• expired

100% Crypto Back (as SG Coin) on eBay & AliExpress Purchases @ SocialGood App


100% crypto back is back.

From SocialGood email:

From this Sept. 2 until Oct. 31, 2022, the SocialGood App will bring back 100% Crypto Back rewards every time you shop, which was previously available from May 2021 to January 2022.

Every time you shop through the SocialGood App, you will earn back 100% of your purchased amount as Crypto Back rewards, up to $1,000 per purchase. There is no limit to the number of times that you can shop for this 100% campaign.

Be sure you are aware of the withdrawal fee and withdrawal limit (credit to Magicmannn) before making any purchase:

Referral Links

Referral: random (27)

Referee receives US$200 worth of SG after US$30 purchase within 30-days. Referrer receives US$200 worth of SG after referee satisfied referral requirements. (Usually US$50 worth each.)

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • Wohooo time to start shopping again

  • Damn I've been buying up things on Aliexp for no reason.

  • +1

    There is also a withdraw limit of $50 per month I believe

  • so at the end it’s around 70% cashback

  • +1

    Been on this one since the big referral promo at the start of the year.

    Still trying to decide whether its worth the KYC to sign up to one of the exchanges to cash out.

    Was due to buy about $500 worth of stuff on ebay though, may as well do it now

    Assume any coupon use would mean cashback gets denied?

  • +11

    I would exercise caution. I had thousands of dollars worth of SG due to previous promo like this. They made it near impossible to cash out and now it’s worth much much less.

  • Is the referral still $200?
    Shows $3 on the app

    • +9

      Probably the same thing.

      A year or so ago it was trading at $5… now around 10c and with staking (dilution), has nowhere to go but down.


      PITA to get it out. A piece of paper with "100% back" written on it has more value.


  • +5

    Not worth it, don't bother. By the time it's time to withdraw they will change the rules again. Only do it if you're going to shop anyway and you don't mind verifying your identity with a dodgy company for ~3% chance of getting a little bit of what they promise.

  • +1

    These guys still haven't allowed me to withdraw from the last promotion.

  • +10

    I've been following the activities of SG over the past few months. They've acted EXTREMELY dodgy. Please be wary.

    It's likely they'll follow the same strategy as they had earlier this year. What they had done was give everyone their rewards, lock up withdrawals, tank the price, and then hand out your cashback at a cost much lower than your original withdrawal return quote. A few users msgd on the SG telegram chat and were angered by coming out at a loss after the 35% withdrawal fee on their telegram app. Their messages were routinely deleted by admins.

    If you play their game correctly, you can come out on top though. Just check their discord to see how long withdrawals are taking for users, and try and avoid withdrawing immediately after having cashback confirmed.

    I have a feeling they've acted with horrible practices this year to compensate for their blunder in handing out 200USD referral bonuses. Now that, that's out of the water, hopefully more ethical practices can come about.

    I had ~1.8kUSD in value in SG originally, and it took over 6 months to claim it. And multiple cashback transactions were rejected or entirely disappeared. Some were pending, then re-appeared as another transaction, but this time with a lowered or nil cashback value. And after the value crashing, fees and all, I pocketed 180USD. Free money (yes, not really free!) , so little complaints

    • +8

      With that said, I recommend to just go into this with no expectations and don't buy anything you wouldn't originally buy

      • Best advice

  • Can you withdraw at all?

    • Read above, answer is can

    • +1

      Well at the moment you can't withdraw because AFTER the 30% Google fee for withdraw is charged, then the SG app throws an error and the withdraw stays marked as "pending payment".

      Happened to me yesterday, then I checked discord (too late!) and sure enough there's an apology message by SG admins warning people about the error. No one has had a successful withdrawal in last 2 days, all errored.

      SG admins say start a ticket, but lots of reports saying ticket isn't answered or answered with simply 'too bad'.

      So a massive warning here, trying to withdraw the measly 50USD [capped] per month may actually COST YOU REAL MONEY and leave you with a worthless IOU

      • +2

        Standars protocol for them. On average, expect 3-10 days before your withdrawal goes through. Sometimes longer. There's no way to know and it's ultimately a gamble lol. More often than not, you pocket some amount. Just don't expect any sort of ethics lol. Sometimes they make some fake excuse. More often than not, messages just get ignored or responded with a generic message and link to their FAQ. Play at your own risk

  • +2

    Probably better to play the lottery.
    After initial promo: by the time I could withdraw, they stopped direct withdrawals to exchange(introducing additional costs for you), then rejected my submitted withdrawal. Then they locked withdrawals for half a year. Value tanked, implemented max withdrawal limit. Then had to pay them to withdraw.
    Even after tanked valid they reduced withdrawal limit again.

  • SocialGood are rats. They basically scammed thousands of people by not letting them withdraw there referal & shopping bonuses.

    I only ended up spending more than I would have if I didn't get sucked in to there bonuses, seeing I was never sent the SG I was promised.

    If it's too good to be true it usually is.

  • +2

    This is little better than a Ponzi scheme. Crypto posts like this should be banned from the site.

  • It should be obvious to everyone that this is a complete scam. How can you possibly earn 100% cashback? Answer- you can't. Otherwise the selling business would be giving away things for free.

    • +2

      In fairness to OP, if you look back one year ago you'd see lots of ozbargain deals about 100% SG cashback and many people, myself included, we're able to successfully obtain 100% cashback. It was never sustainable but we extracted thousands of dollars from the deals before eventually the tipping point came in December 2021 where the sustainability faded and it's all turned south since

    • +1

      I don't think you understand how this works.

      Social Good created and held their own coins. Millions and millions of them.
      So they can absolutely give them away to you for free - they were simply created from thin air, and didn't cost anything.

      They do however have some value on the open market - ie other folks will buy them from you (in the hope of selling them at a profit).

      You spend $100 on eBay. Social Good give you $100 worth of their coin that they created (and which they hold gigantic reserves of).
      Voila. 100% cashback (which then drops in value quite a bit by the time you can actually get it into your hand).

      Otherwise the selling business would be giving away things for free.

      This is exactly what they're doing. Cos the "things" didn't cost them anything to create.

      • You have just described the Crypto market.

        Except for Tether that is linked to USD reserves…hahahaha…ah..love that joke!

        • +1

          You have just described the Crypto market.

          Yes, for the parts of the crypto market where the coin's creators minted all the coins.

          This description doesn't apply to proof-of-work coins like Bitcoin - there was no entity that created and owned all the coins back at the start…

  • Don’t know why they just make the cashback around 20% ongoing and they’ll keep customers. They get lots of activity during these promotions and then nothing as the percentage is too low to bother using them.

  • If you see anyone offering 40% cash back you should run away already… and this is 100%.. omg

    • I've used cashrewards and shopback with 40% at big w and liquor stores. I'm waiting for those deals again tbh!

  • DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME - This is a joke of a cashback site - tried to withdraw and their support had an endless queue of excuses to not grant the withdrawal.

  • +4

    This was once a good scheme, the changes as of 2022 have made it basically a pointless venture.

    • Restriction to $50USD per month withdrawal
    • The co-payment (30%?) to withdraw
    • The requirements around having a wallet with x coins in it (may not be implemented yet … ?)
    • Requirement to pay membership fee to join (may not be implemented yet … ?)

    The scheme was worked in 2021 - plenty of people made nice coin prior to the changes of course, but the original founders bled money propping the coin up with buybacks and was ultimately unsustainable

    Don't be fooled either. It's trading at 10c USD at the moment, but there is also a long way to the bottom of that pit. 100% cashback today could very well cost you money to get it out in a months time / as the coin slides further of course.

    • True but it doesn’t cost you anything to use it. If it costs too much to take out the profits then just don’t do it. I missed the boat and didn’t take mine out so I’m just going to wait until they make better changes. If it takes years so be it as it didn’t cost me anything in the first place.

      • +3

        You can get 2-5% cashback elsewhere. Not much, but still better than empty promises.

  • +1

    Here we go again.. They will take forever to approve this cashback, then increase withdrawal limit, then invent a hundred other ways not to let you withdraw your coins.

    • I tried withdrawing $50 worth of SG today, only to discover that they now require US$17 payment to do so! Which you must pay through Google Play. This is just pure scam.

  • This didn't go well last time - They paused withdrawals for like 5 months after they botched their referral bonus and everyone made duplicate accounts to refer themselves. When they did eventually restore withdrawals they put severe limits in place and required you to KYC through a dodgy looking service. The price of SG plummeted in that time, so your 100% cashback was lucky to be 10%.

  • +1

    I had 1k usd and couldn't withdraw it then when i could it was worth under 100usd and cost me $80 to get $100 out

    • Still, free $20? Some people here browsing for hours then travelling hours to get $5 saving.

      • +1

        Could have got 5% cashback and been way ahead. In time and money

  • My main hesitation is that to buy from Ebay (for example) you had to link using their app which seemed to provide them with your Ebay login details (unlike Shopback, Cashrewards, etc which just take you to the official Ebay app for the shopping).

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