• expired

SAMSUNG 32" LCD TV - Series 4 - HD - $228.00 at Harvey Norman (Auburn & North Ryde)


Mate just rang me to tell me he just purchased a Samsung 32" LCD TV for just $228 at Harvey Norman Auburn. He said its a Series 4 and is HD - not FULL HD. They have one left at Auburn and I have been told there is also one left at North Ryde - other stores may have them as well. Must be a clearance model.

Here is a pic from the North Ryde Store:


Mod: edited title to include confirmed stores. Comments below seem to indicate that this deal is not Australia wide.

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Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • WOW - great buy!

  • +5

    Ask him to send you* a scan/picture of the receipt.

    *So that you can upload it here for us to see.

  • Was $298 at goodguys, if same model - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/71020

  • +6

    Why have you linked to a LG?

    • +10

      Samsung > LG

        • +18

          you sir are wrong. owned multiple of both. LG is shithouse. and thats the general consensus.

        • the more times you read "LG", the more foreign it sounds and becomes in your mind :o

          i read it like 10 times and than i was left wondering why i ever thought it was good

        • If only I read all this 2 years earlier… At least my LG has lasted that long.

        • +2

          There is no universe where LG even approaches Samsung quality and reliability much less is better. I would rather have no TV than pay "Lucky Goldstar" another penny. I've had it with their rubbish misrepresented products.

          But hey don't take my word for it.

          Their fridges straight from ACCC http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/947285

          Their washing machines http://www.smartcompany.com.au/legal/20100917-accc-slams-lg-…

          Not to mention their terrible rude product support staff.

        • +1

          The shithouse didn't deserve that comment.

          Never LG again.

    • my mistake - the TV purchased is not listed on the website. I have just changed to HM homepage.

  • Would you recommend this over the Sanyo Full HD LED at DSE (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/71339)?

    • Whilst I don't have the specs of both in front of me, in a 32" size you'd probably only pick the Sanyo LED for energy efficiency. LED > LCD for efficiency generally. If power consumption doesn't worry you then get the cheaper Samsung. As others have pointed out full HD doesn't matter much on a 32" screen.

  • no need FULL HD for a 32 inch LCD TV, not much difference

    • +1

      Agreed. I'd pick this over a no-name full-HD any day.

    • +1

      Except if you hook up a PC/Mac.

      • +1

        Could you elaborate, as I intend to get a 32" TV to use as a monitor for a PC.
        (When I have the cash)

        • the max res that you will get is 1366x768 - rather than 1920 x 1080 on full hd.

        • Thanks for the info.
          That is the resolution I would use for my 70 year old eyes.
          If that is the only drawback, then it will be a TV for me (vs a monitor).

    • Sshhh, the purists will hear you.

  • just went to HN at broadway but there's no samsung TV for $228

    • Yeah. I called Gordon and Belrose a couple of hours ago and the cheapest Samsung 32" they had was $448!

      • +1

        maybe the OP's mate is Gerry.

        • +1

          Gerry doesn't seem the type that gives mates rates.

        • +6

          Ahhh Gerry such a humanitarian

          "You could go out and give a million dollars to a charity tomorrow to help the homeless. You could argue that it is just wasted. They are not putting anything back into the community,” said Harvey. …. "It might be a callous way of putting it but what are they doing? You are helping a whole heap of no-hopers to survive for no good reason. They are just a drag on the whole community.


        • …and that sir, is why I don't shop at HN.

        • +1

          Gerry is obviously a dik. But he has a point.

          You're either destroying (consuming) wealth, or you're creating (producing) wealth. Almost all charity is a form of net wealth destruction. It's unsustainable and relies on receiving more wealth from producers in the future. It's demeaning to those who receive charity to rely on someone else's wealth production. Government charity is the absolute worst.

          Much better to invest that million in a profit seeking business. The business will be forced to hire people in order to be successful. So those people who might have received charity, could get jobs instead. A better deal for everyone.

  • Just called HN Auburn. After 10mins of being on hold, I asked the guy what Samsung LCD's they had in stock around the $250 mark. He said they had a special 3 weeks ago but nothing around that price in Samsung now.

    This deal = fail

    • The sales assistant who did the deal yesterday is "Porky". this is the name listed on the receipt.

  • OP should post a receipt for price match otherwise this deal is just waste of time for us, seriously!

    • here is the pic you wanted - this is from North Ryde


      • thanks

      • 2 only? no one will price match this with 0 left in stock.

        • please read my description before writing things like this… "They have one left at Auburn and I have been told there is also one left at North Ryde - other stores may have them as well"

  • Sold out in both stores.
    Just called.

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