100/40 Exetel nbn, Only Getting 0.1 Mbps Upload

Hi All,

I need some advice from the great community please, I joined Exetel back in June on the 100/40 plan. I have struggle to get anywhere near the 40 mbps upload speed, raised a ticket and i keep getting emails saying there's an issue. The performance is awful and affecting work, please can you let me know what I can do.

I was previously on superloop 100/40 and speeds were ok (80/15) for context i moved as i was told Exetel had better speeds and it was cheaper.

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  • +4

    Contact NBN isnt an option.
    The retailer/ISP is your middle man.

    If exetel wont come to the party/help either
    1) request an exemption from their 30 day notice and transfer elsewhere.
    2) give notice and transfer at end of 30 days (i'd be seriously pushing for option 1 when talking to them if you've raised a ticket more than once and its not resolved)

  • Can you get Launtel where you are?, maybe sign up for the 7-day trial and see how you go with them:

  • What do the emails actually say is the problem?
    What did support say when you spoke with them?
    Have you check and double checked that you are on a 100/40 and not a 100/20 plan?

    • They blame NBN, they keep giving me updated time frames, 2 weeks ago the upload speeds were about 5-10mbps now reduced further. Yes on a 100/40 plan and always have been

      • +3

        i recommend a temporary switch to AussieBB until the issue is fixed. superloops speeds and service is on par, or better than AussieBB, but AussieBB has much better customer service.

        there probably is a problem with the NBN, as per usual, but the NBN love to sit on their arses and not do their jobs.

        AussieBB will chase them up and keep you informed.

        • I dunno - I had to chase Aussie constantly to get my pro-rata refund recently. Took months and hours on the phone. At least 20 minutes hold each time. Each person I spoke to ensured me they had fixed the issue expect my refund in 2 weeks. I'd wait two weeks, call back and the next person would question the amount, I'd have to barter with them, explain that I'd been over this already with the previous people and then go through it all again.

          I used to have nothing but positive things to say about Aussie service, but my last experience has been pretty terrible. And the wait times were not good.

          IMO they are no longer worth the premium.

          The last two times I called Exetel I was less than 10 seconds on hold.

          • @stratbargain: i can't say i've heard many people having similar experiences, but i'm not surprised that it's one of the classic "your refund is coming" when it isn't, a common theme across all industries.

            my guess is that the long wait times are because they actually have decent tech support who spend the time to get problems solved, rather than telstras overseas call centres that may as well not exist at all.

      • What do they say when they blame NBN? Or is it literally just NBN's fault and they don't give you any extra info?

        Exetel are generally ranked as the fastest provider but when it comes to customer satisfaction they don't do too well, but getting basically nothing and them saying it's an NBN fault probably means no other provider will fix it for you either.

        Maybe look at 4G/5G in the meantime?

      • As it's an NBN issue that you cannot articulate what it actually is then you are up the proverbial creek without any paddles.

  • I have More telecom 50/20 and getting 20 Mbps upload without any issues on FTTC,


  • +4

    superloop is among the best, if you weren't getting even halfway to the advertised upload of 40 mb/s, there is probably something going on in the line or in your house. are you using wifi?

  • +3

    What NBN technology?
    or FTTP?

    Is it only upload affected? Or has download plummeted as well?

    And are you sure you're on a 100/40 plan and not 100/20?
    That 85/15 connection with Superloop looks unusually low on the upload given the download speed.

  • how about downloads ??

    My speeds with excetel had been alrighty

    Personally honestly speaking if it was me I'd never be going back to NBN, its quite trash value compared to 5G home internet.

    a 5G home internet at max would cost you around $80 ish per month (TPG etc can get lower ones @ only $59 a month at capped speeds of 50 Mbps), if you look at comparable NBN you'll soon find out its not worth it, unless you really need like a massive gigabit fiber to home connection. (but even then its a very low value per $)

  • +1

    The previous speeds on Superloop imply you're on FTTN (or other VDSL2) and probably have some probs with your line or port in the node, rather than simply line length.

    On a 100/40 plan with line length or bad house wiring, you should have got 80/30 or so, not 80/15 - is it possible Superloop actually had you on a 100/20 plan but were billing you wrong? As 80/15 on a 100/20 would be expected with line speed limits.

    Not sure how shoddy HFC behaves but generally for most techs you lose download first, not upload.

    Basically I think it is likely the devices on either end of the connection - the VDSL2 node or whatever on NBN's side, or your modem/router on yours.

    Got another modem (or can you borrow one from family/friends) to try to troubleshoot with?

    Switching providers won't fix it - it'd just get you an RSP that'd actually get NBN to pull their fingers out.

    If you're under contract with Exetel, TIO their arse for not fixing the problem.

    • +1

      Yeah, my suspicions as well.
      FttN and 100/20 plan.
      But if it were a line issue, I'd expect download speed to also be in the toilet.

  • +1

    Strangely enough that sounds similar to a hardware issue I had - using certain devices I would get full download but only 0.1Mbps upload speeds, where as other devices would get the full down and up. It was around the Killer AC wifi drivers on our dell laptops.

    Might seem obvious but OP have you confirmed it's not a device or wifi issue?

    • Might seem obvious but OP have you confirmed it's not a device or wifi issue?

      You would hope people would do a hardwired test to rule out wifi issues before raising support tickets ,but good point….

  • Im sure you already have but first port of call is to make sure you have all the latest firmware on your hardware.

  • +1

    That's what happens when you choose a shitty provider.

  • +3

    Apparently its a fault with nbn, switched to Aussie broadband who are getting a technician out tomorrow.

  • I see that you've decided to change NBN resellers. You could have made a formal complaint to the TIO:


    You'd probably have been able to request a refund from Exetel.

  • Leave exehell

  • +1

    What's your customer ID/trouble ticket number? I'll get the issue escalated.

    • +3

      Hi Glen, thanks for the offer of help. I've already moved as your colleagues could not help me. I've been waiting for an escalation. I joined Aussie Broadband and within 30 minutes they had arranged a tech visit (for the next morning)

      • +2

        This is why I've stuck with ABB despite many great offers elsewhere. Just great service.

      • Did exetel give you the pleasure of paying for 30 days after churning?

        • +2

          Verbally confirmed they wouldent, but in my disconnection email it said i woulr have to pay for 30 days. I have to say the difference between the level of customer service is night and day.

          Exetel - we cant see any issues, please do a speed test and send us the results. Then constant emails blaiming NBN, and long 2 week SLA's

          Aussie - We think there is an issue, lets try and solve it, OK we cant fix it lets get someone out right away. (I immediately had higher uploads speeds and they were proactive in calling me)

          • @Mentem: Exetel is so outdated their comms are often wrong. I got a nbn disconnection confirmation that still says " your ADSL service will be disconnected on this date".

            When I first connected their connection email referred to " your FTTN service" when I was on a completely different technology.

            These may be small nitpicks but don't build a lot of confidence which also reflects in the subpar support received. The actual internet is pretty solid though provided your lucky enough for nothing else to go wrong. If your unlucky to hit issues TIO is usually quicker than their own support.

          • +1

            @Mentem: Give Glenn here your ticket details to try to get the billing fixed and if they don't, TIO their arse

  • Hit up the ombudsman if Exetel is not making active efforts. That’s a clear fault they need to deal with.

    Also make sure your internal wiring is Schmick and has only one outlet, particularly with none starred or daisy chained off it.

  • Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • +1

    Anyone else had bad experience with exetel?

  • update?

    • +2

      Nbn doing emergency works today to try and fix the issue, the difference between Aussie BB and Exetel is night and day, one arranges priority works to try and fix the issue while the other blaims NBN and says minimum 2-3 week timescale, before reverting with another "we're working on it" email.

      My advice, Exetel are cheap if you dont have any issues they are probably fine. Aussie BB are worth the extra knowing they will sort any issues.

      • thanks for the update. glad it's working out!

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