Finding it a bit more tough as the grocery bill for fresh fruit, veg and meat is sky-rocketing, does anyone have any good tips for eating healthily, budget style?
I've just paused group fitness classes - this may or may not be a mistake, as it is very motivating. But just another cost.
Other things -
- meat if >50% off RRP - becoming rarer and rarer, clearance items seem to still be only 5-10% off.
- frozen veg occasionally
- Brown rice un bulk when on special
- Dried beans & lentils - I realised they bulk up to 2.5x the volume when rehydrated
- Making natural yoghurt with reduced milk if <50c/L
- Buying 1 cauliflower but grabbing heaps of the leaves for green veg.
- Growing some herb and veg, but nowhere near self-sufficient.
- obviously not eating out as much as possible.
Other tips?
Contrary to popular
smearopinion eating plant based / vegan can be super cheap - just don't go for the processed stuff.Beans / lentils are about the cheapest way to fill up on almost everything you need. Heaps of ways to cook them and keep them interesting.
You mention cauli - I made this just the other week and numerous times before, a $5 cauli forms the main part of dinner for a whole family.