Back in stock for 3600mhz and a bit cheaper from $169.
This has faster speed than earlier post for just 18c more.
Back in stock for 3600mhz and a bit cheaper from $169.
This has faster speed than earlier post for just 18c more.
If I add this kit to my existing Vengeance LPX RGB 16GB (2 x 8GB 3200mhz), will it work or should I just scrap the 16GB kit?
Scrap it, resell on ebay. different sizes a bit weird in dual channel.
It will most likely work. You’ll be running at 3200MHz instead of 3600MHz and at the higher latency of the two kits
I think some motherboards run better with two RAM modules while others with all 4 occupied so may gain or lose some performance depending on your motherboard
Unless you’re actually going to use more than 32GB, I would probably just resell the old kit
Cheers OP, bought two for a further 8% discount!
Anyone know how the warranty works, or duration for this product, as it's a US import.
E.g. Warranty/Returns directly through Amazon for 1-3 years?
Or are we' Aussies primarily relying on ACL or Amazons 'goodwill' if there's any issues with the product within the reasonable time.
Thanks in advance!
I recently returned a RAM set from Amazon US, so far so good. Requested return yesterday and dropped the RAM to their collection point today, refund cleared hours later.
I've got two fairly similar builds running side by side, both AMD 5900x, one is a large ATX with 4x8gb G.Skill C16 3200 ram, and the newer one is a M-ITX small chassis with only 2 slots. For the moment, I stole 2 from my main rig, so they're both on 16GB 3200 DDR4 now, but would this C18 3600 run better?
Obviously there'd be benefits going from 16GB to 32GB (both machines would then be 32GB) , but the main thing I'm looking for is the right ram to squeeze some performance out of the 5900X. I read that 3600 is about the right match speedwise, but should I hold out for a C16 kit? - or won't notice at all?
3200 C16 = 3600 C18 in term of latency, and you will get a slightly higher FCLK/MCLK/UCLK which could be ignored in most cases.
As most Zen3's highest stable FCLK is around 1900M, a low CL RAM like CL14 3600 will improve the latency quite a bit, you can use this caculator →
Thanks. I just pushed my 3200 kit to 3600 on 18-22-22-22-42 vs it's normal CL16 - 18 -18 -18 36 and it's gained a good 12% read and write speed (AIDA64), also increasing infinity fabric clocks, which I would assume means faster CPU communications in certain circumstances, so I'll pass on this deal and look for CL14 3600 … probably can wait until "cyber monday" at this point.
i.e. the same kit I have now in 3200 CL16 at 3600 CL14 is $469……
So I guess that's the benchmark.
I think this is back at 189.99
I think you mean 2C more, 18 additional wouldn't be a deal.