iPhone Overtakes Android to Claim Majority of US Smartphone Market

It has now happened in the US, do you think the same will happen in Australia too? Or is this just a result of the trade war between US and China?


  • +3

    US market prefers iPhone. There’s a good reason to avoid.

    We are a mixed marriage - wife has 13 pro. I bought an S22U. We travel remotely a reasonable amount and with the same carrier my phone picks up signal in fringe areas much better that the iPhone. To to extent that she will use my hotspot to get internet when hers can’t pick up.

    Ironic that the base named use of the device is inferior.

    • -1

      Meanwhile I got Pixel 5 with 5G Boost mobile, and Missus complain about 11 Pro not having 5G, and I got better reception
      Sharing is caring….

    • So then stop using anything Microsoft, Android and Google itself, facebook and so on and so forth

  • +5

    Literally not sure what people are talking about when they say their Androids descended into a buggy mess. I currently have a Samsung Z Fold 4, Note 20 Ultra(2020), Tab S6+ (2019), S20+ (2020), Mom has S21 Ultra, gf has S22+. None of the devices have "descended" into any sort of mess despite number of years. I don't baby them I use them as anyone else.

    I can understand the buggy experience on certain brands like Xiaomi and Oppo because these companies only care about selling maximum number of devices, rather than maintaining quality of the devices over long term but Samsung devices have notably gotten really good since One UI 2.

    If you say your Samsung got buggy I'd like to see the evidence or a list of things that went wrong. It's just absurd to say that an operating system starts getting buggy simply from use.

    • They're talking about Google Pixel 6

      • -1

        No they're mentioning Samsungs. Wont be surprised if they're lying. Fanboy mentality can do that.

        • +1

          I use a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. These are my software issues:

          • S Pen gestures don't work. Samsung shop said that I have to do a factory reset to get it to work, which I haven't done yet as I am taking the time on backing up the photos on my phone before I do that.
          • Fingerprint sensor is straight up trash.
          • Day to day use is definitely slower than when it was new. It will probably get faster if I do a factory reset.
          • Bixby is not as good as Google Assistant and Siri when recognising speech.
          • If I go to bed and the the battery is less than 20%, the phone will undoubtedly reach 0% the next morning. I cannot figure out what drains my phone overnight with no use (doesn't happen during the day), so it's probably a hardware/battery issue.

          In contrast my mother's iPhone XS Max, which is an older phone, still feels snappy like the first day it was turned on, software issues are resolved by force closing apps/restarting the phone (factory reset not necessary) and face ID just works flawlessly. Oh the battery life is still great after 4 years of use.

          I am not a apple fanboy/samsung hater. In fact I was an android fanboy growing up, but now that iPhones are have reached parity with android in terms of features, I am not starting to lean towards Apple's camp. Happy to pay the premium for Apple devices as they don't tend to treat their customers as guinea pigs, when Apple releases a brand new feature/technology you can be sure it's going to work from day one (e.g. Face ID).

          • @nomadspartan: None of your quoted things is reflective of Android, you've just instead quoted a trash phone made by Samsung.

            For instance I have a Xperia XZ premium still going 100% battery life. I use it as a business phone and it is flawless. I don't need to rely on any software updates because it's constantly on a secure VPN and I have forked into 3rd party apps stores but could easily dive into the Google Play store for your usual apps.

            What am I missing? It's just a phone….that's now 5 years old.

          • -1


            S Pen gestures don't work

            OK I guess you have to do a factory reset. I have a Note 20 Ultra a phone 1 year newer to yours and my S Pen works like a charm.


            Literally not something you can complain about as a lifespan issue. Siri is also trash. At this point you are literally running out of valid points.


            Definitely a lifespan issue which can also affect iPhones. My Note 20 also had some battery drain so I wanted to get the battery replaced through Samsung Care but I just paid $130 and got a brand new phone. I used to leave my phone charging continuously on my wireless charger for hours now which must have destroyed the battery life I've stopped doing that and I use Battery Protection function now in Samsung settings. If you treated your battery like trash its not the manufacturers fault. Many of my friends iPhones had battery issues and then the infamous throttling (planned obsolescence) through software updates but they got the batteries replaced thanks to the massive class action against Apple.

            You failed to make any points about how the Android OS descended into a buggy mess. My argument stands.

    • +2

      My S22U has been basically flawless from the day I received it 5 months ago.
      My S9 had no problems in 4 years of use. That phone, while cared had an ‘interesting’ life
      Mind you
      My wife’s iPhone 13 pro hasn’t had any issues either.

    • Me neither… I got rid of my Nexus 6p only when I smashed the screen it so bad it couldn't be fixed.
      Only replaced my Pixel 2 XL (which still works, by the way), after I dropped it down into water and I couldn't wait for it to dry out to reboot safely (charging port was submerged).

      The only problems I have with my current Pixel 6 come from the software, and these are due to shortcomings on developers' parts, as opposed to problems with the phone.

      • Pixel 6 is known to have a buggy experience over time. I really don't know why. But I expect these issues to be fixed in the 7.

  • I thought Apple had always been ahead in the US and also here. Android dominant in many other countries.

  • +4

    Apple has been the majority market share in first world countries like Australia, Canada, UK, etc for at least the past 8 years. To consumers here, paying $1,000 for a phone every couple years is normal, since the average salary is above $75,000. In countries like Indonesia and Brazil where the average salary is much lower, obviously Android phones are way more lucrative.

    • +1

      Thanks Steve!

  • +1

    For me, my main reason to stay with android (currently have Z Fold 3) is the ability to link my window laptop to the phone to make call call or send sms. It is near impossible to do with iphone unless you have Mac and unfortunately, I am a window guy tho. Both os has pro and con but gotta admin, iOS is a lot more simple when it comes to UI.

  • +1

    Yes Apple phones are generally more expensive. Especially if you like upgrade a lot. But the resell is quite good and also, for me personally, I don't really care about latest and greatest unless its a completely new shape. So while its initially expensive, you probably can get away with not buying another phone for 4+ years and still get constant updates for many more years after that.

  • -1

    The Apple Fan boys on this forum are starting to get annoying

    • +1

      apple and tesla fan boiz have a lot in common

    • What exactly do you perceive as fanboyism? Is anyone saying anything that's wrong?

      • +1

        When people like a product that isn't priced at its raw materials.

        • +1

          If a good or service is sold at the cost of raw materials, what company would bother providing that good or service? Do you think the farmers who grow your fruits and vegetables sell them to the markets at cost price? By your definition, people who like to eat food are fanboyism as I guarantee every food or drink you buy from store has a profit margin added on top

    • +2

      Seems to me mainly anti Apple people posting on forums these days. They really need to let us know how much smarter they are because everyone wants to tinker with their devices, and having an ecosystem that just works with minimal fuss has no value.

      • I don't know about other people.

        To me it's not that it just works with minimal fuss. It's the fact that you have to buy into the whole ecosystem, which makes zero effort to be compatible with other ecosystems, for a premium amount of money, in order for stuff to work with minimal fuss, that pisses me off.

        Also, this is probably just my circle (but widespread enough that most of you probably know similar people), but you'd be surprised at the number of people I talk to who want iPhones only because of the perceived "premium" branding.

  • From my understanding, Android is a operating system like iOS?
    To say iPhone vs Android needs to clarify more. As there's many brands and models with different hardware running android.

  • 13 generations and finally a marvel. Hope the gen 14 will keep the spirit!

  • Its cause Huawei got banned if not it would have killed Apple off.

    • +1

      They were good phones but I don't think they were anywhere near killing off Apple.

      • Haha yeha I had to exaggerate. But honestly they were great competitors

        • Indeed. Improvement and innovation usually come after fierce competition. But there hasn't been any innovation in mobile phone develpment for years.

          • +2

            @BendBridge: I think the main innovation that'll come from mobile phones in the coming years is more on the software side. You can't keep cramming more cameras into a phone and call it "innovation" without it getting boring fast.

            Gone are the years when a new iPhone release was actually exciting, e.g. the move from low resolution screens to high DPI displays, higher quality cameras.

            • +1

              @Ghost47: It's been relatively stagnant for years except for maybe foldables. I've opted to buy the previous year's flagship and saved a lot of money.

  • +1

    The new iPhone 14 is going to be announced soon! It's going to come in a Rainbow colour….. that's a Gamechanger!!!! That my friend is phone innovation….

    • +3

      "It's the first phone in rainbow, and we think you're going to love it."

      • They wont reveal the rainbow colour before saying "One more thing" and then people go crazy at the innovation.

    • +1

      And they will sell a billion more iPhones because of that rainbow colour. Say what you want about Apple - who else can make such a minor 'improvement' and increase their sales 100x? Props to them.

  • +3

    I used to be a die-hard android fan (and still kind of am), but it feels like in recent years, the brands I was buying android devices from died off, leaving us with only the big players. Pair this with android slowly becoming more locked down and it feels like they're slowly turning into iPhones. Conversely, each update to iOS slowly makes it more like android. It's like we're reaching a phone OS singularity.

    • I agree to a degree. There's still some small players but I feel that most Android phones have a con of some form.

      I really dislike that they keep removing useful features that made them unique - I'm thinking IR blaster, 3.5mm jack, expandable storage, separate camera button, removable battery.

      • +2

        I'm glad someone mentioned the IR blaster, that feature was kick ass, especially when the TV remote was always misplaced.

        • I still use the IR blaster on my Xiaomi mi 11 ultra when i misplaced the tv remote. It's very handy

  • +1

    I'll try an iPhone if they let me install real Firefox like on Android, and let me have a headphone jack (no dongles).
    They've already caught up with 120hz screens now right? (If not, that's another requirement).
    Oh and a USB-C port

  • +9

    I increasingly don't care any more. Used to be a rabid Android fanboy. Custom roms, etc. Couldn't be arsed doing that these days.

    I have an old Nokia 5.3, I would have no incentive to replace it except that an update over a year ago caused the phone to periodically drop wifi and bluetooth connections. When I saw the recent deal for the Iphone XE I was almost tempted to pick it up.

    I agree with the above posters that flagship Androids lessened their appeal by adopting the worst aspects of Apple phones - getting rid of the headphone jack, user serviceable batteries and sd card slots. On the other hand, non-flagship Androids are a bit of a crapshoot and are frequently rough around the edges.

    Apple phones are certainly better these days. It amazes me that people bought them during the iphone 5 days as back then they were slightly warmed over crap. If Aussies kept buying them then then they are not going to stop now.

    Phones bore me these days, so I am thinking to buy a Fairphone or some other long term sustainable option, as I dont see the incentive to keep changing them every three-odd years.

  • -4

    Google should discontinue Android, as everyone is moving to iPhone because they are so much more stable and Apple has an amazing ecosystem.

    • +1

      Sorry but this is bollocks. The reason why we're all bored of our phones is that 99% of the software for sale in this "amazing ecosytem" is crap. If there's one thing thats amazing about it, its the number of complete numpties who are willing to sink serious coin into Candy Crush microtransactions. Oh, and the sheer volume of absolute crap. I suppose thats amazing as well, in its own way.

    • +1

      Vidaa on hisense has a great ecosystem to, but with the sheer limited locked ecosystem you can see why people are screaming for Android on smart TV's now, and yes your smart TV has android built in, or vidda.

  • apple have started targeted the android market with there cheaper options - once they get a bigger screen - they take over the old grey market

  • +2

    Google/Android made the mistake of trying to be Apple/iPhone and lost.

    What once was a diverse, well priced, open platform is now a locked down expensive mess.

    You can't buy a high spec Android phone at a reasonable price, you're stuck at mid tier.

    You can't root easily without a massive fight with the OS to stop things breaking like Google Pay.

    All the stupid crap Apple did to hurt themselves like removing headphone jack/not including chargers was copied.

    The killer for me is Google trying to charge for their services. Aggressively pushing Google One and Youtube Music -

    Why would anyone go with Google/Android where you now have to pay and get none of the privacy?

  • The only thing apple has over android is the lidR feature, other then that, we have to include Asus, xiomai, wauwai, red magic, Lenovo, Motorola, oppo, LG, Samsung.

    Each company makes devices only because Google gave them licensing rights.(however if we are comparing pixel Vs apple then let me just laugh now 🙊)

    Imagine if apple did the same with their os(similar to how LG sells oled penels, not only limited to apple but all players of the market)but sadly apple likes to control the market.

  • +4

    Damn, got to this one too late, so doubt anyone will really see this.

    I think I've got a unique perspective as I carry both an iPhone 13 Pro Max and a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra on a daily basis and use both equally (one work, one personal).

    The way I see it is this - iOS has caught up to Android significantly in terms of features. On average, it is probably true that the iPhone is a better overall experience and it does most basic things better. However, using both at the same time, there are certain features on Android that I continue to be dumbfounded that Apple does not have.

    For me, there are four things that I will absolutely not switch to iOS fully until resolved:

    (i) T9 dialling - this is one of the most stupid missing features in iOS. In Android, if I want to call a "John", let's say, I'll just need to type "564" and usually that's enough to bring the right contacts on the screen. Yes, people who have never used this don't care and don't know what they are missing. I've been using this feature since 1999 on my dumb brick Nokia

    (ii) No number row on keyboard - again, this is just silly from Apple. Yes, they allow custom keyboards, but none of them can have the number row up the top. For a work phone where I type numbers a lot in messages, this is a dealbreaker having to go into the secondary buttons every time I want to type a number

    (iii) Inferior notifications systems - not having persistent notifications, not grouping notifications into apps, not grouping a series of messages together into one notification…etc. are all just more silly things from Apple. My Android phone is much more useful from the lockscreen because of its superior notification management

    (iv) Not opening up text messages to non-Apple computers. On Android, I can go to messages.google.com or whatever the address is on any device to text from my phone (e.g. whilst I'm at my desk on my computer). Can only do this on a Mac with Apple devices

    That being said, there are many reasons I like my Apple devices too. They are snappier, smoother, they run cooler, have nicer industrial design. It's tough because I want to love my iPhone because I do think it's a more refined product, but I always feel like I'm using a product someone else designed when I use my iPhone, on Android, I feel that it's something I customised - it's rougher around the edges, not as refined, not at smooth, but it follows my quirks and how I like to use my phone.

    Argh, and did I mention Lightning, again so stupid. I have a laptop that uses USB-C, an iPad that uses USB-C, headphones that use USB-C, even the god-darn apple watch charger plugs in with USB-C. Lightning is just such a waste of money. Anyway, that's my 2c.

  • I like Android because I can have an ftp server and a torrent client and upnp server in my pocket.

    Great for travelling.. Plus just freedom.. iOS too restricted. Note 10+ bought it EOL brand new for not a lot of money 2.5 years ago. Thinking s22 ultra as like the S pen

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