(Apologies long time lurker first time posting)
Background: moved into new house for 1 year and was on Energy Provider #1. Electricity usage always an estimate and overstated. Reason being I keep my meter box locked as it is publicly accessible. I also didn't thought it was an issue as during each bill, I could submit my own readings to Provider #1 to fix the bill.
Problem: Problem arise when I changed provider in June 22 due to the expected rates increase. I moved to Provider #2 in a 12 month fixed plan. Provider #1 sent me 2 final bills, the 2nd one was over $1.2k. I didn't pay attention after the 1st final bill so by the time I noticed, I was too late to dispute and the money was deducted from my account.
The overpayment is due to months of incorrect meter estimates. Provider #1 advise there will be an actual meter read by Provider #2 in August, and to wait for that to happen. Apparently I was not allowed to submit my own meter readings when closing an account. In preparation I notified Provider #2 my meter lock's combination, as well as kept the box open around the time the reading was due.
Fast forward to today. The promised meter reading did not happen. My new bill from Provider #2 is also on the wrong basis.
What should I do? I know all of this would be fixed if someone from the energy company can come to read my meters. Who is responsible here? Is it the energy companies or the grid distributor? Should I go to the Ombudsman to get these guys to act?
TLDR: wrong electricity meter estimates, no one come to read my meters, incorrect bills
"I keep my meter box locked"
Theres your problem.