This is not as cheap as it has been previously, but I haven’t seen it for sale for a while.
It’s a good opportunity to pick up some of this Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic Spray Wax in time for Spring
This is not as cheap as it has been previously, but I haven’t seen it for sale for a while.
It’s a good opportunity to pick up some of this Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic Spray Wax in time for Spring
Thanks mate. Used that for a Price beat at SCA for $31.38
I've tried Bowden's, meg's hybrid, turtle hybrid ceramic and found Meg's to be the best IMO.
+1 like it very much too.
I find this hard to discern.
What method do you follow?
I followed the instructions when using this on my car. However, the water beadings made the car attracted more dirts than usual. Did I miss anything?
When driving or when stationary? In either case, beading should theoretically keep the car slightly cleaner as the beads suspend the dirt which then gets removed.
It should be like that. However, when my car got wet and left water beads on it, once they dried, it's covered in full of little dirt spots 😓
That's normal. It's a byproduct of the "self cleaning" effect without having gone through the self cleaning process completely.
@phamaroo: So how to make it go through the “self cleaning” process completely? It’s quite frustrating to see dirt spots all over the car.
@Qlam: Water? From a hose or a pressure Washer? That should take it right off.
Then just dry with a drying aid, like BO Boss Gloss, or this, diluted.
@Qlam: You can rinse the car with a hose doing what's called "sheeting" the water. Have the hose running but not spraying, and by placing the hose tip close to the car get the water to run across the panel in a river-like flow. If you do it correctly minimal water should remain afterward. Or rinse it as normal and dry as normal.
Pretty average stuff, rrp should be $25.
I think it's the bees knees. Cheap (relatively) when on sale, requires little maintenance and is capable of excellent results. I've forgone ceramic coating my car in lieu of using HCW.
You're using the wrong stuff then, there's plenty of admittedly more expensive options than this, but much better.
What is ceramic coating?
I mean I understand the term is used, but what does the 'ceramic' in ceramic coating mean?
May as well be called 'magic unicorn fairy dust' coating.
Ceramic is a buzz word and I immediately discount a product or a company that relies on gimmicks.
what does the 'ceramic' in ceramic coating mean?
SiO2 or SIC
there's plenty of admittedly more expensive options than this, but much better.
I'm interested in knowing what these are.
@phamaroo: Silicon dioxide coatings aren't always called ceramic, it can be applied to anything.
I can rub coconut oil on a vehicle and call it a ceramic coating.
Just pointing out how useless the buzz word is.
@[Deactivated]: I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here. Attempting to discredit Meguiar's because of an arbitrary case of semantics? The name has nothing to do with the performance of the product.
Please share these other better products that exist. Coconut oil doesn't count.
Is it safe to be used on ceramic coated car?
Safe? Yes. Necessary? Probably more useful diluted down and used as a drying aide.
After washing, I should spray and wipe. Right?
Yes, as you dry. Best to water it down a bit though, as it's quite thick (and difficult to spread) when it's straight out of the bottle.
i know sparesbox is bad at shipping but megs stuff has been on discount there for quite i while i think.…