • you can't do anything

      Of you course you can do something. You can pick them up and move them somewhere else.

      Who is going to stop or report you?

  • +5

    Don't bother calling the council. As a working class person in the progressive state of Victoria, your role is to keep quiet and cop whatever big corporations expect for their bottom line. If it's between your rights and the government's corporate partners, you'll lose every single time.

    Just kick them off the footpath. Alternatively, gather them up and dump them on government property, ideally whatever department is responsible for approving these bikes. See how supportive they are when the consequences of their policies actually start to impact them.

    • +5

      If someone would organize an e-scooter monday, where everyone just ride all the escooters in CBD to Melbourne Townhall, and park right in front of it. It would be amazing.

  • +2

    Wrap them in foil then put them in your shed.

    • +1

      or on Gumtree… lol

      • +1

        Wait a few weeks and then onto gummy

        • +1

          Spray them up in a new colour first. Then sell it as a new high tech test scooter with better shit on it.

  • +1

    Just give those scooters a free ride in your trailer towards the Yarra. Worked great last time!

  • Don't these companies employ people to pick up their scooters for them? This is an opportunity for both you and them. Since you are at the edge of their geofence, offer to collect them for them, and store them safely, for a fee of course.

  • When you pick them up without payment they state they will call law enforcement haha. I assume it’s bs

  • Do not put them in your shed as they have a GPS tracker on them.

    • +3

      That's why you wrap them in foil first.

  • +3

    Take a ride on one some time. They are quite fun to ride. Afterwards you may not hate them so much and can just turn a blind eye. You obviously have a neighbour that regularly uses them to get home.

  • +1

    As you’ve pointed out, they’ll keep turning up so anything you do I’ll likely be futile. Having said that, keep reporting to council/company. If thyre ‘trialling’ these thing all reported incidents will be taken into account. Don’t report unless they re actually obstructing the path or unless there are too many and not getting collected or charged.

    You can’t take them to the tip, but if you are going to the effort of picking them up there’s not much stopping you from taking them to another less annoying (for you) public space.

  • +13

    You see problem, I see free Lithium Battery packs.

    ps: If it ain't right, do it at night.

  • +5

    Nothing like environmentally friendly bikes causing mass pollution of metals and lithium batteries.

    • +1

      Diesel pickup trucks win a for a country mile in the pollution race.

      • Planes do.. they still use leaded fuel.. bad luck if you live next to an airport.

        • That's why dwellings nearby airports are cheaper.

  • Isn't there a huge legal liability with them being left around? Like if a child tried to stand on it and fell on their face or if someone tripped over it and hurt themselves.

  • +1

    Lets screw with others hat on:

    Sell them on gumtree.

    Trip on them and sue the company/council. The more trips, the merrier.

    Bust them apart and recycle the parts.

    As a kid I thought quicksand would be a bigger issue. Maybe installing quicksand outside your property. Not only would it deal with the infringing scooters, it could also deal with the misguided scooter rider.

    Start a scooter fight club. Grab a tripped over scooter and everyone gets together to pit scooter against scooter in a fight to the death… or at least, until their battery goes flat.

    There are always eneloops. Get an eneloop projectile weapon that shoots when it detects an infringing rider. If the police won't deal with them, you can make your own charge… get it? I really hope not. ok, I'm obviously too tired. Bed time.

    • +2

      I like the idea of creating a scooter jousting tournament in my backyard. First to break their collar bone loses.

      • +1

        Oh man, I didn't even think of jousting….

  • +2

    Time to invest in a cordless angle grinder.

  • I'd take them all and throw them over the fence into the council carpark. Specifically, in the gate area, so they struggle to open it.

    Make it their problem.

    • +1

      I don't live too far from the town hall so this probably isn't a bad idea.

  • +3

    It's 'footpath' not 'sidewalk'.

  • Honestly, even though it’s annoying and the owners are irresponsible, you’ve stated that you’ve been complaining continuously for weeks and it’s an edge of the geofence.

    If you’re talking about just a couple of them, I’d pay the $5 and ride them somewhere else🤷‍♂️ Least malicious option.

    • That's not a very ozbargain approach haha

  • +1

    Have you tried using the app Snap, Send, Solve to get Lime or Neuron to pick them up?

    • +2

      I've tried that but honestly it takes too long to be resolved and happens every weekend. I end up spending 10-15 minutes moving these things out of the way every Saturday and Sunday morning.

      • That sucks. I'd get annoyed and upload a photo everyday. Make it their problem every single day. lol. Good luck.

  • +2

    Wait until garbo night, then drop them into the wheelie bins!!!!

  • Thinking of even just putting them in my shed

    That will be theft. Get your prefer criminal lawyer phone number handy.

    Will you take that caravan/car/bins "dumped in front of your house" too?

    It is just amazing how intolerant and possessive (in the wrong way) some inhabitants of suburbia are.

    Public spaces means "spaces for the public".

    • +1

      So I can just take a dump on the footpath if I so please? It's a space for the public to do whatever they want right?

      • Yes you can but "indecency laws" and what else will deter to do it. Expect a fine or worse.

        Dogs do poop on footpaths. Ain't new.

        • Pretty sure if your dog poops on the side walk you're required to clean up after your own pet.

          Why shouldn't bike companies be required to clean up after themselves? They're leaving dangerous metal contraptions piled up in the middle of residential sidewalks. How many children are going to get hurt before the council balls up and steps in?

          • @SlavOz:

            Why shouldn't bike companies be required to clean up after themselves?

            Actually they do collect and look after their bikes. Eventually.

            Yes I agree with you they could do better, a lot better, but it is up to the users to "park" the bike they have just used in a proper place.
            No, it is not happening.
            It is a matter a education and civility. Both rare as hen's teeth …

    • +5

      Public spaces means "spaces for the public".

      You do understand that one of my objections here is that these scooters that are owned by a multi-national corporation to make a profit are blocking spaces for the public right? I have to move them so people can use the footpath at the front of my house.

      These aren't public property. By your logic Telstra could just install a telephone booth on the footpath and it's okay because it's a "public space for the public"

      • -1

        By your logic Telstra could just install a telephone booth on the footpath and it's okay because it's a "public space for the public"

        Which they do install Payphones on or nearby footpaths.

        Also nasty local councils install annoying Bus stops on or nearby footpaths attracting hordes of strange people that suddenly go away … and another different bunch sudddenly appear just to walk away …

        Annoying as it is local councils approve those scooters that are owned by a multi-national corporation to make a profit because local councils themselves make a profit from them too.

  • I don't think they actually have GPS trackers In them.
    It relys on The person using The bike or scooter, to have Their Location on in the App which then shows the other people where they are located once they have finished their ride.

    If you do "take them to the dump ", They will still show up in the app as outside your house.
    Can you just simply just move them up the road close by ?

    • Yep, they do 🤷‍♂️ They don’t have a camera, but I imagine the company might report the theft and police might chase op using public CCTV

  • +1

    Just move them a couple metres onto the road, make it the councils problem.

  • Dump it in the councils rubbish bin, after a while they'll probably get the hint as no way in hell I'd pay if I had to touch a bin scooter

  • +2

    Surprises me how many people seem to use this public space BS defence. Love to see your reaction if the same thing happened to you. Whether it’s share bikes, scooters or trolleys, these multi nationals intentionally do not care about individual concerns. Councils are p1ss and useless. OPs done the right thing, made calls, been patient and he doesn’t have many options left. Carve ‘‘em up,and bin them.

    Probably only cost $2.00 to make in China anyway.

  • I'm pretty sure the companies paid a fee to use the council's property. The footpath doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the council.

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