I have been a happy customer with my Asus RT-AC68U for the past 5 years, but for the past few months, TPG NBN hasn't been playing well with my router. Every 10 days or so, my router fails to connect, seemingly a common occurrence with Asus routers (see https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2670250).
Have anyone faced the same issue, and have been able to resolve this? Tried all possible options including changing to Merlin firmware, changing VLAN ID, etc without much success. Most of the solutions that worked for other people seem to be rather serendipitous, since this issue seems to go away rather randomly after a router reboot, but not this for me.
I appeal to Ozb brain trust for any capable replacements to this router?
Possible Router Upgrades from Asus RT-AC68U

Last edited 01/09/2022 - 20:04 by 1 other user
Thanks, already on 386.07, this is the latest for my DSL version, didn't work though
He suggested downgrading, not upgrading the firmware. Try downgrading and see if it helps.
Changing the VLAN ID won't help since TPG set that. Swap to an IPoE ISP - Launtel, Aussie BB, Superloop.
Asus RT-AX86U, RT-AX3000 are good replacements.
This was what I was hoping to avoid, I am too happy with TPGs offer of 200/20 Mbps for $85 monthly. Figured a one time purchase of a router would an economical option
I think I would be safer avoiding the Asus family of routes altogether
I had the same problem and upgraded to a AC88-u - my AC68u functioned for about 6 years.
Like other users, moving to Merlin firmware extended its life and fixed some of the bugs it encountered.
Jump into the pro-sumer realm and explore Ubiquiti.
Modem/router in bridge mode + Edgerouter (ie. ER-X) + Ubiquiti AP x1/2/3
and you'll have a kick ass setup that will just be flawless and just work.Agreed, moved to a full Ubiquiti setup 2 years ago and haven't looked back since. That being said when I did have Asus (AC88U + AC86U Ai Mesh) it was rock solid and whenever I had sync issues was usually NBN related.
Just in case, once a week, I power cycle my NBN modem out of habit.
whirlpool thread is from 2017
And this issue still lurks around
You could try downgrading to an older firmware, assuming the router allows you to do. It's possible that there are some undocumented bugs in the later versions of Merlin or the stock ASUS firmware.
I'm currently using RT-AX88U with merlin ver 386.8 (august release) and haven't had any issues.