I had no idea that this existed until I stumbled across it on the eBay sales page. As it's older than 6 months thought it qualified for a repost so as to remind fellow OzBargainers about it! Full credit goes to TA and previous posters for the title and description. You price match from retailers like Officeworks and Amazon!
Full list of qualifying online stores here
We’re so confident in our seller’s prices that if you buy on eBay and then find it cheaper on an approved retailer's website, we’ll beat it by 5%. That’s our guarantee. Available on all new, fixed price items.
Found it for less within 48 hours? Claiming is quick and easy:
- Make sure you have your item ID from your eBay purchase (found in your order confirmation) and a link to the identical item on the Approved Retailer's website.
- Chat to or call our customer service team and they’ll check the Approved Retailer's website and our T&Cs to ensure the product is eligible.
- If approved, we’ll give you a voucher to spend on eBay. The voucher amount will be the difference in price + 5% off the online retail website's price*. Happy shopping!
- *Max discount $150, claim limits apply.
Which online retail websites does the eBay Best Price Guarantee apply to?
- The Best Price Guarantee covers over 120 of Australia’s top retailers. See details of approved online retail websites here.
What does Best Price Guarantee cover?
- You are covered for the difference between the price you paid on eBay (including shipping costs), and the price of an identical product (including shipping costs) on an approved online retail website + 5% off the online retail website's price. For example, if you purchase a product for $100 on eBay and find it on a online retail website for $90, customer service will issue you a voucher for the difference in price ($10) + 5% of the online retail website's price (5% of $90 is $4.50). So the total voucher value will be $14.50.
Are shipping costs included in the eBay Best Price Guarantee?
- Yes. We compare the full transaction cost including shipping on eBay.com.au and the online retail website in order to determine if a Best Price Guarantee is warranted.
How does eBay reimburse me if I find an identical item for less on an approved online retail website?
- If eBay’s customer service agent can confirm the difference in prices, eBay will provide you with a voucher. Upon confirmation, you’ll be issued with a voucher that can be used towards your next eBay purchase. Vouchers will expire within 90 days. eBay reserves the right to cancel them in the event that a purchase is cancelled or returned. eBay also reserves the right to deny claims in the event of buyer abuse/fraud and seller abuse/fraud.
Does the guarantee apply to the listing price or the price I actually paid for the Eligible Product?
- Our guarantee applies to the price that you actually paid for the Eligible Product (including shipping costs) after applying any valid voucher, coupon, discount code or credit. If, for example, the Eligible Product was listed for $100 on eBay, but you paid $80 after applying a discount code, the price on the Approved Retailer’s website must be less than $80 for you to be eligible for a price difference voucher.
Who does this offer apply to?
- This offer only applies to all eBay users who have an Australian shipping address and have purchased a new, fixed price product on eBay.
What happens if an item is returned?
- If you decide to return the item, you’ll be refunded the purchase price minus the refunded amount subject to this offer.
Is there a maximum voucher amount that I can claim?
- Vouchers are capped at $150 per claim and there is a Claim Limit of 1 per day and 10 per month.
Enjoy and hopefully, it helped to remind a few people!
Lol eBay is doing a Bunnings