The deal title is pretty self explanatory.
Probably the best price I've ever seen for a 512GB.
The deal title is pretty self explanatory.
Probably the best price I've ever seen for a 512GB.
Looks to be in backorder status.
Man, if I were in a situation where I could justify this, I'd be VERY tempted.
There’s always one 🤡
No clue.
How does it compare to your beloved Celeron based Ollee laptop?
The Ollee has a keyboard, a screen, a trackpad, a hinge, a battery and an M.2 slot. All for much less than that Mac Mini box. A real, complete, computer.
Ollees are rare and exclusive and now very hard to find.
Yikes! Heard about desktop PCs?
@mantichoral: Lol, IIRC, you were pretty upset with negative comments on the Ollee yet here you are.
No one likes a hypocrite.
@ihfree: my comments that this is not a bargain are entirely consistent with and in line with my stance on the Ollee, which was a great bargain.
@mantichoral: Shame the poor old Ollee isn't a powerful enough device even for you. No issues with fan noise on the M1 line up. Noise can be dealt with on Desktops much better (hello Noctua D15). Oh, and sleep also actually works on Macs.
As you're probably well aware now, people don't like sitting in front of loud fans constantly. This is a quiet compact system and there is clearly demand.
Attacking a system for "no keyboard. no screen." is just sad. You should be happy that they exist and create competition. We all know what the PC market was like when AMD wasn't competitive.
@ihfree: The Yoga turned out to be not a reliable bargain that I could trust, and was's not a ThinkPad.
In its stead I bought an Intel NUC M15, which has to be fifteen times better than an M1. different use case to the Ollee though.
On reflection, having tried to use Apple's butterfly keyboard mechanism, selling a Mac without a keyboard attached to it actually makes perfect sense. If you can't build decent keyboards, don't inflict them on your users. Even the Ollee keyboard is better than Apple's current keyboards.
@mantichoral: Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, old man.. Mac keyboards are generally considered to be one of the better laptop keyboards. This also happens to be my opinion based on various Windows laptops in my house and other laptops that I have tried. Besides, don't like the keyboard? don't buy it… or just connect a keyboard.
Anyway, it's nice to see you getting irrational and emotional again - lashing out at Desktop computers and Apple on subjective points.
Damnit that's great value
Great price! Can get the 256gb version for $977.90 through certain Apple partners, but I'd say this is a better deal.
There's rumours of the M2 model coming out in October, though there's not a huge difference from M1 to M2.
So you just plug it in external monitor and you have a mac ?
Sold out, no longer on backorder
OP link is 256 gb version.. be careful guys, i assume the 512 gb is sold out?
Link was previously to the 512gb.
this. It's a shame :(
Wish this was 16gb memory instead
Well apple charges $200 for that 8gb, it’s really a pick your poison decision
Least you have an option with external ssd tho :(
back in stock and cheaper to!
256gb model.
that aint 512gb…
They can be repaired. Upgrade might be another matter. e-waste, not necessary, because the second hand market for Apple devices tend to be decent.
Microsoft Office versions… Problem is: (1) You do get Apple's office equivalent suite for free and (2) Latest version of Microsoft Office on M1/M2 devices are still a bit glitchy if you use advanced features so you'd better be on Office 365.
Or just use the web version office.
At least they pay their taxes
I don’t know about office but everything else you’re saying is just bogus. Apple products are built to last and hold high resale value for a reason. Go ahead and name a company that builds computers using parts not made by slave labour.
i love farmers at the jobs summit “let’s pay farm workers with food instead of money” guess farm workers until,they earn their visa is only 88 days of cheap labour, or pay off air fare from the pacific is more ethical.
Where's the evidence of actual slave labour being used? It's a wonderful term people bandy about, and some places, especially to westerns are pretty appalling conditions, but are the workers owned by the boss and not paid at all?
The closest I've heard about is prison inmates working, but that happens all around the world, some for paltry wages, some for no wages.
As much as I dislike apple I’ve gotta admit this, my 2011 Mac mini lasted till 2020 before it literally cooked itself and that even had a notorious for failure gpu
The list is endless but you ran out of time to copy and paste?
LMAO i can stereotype you and probably get you correct. You're an engineer or work in basic it but not a very good one either hence why you believe in your current beliefs. Probably left-wing and can only read surface-level statistics and can only do simple calculations. Let me know if I got any of this correct
Engineer, correct. Hahahaha. Used to do laptop repair in spare time too. Wrong about surface-level statistics, I dive deep into statistics.
How is being left-wing related to disliking Apple?
Apple will recycle your old device if you bring it to them. They have built special machines cabable of that.
Can it be used with macbook pro screen?
i really loved the mac minis back in the day used them as mac home servers. Used maybe one of them for a desktop but it was modified and upgraded with ram ssds, and an egpu so, i don't think I could go back to a mac mini even with a m1 processor in it.
I got a 8GB Ram 256gb Mac mini M1 2 years back when it launch
Mainly using for web browsing and programming using visual studio on Mac
Pretty frequently having out of ram issues, especially Google chrome is using lots of rams these days (I know Safari have much better in memory efficiency but I do required those chrome extensions for my work)
So My comment is strongly suggesting to get a 16Gb ram version, probably wait till the M2 mac mini which will be releasing very soon
especially Google chrome is using lots of rams these days (I know Safari have much better in memory efficiency but I do required those chrome extensions for my work)
Everyone who uses Chrome and has issues with RAM usage should switch to Edge, it's much less memory intensive compared to Chrome and overall a much better browser IMO.
Its great value but yeah agree I also run out of ram with my base mini and air m1s. Programming seems to chew through it pretty quick
Chrome is the culprit.
Apps crash OSs all the time. And some apps, and some OSs, a helluva lot more than others.
Especially ones that run any code on the web they are pointed at, in freshly allocated sandboxes, VMs, or memory, as part of their design spec.
Its become available now to back order if anyone wants to grab it quickly. 512gb is $1048.50 256gb is $1089 :)
Wow nkw thats a good deal. IMO currently one of the best macs to get apart from the macbook pro standard 512gb model this is 2nd best