How to redeem the promotion
1. Go to
2. Add the tent to your cart and 'Proceed to Checkout' or have a look around the site, we have lots of outdoor gear at a great value
3. Enter your details and choose the payment option you prefer
4. Select the free shipping option
5. Done, your new tent will be shipped to you in one business day. We use Australia Post and we will provide you a tracking number
6. Enjoy your new tent and HAVE FUN!
51% Discount and Free Shipping on The Ferrino MTB, a Quality Light Hiking Tent

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which is only 23% off, and is still overpriced anyway…
not sure which cavity they pulled the 51% figure from…
51% Discount and Free Shipping
This is BS
Their normal price was $128, and not $199…
No reference to $199 at all, they just made that up to pull a shifty on Ozbargain…
Very misleading and deceptive conduct by this rep…
…and Shipping was always free anyway…
Not a good first post, no price in title and trying to pull a swifty on the percentage saved. If that doesn't deserve a NEG I'm not sure what does.
Hate scumbag businesses which try and pull scams like this
Now is the winter of our discount tent.
+vote for the poetic prose
I've heard/seen that joke dozens of times… and I still laugh every single time.
Very narrow for a 2 person tent - 135cm, considering tent angles in. I am 60cm wide without sleeping bag. Could top n tail. But definitely not 'spacious' as tagged!
Also, only single walled tent (insulated) - may be a problem with dripping condensation.Awkard - got caught out trying to shaft people
Rep should be sinbinned for thatI have a Ferrino tent and did a fair bit of research before buying one, they're good tents.
negged as well
Shame shame shame
Were I intent on a tent I'd probably neg, instead I'll +1 jv for detecting OP conduct as bent.
same shame…
I'm pretty sure the old "fake discount" trick is illegal, if anyone feel like reporting this mob to the Qld Office of Fair Trading.
Why reps don't get it? Everything you say will get checked and scrutinised so be careful with what you say and be honest!
untrustworthy company. if the rep isnt the owner, he should be sacked.
Back to normal price $128 not the $199 listed.
They didn't sell any during the fake sale anyway…
Stock count hasn't changed…
Hi everyone
my name is Rico and I am the owner of Adventure Friends. I'd like to apologize for this announcement. Even if it was done without my knowledge by a new and inexperienced agent I take full responsibility for it. The young poster was authorized to promote the Ferrino MTB at $97.50 for a limited time as we are overstocked, but I was not aware of any announcement on OZ Bargain (I actually didn't know this web site), and of course I was not aware of any RRP price change.
I remember the eager to please my boss during the early days of my first job and even if I cannot justify his actions I can at least understand them. What I cannot understand is his poor attempt to hide everything when it backfired, and I have to thank one of our existing customers for emailing me a link to this page.
I think that the minimum I can do is to offer all the OZ Bargains readers a true 51% discount. If you are interested, please use the coupon code K1T28F77T8U4I at check out when ordering this tent and you will get 51% off the current price, which is $62.72 delivered. Offer will expire the 17th of June.
This tent is a compact and lightweight entry model, ideal for 1 person plus bags or for two people, and it is designed for hiking and cycling trips in mild weather. We sold over 200 pieces so far and we had no return, so I can guarantee its quality. The RRP price on the Ferrino web site is Euro 102 (… ), and we never sold this tent for less than $100 in the past, even during sales, so I can also guarantee that this coupon code is a real bargain.
I hope that this promotion will help at least partially to clean our reputation. We've been around for few years now, and our customers know that we work hard to offer the best customer service and we always stand behind what we sell.
RicoKudos, sir.
Price in title please.