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Cuckoo HP Electric Pressure Rice Cooker CRP-P1009S $279.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Reqd)



The Cuckoo Rice Pressure Cooker allows you to cook up to 10 cups of rice. Enough to feed a hungry family with plenty of leftovers. The CRP-P1009S comes with voice guide function in English, Chinese and Korean making your cooking easy and faultless.

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Costco Wholesale

closed Comments

  • +1

    Is it pink? It looks like white.

  • +1

    Getting one and try.
    P.S. What's the best place to donate/recycle my old rice cooker? (Don't think it can be sold in Gumtree etc anyway)

    • Salvos?

  • -1

    What is HP in this context? (Presumably, as opposed to IH - induction heating)

    • +1

      high pressure

      • -1

        Not saying that you are wrong, but Cuckoo High Pressure Electric Pressure Rice Cooker is a bit redundant…

        • On the CUCKOO Au site it's like as "Pressure Rice Cooker 10 Cups CRP-P1009S (Brown)"

          They can call it whatever they want, just look at the model number instead.

          • @mrderrickc: Yep, sure.

            My question was about the listing on CostCo, and why they have written HP. Which, assuming you are correct that it means high pressure (which I'm pretty sure you are!), is clearly redundant.

            All I am saying is that the HP (listed by CostCo) is redundant. Which it is.

            This conversation is redundant.

            Let me rephrase my comment: "If HP means high pressure, why write that in the description of the product when it already says pressure cooker? That is redundant, CostCo."

            • -1

              @caprimulgus: First world problem.

              • -1

                @froddoog: You're commenting on a deal for $280 rice cooker…thanks captain obvious.

                • -1

                  @caprimulgus: I’m just commenting on your comment about whatever the retailer is naming the products. Which is nitpicking on something unnecessarily. 🤷🏽

                  I mean it’s a good rice cooker (period)

                  • @froddoog: And your comment that my nitpick was redundant, after I had already said the whole arguement was redundant was…necessary?

                    Well done mate. Not all heroes wear capes.

                    (Ps. I have never claimed, nor implied, that it is not a good product. Simply pointed out that the naming convention used by CostCo is redundant, unless HP refers to something other than pressure…which was simply what I was seeking to confirm.)

                    • -1

                      @caprimulgus: wel…. you are the one comenting why costco list naming with "HP"

                      • @froddoog: Yep, but I'm not the one telling someone else their nitpicking is a first world problem.

                        So who is the complete hypocrite here? (Hint: it's you.)

                        Move on with your life.

  • Any stainless steel inner pot rice cooker recommendation, guys?

  • I have the aldi $59 rice cooker and its fantastic. Makes perfect rice every time including sushi rice. Hard to get though as they're sold in the first hour.

  • I've done a bit of googling but couldn't find a definite answer, when it says 10 cups is that 10 cooked cups or 10 dry cups?

    • +3

      It is common for it to be uncooked rice cups. I would be very surprised if it was not. Some cooking recipes may refer to cooked rice cups when making some dishes.

      Similarly to how a piece of 250g steak ordered, refers to the weight in an uncooked state.

    • +1

      Typically uncooked, for example scoop in 10 cups of uncooked rice, then it will have the markings inside the pot to indicate where to add water to for 10 cups.

  • +2

    Bought 1 back in June for the same price. It's 10 cups uncooked rice. The rice is nice and chewy if you follow the measurements. No burnt bottom, just perfectly cooked rice every time. Btw, my standard of perfect went up a notch after using this rice cooker. Good stuff.

    • If you're not using a rice cooker, then surely you're doing it in the microwave as the second best option ?
      It's impossible to burn the base, unless you're trying to do it on the stovetop (more work, worse results, madness).

  • no obligatory boyfriend comment?

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