According to appshopper price drop from $2.99 to free.
iphone version
According to appshopper price drop from $2.99 to free.
iphone version
I am Jack's musical ineptitude.
Thanks for post. I installed it on my iPad (new/3) and sounds pretty good. Only issue is it lags a little bit, which, for the musicians, is a bit annoying. Perhaps this will be fixed in subsequent releases. Good to get now while it is free.
Does installing it on the iPhone automatically allows you to get the iPad version? (same itunes acc)
You can use your itune to buy it no matter you have ipad or not.
We can use this one to study playing piano?
Not a bargain, but there are a few more serious music apps for the iphone, including ones developed by Wallander Instruments (used for serious 'orchestral mockups' for games, lower budget TV/Film). Here is Jordan Rudess playing one of them:…
The woodwind quartet at the end is interesting…
I'm jealous as I don't have an iphone…
So you said free is not a bargain.
Correct, as this should never be any more than 'free'.
This App usually hovers between $2 and $3. Now it's free. That makes it a bargain. Whether anyone likes the App or not is irrelevant.
I think Architectonic said that the apps he was referring to were not a bargain (because those apps were not on sale). He wasnt saying that the Real Piano app wasn't a bargain.
thanks, but its not free anymore :-(
I am Julie's piano…. I am Julie's pianooooooo