Getting New iPhone

Looking to upgrade my 5 year old iPhone 8 Plus. It’s a good phone but it’s been damaged severely. Looking for the best way to buy the upcoming iPhone 14 Pro, prob around the $2k mark.

I am looking at th Woolworth deals, credit card deals etc but they don’t seem too appealing. Wondering if there are other bargains?


  • +11

    Phone hasn’t even been announced

    • +11

      but but any bargains on the new new iPhone 15??

      • +3

        Crystal Ball says that iPhone 14 will be the last iPhone, and Apple will be focusing on their new electric car the “iCar”

        • +3

          Top Speed of 40hm/h, has Roll safety Bars, and won't start unless you have a stackhat on all occupants.

          • +3

            @BewareOfThe Dog: But it may, at least, have Windows!

            • +3

              @ThithLord: LOL.
              Hey Siri, wind down Driver side Window.
              Hey Siri, wind down Driver side Window, Not passenger window!
              Hey Siri, wind down Driver side Window, not open the bonnet!
              Hey Siri, wind down Driver side Window, not change radio to TripleM!
              Hey Siri, forget it!

          • +4

            @BewareOfThe Dog: Need to subscribe to iCar start to turn the car on

          • +2

            @BewareOfThe Dog: The steering wheel won't turn if you're holding it wrong.
            No Android Auto, AM/FM radio or any other sort of source of music besides iTunes.
            You'll need a proprietary septalobe tool to undo the tyre valve caps and you'll void the warranty of the whole car if you fill the tyres with anything besides Apple Store Nitrogen.
            It won't go faster than 20kph or further than 5kms once it is out of warranty, for the safety of the occupants.

            • @OZBargainer in SA: If the battery dies you can' replace it you need to replace the whole car.
              It uses a proprietary charger.
              They'll remove the air conditioner and tell you it's innovation.
              Will introduce a 5yr warranty like the one Hyundai has had for years and people will say they're industry leading.
              GPS will be subscription only.
              Android Auto will work, but it will be green.

        • not icar

        • "Crystal Ball says that iPhone 14 will be the last iPhone,"

          Lol that made me chuckle. Would've been better if you wrote "will be the last iPhone EVER,"

          Next year, welcome to MiNDphone.

    • Don't see anything wrong with OP's post. I myself am looking for a good deal for a Cybertruck these days. Anyone know of a gift card deal ?
      Thinking of buying at least 10000 X $10 cards to pay for it (one day)

      • Man buys Cybertruck, Cybertruck crash and burn in an inferno.

        You buy black burnt cybertruck from scrap yard for $200. Congratulations you now own Cybertruck.

        Bonus option: You constantly tell those around you that it is a "restoration project" and never ever make any progress on it and just repeat that sentence.

    • Has been announced

      • Not coming to Australia

        • iPhone 14 is coming in September.

  • +1

    best bargain is in store purchase with five finger discount ending with five guys meal right beside the apple store

  • +3

    I saw the woolies deal comment and i was like wtf..

    people already stock up thousands for a not-announced-phone.

    What if the new iPhone is below expectation? by then even if they buy iPhone 13, it would drop in price and they probably would end up with hundreds of apple credit on their account, talking about saving and bargains??

    I thought I am tech-enthusiast and willing to try out new things, apparently some people are 10 step ahead of me.

    • +3

      It's not that weird. He's had 5 years usage from his iPhone 8, if he keeps the 14 Pro that long it will cost ~$400 per year.

      Apples updates have become very predictable, they won't put out a radically different or worse phone next month. There'll just be small changes to chip, camera and perhaps the notch that make it slightly better than the 13 Pro.

    • Apple credit is really not hard to use. I like to always keep a couple of thousand dollars worth on my account so that when a friend or family member wants to upgrade their phone or buy a Mac/iPad I can earn some extra Qantas points by buying it on their behalf.

    • For me, given I can salary sacrifice the full cost of the phone, and not pay GST it never makes financial sense to not buy the new phone when it comes up.

      I buy the pro model for around $1700, after tax savings (GST+Income) it actually costs me around $1000-1100.

      I keep it 12 months and then have always sold it for more than I paid. (Sold the 12 Pro for $1250 last year).

      I will sell the 13 as soon as I can buy the 14. Add to that the free Qantas points from 20x or 30x on gift cards and it is very good.

      • There's a thought, not sure why I haven't considered this for phone purchases!

        Add to that the free Qantas points from 20x or 30x on gift cards and it is very good.

        Please elaborate

        • +2

          As in buy Apple gift cards when Woolworths/Big W have 20x or 30x reward points, then convert to Qantas points.

          I just bought a new MacBook with $2700 worth of gift cards from Big W first which netted 54,000 Everyday points = 27,000 Qantas points.

          Ps bought the Gift cards with Amex also netting 1.5 Qantas Points per dollar. So total 31,000 points.

          • @Pelicannn: Nice.

            But how do you salary sac when you're buying with giftcards?

            • +1

              @andresampras: How you paid for the item doesn’t matter. Tax invoice just says you paid $xxx dollars for item.

              This has been confirmed on the taxation website previously. I think there is a link floating around to the question and answer on here in one of the previous threads.

            • @andresampras: For salary sacrifice you need the invoice / receipt from the vendor. Doesn't matter how you pay. Scan and send a copy to payroll team to salary sacrifice (ask at your work if they offer it).

              • @Transient: Hm ok. I was told by work to use a company credit card. I suppose that's the easier way for them to process it.

                Must ask next time if I can purchase and then claim.

                So if I do it that way, how does it normally work? After I submit claim, do they pay me lump sum…and then it comes out of my salary (in instalments if needed)?

                @toshjammi I can't seem to find the info on prev threads, if you remember where it is please let me know.

                • +1

                  @andresampras: At my work there is a portal for submitting expense claims under various categories. We basically submit a claim for expense reimbursement choosing the category for portable electronic devices (including smart phones) and upload the receipt and FBT declaration. In the next payslip, in addition to my normal pay and super, there is an additional amount for the reimbursed cost of the phone. So basically tax is calculated on gross pay (pre-tax) less cost of phone, so tax is reduced for that pay period. You are then paid the cost of the phone in full (provided it is not greater than your gross pay in which case the balance should be paid in your next payrun - assuming your payroll system can handle it).

                  So it should be roughly the same net result as buying the phone using after tax dollars and then claiming the cost of the phone in your tax return (assuming it is an eligible deduction). Best to check with your payroll team as they process such claims on a regular basis and are more familiar with what happens for individual cases. They should be able to tell you what you will receive each pay period.

                  Yes, probably easier for your work to process all claims through credit cards rather than credit card and non-credit card claims.

                  • +1

                    @Transient: Awesome, thanks for the detailed explanation.

                    • @andresampras: Happy to help. Lucky you found out about having to use company credit card otherwise buying a whole lot of gift cards might have been irrelevant.

  • +1

    Probably to buy Apple Store gift cards with 20x points bonus from the supermarket. That gives you around 10% off (provided you buy groceries) and allows you to preorder it directly from apple without waiting.

    Any other store will be sold out for weeks and probably won't discount until a couple of months later (and even then rarely more than 10%).

  • +1

    Or apply for a credit card say CommBank low fee gold card and get $300 cashback..check here:

    Use this only if you can pay the full statement amount by due date.

  • OP I'm in the same boat as you, sans the damage.

    I'm waiting for the eventual QFF sale after the new iphones are announced.

    Disclaimer, before I'm attacked: purchasing goods from the QFF store does not offer the best conversion rate, in terms of $ value.

  • +1

    Willing to drop $2k on a phone holly fk some people are crazy

    • +1

      Again as I said above, for some people (me included) it would be silly not to spend $2000 on a phone every year. It pays for itself after tax deductions and then onselling it 12 months later. I usually end up $100-$200 out on top.

    • Especially if it's not a foladable.

  • Go with 13Pro…

    Also get it from the Apple Store and get the apple warrantee

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