This was posted 2 years 6 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Prime] Free: AC Origins, Football Manager 2022, Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition + More @ Prime Gaming


September's free games from Prime Gaming. Prime subscription required to redeem.

  • AC Origins (Ubisoft Connect)
  • Football Manager 2022 (Epic Games)
  • Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition (GOG)
  • The Dig
  • Defend the Rook
  • We. the Revolution
  • Castle on the Coast
  • Word of the Law: Death Mask Collector's Edition (Legacy Games)

Full credit to Billbil-kun.

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closed Comments

  • +42

    AC Origins and Shadow of Mordor GOTY for free? That's pretty hard to beat.

    • +4

      I've been getting heaps of notifications from isthereanydeal about price drops for AC: Origins, it's a good thing I didn't pull the trigger lol

  • +24

    Dang prime gaming is killing it.

  • +7

    Not bad Bezos, not bad.

  • +16

    Just a word of warning, Epic Games cloud saves are shocking for FM22. Use local saves.

  • +3

    Was waiting for a good sale on Origins. This is beyond a good sale to hit and quit prime.

  • +6

    Man that's good loot.

    I hope amazon gaming would add free Diablo Immortal loot as I ain't spending a dime on there.

  • Still need prime for FM22 although its from Epic games?

    • +4

      You need to claim these games as keys (which you copy and paste into the respective platform) or it'll add it automatically after you link your Prime membership with the respective platform.

  • +13

    The Dig!! Great game.

  • +4

    Hope won't forget this time, I set the reminder too early for the Prime Day's games, totally forgot on Prime day.

    • +1

      These are for the whole month though so you should stumble across it at some stage before the end.

      • I got some but not the Prime Games on Prime day.

        • same here. I totally missed out on mass effect legendary. :(

    • Same. I hope someone reposts on the day.

  • +8

    Fk… If I start FM again, it'd be months before anyone will ever see me on the weekends.

  • FM22 woah nice

  • +1

    Literally just bought Shadow of Mordor a few days ago…
    Oh well snap.

    • +2

      Sucks, but it’s worth it. Both shadow of… games are excellent.

      • +1

        I purchased it via Steam so will still get the GOG version anyway. Freebies are freebies.

        • +3

          If you haven't played it a lot you might be able to refund it, not sure on the specific playtime limit Steam has

  • these looks good although my prime membership recently ended. anyway, got AC Origins Xbox disc while ago for $19 from Amazon it self

    AC Origins (Ubisoft Connect)
    Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition (GOG)

  • +3

    Been meaning to try FM for a while now, lets see if I can get the treble with my beloved Arsenal

  • +3

    Is Shadow of Mordor even on GOG? I can't seem to find it there.

    • +2

      I guess it's coming soon. Great way to advertise the game coming to the platform and and GOG themselves is to give it away via Prime. Not everyone is aware of GOG. Plus, I'm sure a lot of us already have the game and we're just getting again for free just cause.. I'm pretty sure they are also getting some sort of cut or do you reckon it would be the other way around?

      • +1

        yup was just about to reply the same.. guessing it'll be released on GOG soon.

    • +1

      It's there with a "Middle Earth" in front of it but i can't see it on Prime yet.

  • +7

    I really need a PC to play all these free games I have been collecting over the last few years.

    • +1

      Reports are that nVidia now has excess stock of GPUs so it might even be worth buying one soon.

  • Is fm22 the latest or FM 23

    • +3

      22 is latest. The new season usually launches in November

  • Do we need a separate subscription for prime gaming?

    • +6

      It's part of the Amazon Prime membership

  • fantastic games this month. Epic, you've been replaced (PS why no more coupons during sales? I actually want to buy stuff right now if there was a coupon)

    • +1

      Their coupons were a bit too good, especially that one time you could combine items to reach the ~$23 minimum amount. I hardly ever buy games outside of bundles, but I caved a few times at the Epic store.

  • Bought Shadow of Mordor for $20 on xbox one years ago, great fun for 10 odd hours. Never got far enough start the DLC card drama stuff.

  • +1

    Wow FM 2022!

    • It does look like they've given away the two previous editions too. Maybe this year I'll finally play it. Haven't play Football Manager in a very, very, long time. I wonder how different it is these days.

      • FM2020 was free on Epic at one point

        • Yes, I have 2020 and 2021 and I know I didn't pay for them.

      • FM21 imho is the best release in years. Zero bugs, zero tactic issues, zero AI irregularities. Been loving it. Haven't even touched my copy of FM22 yet as I've invested a looot of time into my FM21 save lol.

        • +1

          I'm still grinding FM20 and, tbh, I cannot wait to get into 22. One. More. Day.

          • @teddies: If you play on multiple PCs, heed my warning on cloud saves or you'll have a bad time!

            Workaround is to save the savefile to OneDrive etc and sync it.

            I just buy FM in Steam only now so I don't have to deal with it. But free is free!

  • How do you know the free game titles before it gets published?

  • Looks like Word of the Law: Death Mask Collector's Edition will be via Legacy Games as they already have a redemption page for it.

  • Possible to sign up for Amazon Prime for a month only, and still play these games in future? I got Steam/Epic accounts, can the games be linked to those accounts or do we always need to login to Amazon Prime to play the games?

    • +1

      yep if its a steam or epic game sure. not sure about the prime games specifically, but ive never played them anyway

    • +1

      You'll need to login to the app or the appropriate associated account but you don't need to have a current subscription:

      I haven't tested it but it's been reported as such pretty much everywhere.

      • Cheers

    • +3

      They are yours forever once you've claimed the codes and applied it to your Ubisoft/Steam/Origin/Epic accounts even if you unsub from Prime after.

  • Has anyone found FM2022?

  • +3

    Anyone know if amazon prime au will still be $59 AUD next year?

    Honestly this value is better than humble bundle plus i get to watch prime videos.. win win in my books.

    • Well Ive just renewed for $59 so Im set for at least the next 12 months (my free year from Optus finished up)

      • Sweet so looks like Amazon Prime AU is still $59 and not the crazy $120 price or whatever it is now in the states.

        Cheers thanks legend.

        • +2

          Whether it will be $59 by this time next year is up in the air.

    • I can't believe I didn't know there was a cheaper annual option for Prime - duh! Maybe I should hand in my OzB card; just changed now - thanks!

      • Unless I my memory is failing me yeah I am pretty sure I paid around that price of $59 for a whole year of amazon prime au.. I am a pretty big cheapskate so I make sure on these things lol but who knows in a few years I think I am starting to lose it.. early on set dementia is on its way for me

  • +1

    Yes I can finally play as Bayek! It was a breath of fresh air for the franchise to be honest!

  • Given FM runs on the Epic platform, can you still play it for free beyond the free month?

    • +2

      Yes these are all games to keep, as long as you have redeemed them when available you can play them forever. Even if you cancel your Amazon sub or just grab them during a trial period.

  • +2

    No AC Origins (Ubisoft Connect) or Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition (GOG) but they should be still coming…

    edit : AC added

  • +8

    Still no "Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition" (despite it now being available on GOG) or "Word of the Law: Death Mask Collector's Edition" (despite Legacy Games having a Prime Gaming redemption page for it for a couple of weeks now). I assume these will be added soon.

    • Maybe it's not actually included. These deals aren't always 100% accurate. But I'll take it if it turns up! :D

      • +3

        The deal is accurate as Amazon themselves have confirmed (via the Prime Gaming blog) the release of the eight games mentioned for September.

        • So it will likely appear later in the month then? They all usually pop up at once, I thought.

          • +2

            @JownehFixIT: Yes, it is unusual but has happened before, so don't lose hope if you're holding out for "Shadow of Mordor". I don't think anyone will be holding out for "Word of the Law" (except my wife… she enjoys those games).

            • +1

              @cryptowiz: It's a tad annoying they don't all show up at once as you have to keep checking through the month to ensure you haven't missed anything! Maybe deliberate for that reason?

              In past months I have actually missed games that were added late as I forgot to check back

          • +1

            @JownehFixIT: Shadow of Mordor now appearing.

    • +5

      One does not simply download Mordor

  • +1

    Great stuff, FM2022 is going to be my new addiction :)

  • +5

    I can’t see Shadow of Mordor in my account to claim

    • +2


    • +1

      comes out later in the month

      • I read 2nd, which I guess is tomorrow?

    • Same
      Please message if it comes to be listed..

      • +1

        It's there now +50GB download!

    • follow

    • Shadow of Mordor consistently wasn't showing up in Chrome for me, but when I tried Firefox, it appeared. Weird :\

      Try a different browser like Firefox :)

      • just redeemed Shadow of Mordor using chrome

  • Thanks, grabbed Football manager and The Dig

  • Hmm tempting. Might buy a monthly membership again.

    • It's way cheaper by the year.

      • Yes and no. There's still free shipping on a lot of items and for me, only buying prime a couple times a year works out cheaper for me.

        • +3

          You can cancel it and only buy a single day for 21c if that's all you use it for.

  • +1

    Can I use the free prime trial, redeem these games then cancel the trial and still have access?

    • +3

      Yep, I've claimed AC origins and it's directly in my Ubisoft Connect library (:

  • How much is amazon prime or is that also a free deal?

    • +2

      There is a free trial, but if you have already used it, then cancel after one day and it costs 21c.

  • I can see everything else but Shadow of Mordor doesn’t seem to be on the list. Does anyone know why?

    • +2

      Shadow of Mordor is appearing for me now.

    • +2

      Try a different web browser. SoM wasn't showing up for me on Chrome, but it appeared when I tried Firefox just now :)

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