Ok. S**t just got real. Stuff mortgage interest rate rises, this is the real consequence of inflation. How will the everyperson survive???
Ok. S**t just got real. Stuff mortgage interest rate rises, this is the real consequence of inflation. How will the everyperson survive???
Shhhh Ikea and Costco will hear and increase hot dog prices.
This will never happen… these are intentional loss leaders.
How much does a couch cost? $200? $500? Is $800 cheap for a couch? Maybe? Maybe not?
But you look at a $1.50/$2 hotdog and you know that's a good deal. Thus, the basic assumption is that there's good value to be had at these retailers.
TL;DR: You're being mindf'd every time you eat an IKEA hotdog.
TL;DR: You're being mindf'd every time you eat an IKEA hotdog.
And i'll happily do that bareback.
IKEA have… the hot dogs are $1.50 now!
I thought Costco lose money for every hotdog sold? Ditto for the roast chicken.
Sooo.. I currently pay $0 to 7/11 for their coffee… so, double that… Meh, seems fine.
I read your article, looks like if you bring your own cup you get 50 cent discount
I have to wonder how that works now, will the attendant make sure you’re only putting in $2 worth of a drink for $2?
711 previously publicly confirmed its fair game to put in as many shots of coffee, as long as it fits within the cup.
Honor system probably
bring your own… bucket?
nope, kid pool.
Now the prices have been jacked, will they stop hiding the chocolate powder?
many stores already do
why chocpowder?
How much would it cost for the new hot chocolate when price goes up
why do they leave the hotchoc cups at front counter for people to cough into?
The real question is how do they sell it for $2 but my local cafe has to sell it for $5.5 ?
Well to start with, 711 is automated DIY…
Too much common-sense
Make ten coffees an hour and you've more than paid the salary for the barrista.
What else? The machine?
If you think the coffee quality is the same then god help your taste buds
There used to be a 7-11 on Collins Street that had a barista make it for you for $1
damn, melbourne is fancy as hell
Prices as of October 4 will be -
Regular $2 or $1.50 with BYO cup
Large $3 or $2.50 with BYO cup
Super $3.5 or $3 with BYO cup
is this slurpee or coffee; and how will they gauge the BYO cupsize?
Which of the sizes is better value?
The large cup can hold ~430ml, I lost interest and never got around to measuring the regular or super sizes.
Found an old regular cup and gave it a quick measure, it seems to be ~285ml.
These measurements are the approx amount a cup can hold and not how much coffee you actually receive.
Don’t know if things have changed but this video was interesting the first time I saw it.
Start from 3:27 if you can’t be bothered watching the whole thing.
I probably wouldn’t bother with anything larger than a small.
cool vid, bu t do they still have "sma;ll"?
I ended up buying a super this morning to finish my test. According to my cheap measuring cups 7-eleven cups can potentially hold -
Regular ~285ml
Large ~430ml
Super ~510ml
It’s worth noting that different machines deliver different amounts of coffee. Today I bought a $3 long black but went to a different store to normal, the cup only filled up 3/4 of the way and would have easily fitted into a $2 cup. To rectify this I added a further 2 shots of short black and then topped up with water.
Long story short, $1 cup is best value.
Thanks for doing the complete exercise for the benefit of OzB community :)
Thanks. I thought the result would be something like a large being the same as the regular or something. So no tricks involved after all!
Considering the machine I used only 3/4 filled the Super I’d call that tricky, however as long as people remember to add an extra shot of short black and top up to their liking I guess it’s not that bad.
711 gets my a lot of my fuel purchases because I want their $1 coffee to go with it. Not great coffee, but happy at $1. For $2 no thanks.
Go to Coles Express. Better coffee anyway.
Without competition how long can it stay at $1
@jv do u have insderi info
hopefully they stay at $1 for a while
Free with $30 spend at Coles, 3rd party gift card purchase counted toward the spend. Make separate purchases if you are keen for more.
For alternative hot drinks, go to an Indian grocery store. They have those Chai Tea machine. $2 per cup. Taste so much better
yeah but how many indian grocery stores also do fuel and have at least 1 branch in a 15 min drive in any direction within a relatively metro area?
"Not many, if any" - Scribe
Tell me you have awesome taste in music without telling me you have awesome taste in music
The Indian shops go doesn’t have it
Honestly never had one
Username checks out
We could start a class-action?
Just got the email confirming coffee price increase. 50c discount if you use a reusable cup
But u can’t use it for hot choc?
Nope. Hot Coffee only.
Hot choc by default comes in it's own container. There's no way to get a hot choc without using the paper cup as it's already been used to contain the choc powder
good to know!
I just wonder why only the "n" in their logo is lowercase, the rest is all upper case. Makes no SEnSE.
Wow, never noticed that
Every 7 or eleven years…
The Money doubles
Wonder if the $1 refills of the slurpee bottle (this one https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/699150) would still be valid
I wanna know if valid, too!
Price gone up then down, now inflated -
Recently saw some bottles advertised in-store for $10 with $1 re-fills.
Wonder if there's a clause of refill end date like this one from 2016 apparently
I'll stop drinking it now. Too expensive.
Then, now we will go to Coles to test their $1 coffee.
can we redeem multiple offers same time, or has to be separate transacts?
Small coffee is $1.50 @ Coles Express now.
Verdict: Coles servo coffee compared is excellent even at $1.50.
Seems reasonable for the first price increase in 13 years.