This is the larger version with a bigger filter than the non-pro versions.
Also available at eBargain for 1c more:
This is the larger version with a bigger filter than the non-pro versions.
Also available at eBargain for 1c more:
Anyone here have one of these, are you happy with it?
I do.
been having for more than 2 yrs. A happy customer so far. It does the job well.
Hooked it up with HomeAssistant, and it gets smarter than it is designed for. :)
thanks @drearyFalcon3
I had one, and returned it because it was giving me a severely sore throat, and the air it pumped out had a strong smell. I did some googling, and apparently negative ion generators produce ozone, which is toxic and irritates throat/lungs (can cause damage long term). The ozone is also what was causing the smell. Very disappointed in Xiaomi. This is a device designed to be put in your bedroom, and it will poison you. This negative ion nonsense has gone on long enough. I remember Japan was keen on them 20 years ago. Now they're huge in China. This has turned me off Xiaomi for life.
thanks mate, I appreciate the information. Going to read into this a bit more now :)
Looks like the negative ion function can be turned on and off using the app.
There is an option in the app to turn off negative ions, but it made no difference. The air still had an odour, and still hurt my throat. I also didn't like the particle sensor readings, which constantly fluctuated, hard to trust it.
I had pro H version, I think is more potent, however I dont feel it is very effective….
may be I need by two..
Silly question, do you have to use Afterpay to get the discount? Or can you pay with Paypal and use the code??
You have to use Afterpay.
Personally would go for the models that have the HEPA filter.
Hmm, I didn't even realise this. Would you mind elaborating on the difference?
Edit: according to Xiaomi it lets through more clean air, produces less noise and leads to lower energy consumption.… (scroll almost all the way down). It doesn't comment on the difference in capturing particle, at least not clearly.
OOS for mobilecity
Yeah, seems to no longer be available from MobileCiti at this price. Price fro, MobileCiti now comes at $305.14 using code.
Still available at e-Bargain-intl for $288.15 using code.
That's not the Pro model
need to pay with AfterPay?