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Free 1-Hour Live Virtual Tour of Amazon Fulfilment Centre (Booking Required) @ Amazon Tours


Just saw this ad on Facebook and thought it would interest alot of OzBargainers with an insight in the behind the scenes of how the Amazon Fulfilment centres run.

Have you ever wondered how products in your online shopping cart get from Amazon to you? This live virtual tour follows the path of products as they move through our fulfilment centres, focusing on six main processes: Receive, Stow, Pick, Pack, SLAM, and Ship.

Be our guest, virtually! These live, one-hour tours take you behind the scenes at our fulfilment centres, using a combination of live streaming, videos, 360° footage, and real-time Q&A to replicate the experience of our in-person tours.

Click on your preferred date for a list of available tours. Scroll down on this page for more information about the different types of tours we offer.

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closed Comments

  • +106

    can they give us a tour of how little they pay their delivery drivers?

      • +29

        Perfect reason to bring back slavery then…

        • +22

          Everyone's on a high moral ground here and giving shit to Amazon. I see Amazon as being a extremely customer centric company to deal with.

          Don't act as if you don't buy from Amazon based on all those values of yours. I don't believe for a second that anyone on this site have never taken advantage of Amazon deals. Being hypocritical just makes you sound like Americans, do as I say, not as I do.

          • +2

            @Fuzor: Not just Americans, but also the keyboard warriors on social media these days.

            I'm so sick of the amount of agendas they try to push onto other people

          • +11

            @Fuzor: OzB: Screw Bezos

            Also Ozb: Prime Day hype guys!

            • +1

              @dbmitch: Nowadays, it is easy to persuade people with very little money

      • +10

        You're not meant to swallow the boot when you lick it

    • +18

      How else they going to deliver items like this or thisto the door without little pay ?

      Oh wait, Mr node modules, you even up voted for this ;)

      • +6

        Thanks I’ve ordered those two items you’ve mentioned

        • +2

          You definitely need this, one more for your collection ;)

          • +2

            @boomramada: Maybe order it on different days so you get three separate deliveries

      • +6

        Loss leaders are a marketing tool.

      • I'm not ashamed to say one of those links was blue.

        • +4

          It's the same for everyone. The blue link is external (Amazon) while the orange links are internal (OzBargain).

      • +1

        He just wanted the easy upvotes. You didn't have to murder the poor dude.

      • +25

        Except most people don’t have a choice. Some are struggling to make ends meet and they do what they can to stay afloat.
        Which means getting a job that doesn’t pay well. They just don’t have the privilege to choose.

        • +27

          This is not US, people do have choices, no need to be in amazon, they can work for domino's delivery guy, or tram driver or bus driver or maccas.
          Unlike US, here people don't need to depend on tips etc. There is minimum wages and other entitlements.

        • -7

          Ah so your reasoning is people are too stupid to earn decent money that they need to slave themselves out to amazon… they don't enjoy the job flexibility or anything like that right.

          • +11

            @Willy Beamish: Unemployment and low wage jobs are features of our economy. You didn't know this?

        • -2

          Safe bet you've never worked a job that pays minimum wage before, many people do it fine. But not you, you're super privileged sjw fighting for the super poor people that make no money.

        • +2

          Yes they do, it costs nothing to look up Seek after work.

          Why are people making excuses for people to choose to work low end jobs?

          I respect their choice, just don't expect it to pay high.

          • +2

            @tsunamisurfer: Next time pay attention to the race of the driver that drops off the package. Most come from minority back ground.

            They don’t want a better paying job? of course they do. However when they go for work, their may get filter out due to the name on the CV. Or due to the way they talk they don’t end up been selected for the role. These are not obvious to the average white Australian, but these kind of prejudice do exist.

            • @spc12go: The last person that dropped off my package was Australian, way to be completely racist tho.

        • Right now, they most certainly do. There are plenty of jobs available - and this isn't the US.

        • come on…. "make ends meet" "stay afloat" we're not in America….if you actually understand the culture of those people that do the delivery you'll understand that they are not struggling as you're trying to imply. Go read Dhando Investor, might give you a little insight.

      • +7

        Just get a better job, right?

        • +9

          "If you have a go you get a go"
          "The invisible hand of the free market will provide"
          "poor people deserve to be poor"

          And now a new one
          "If you buy cheap stuff from amazon you can't criticise poor working conditions"

          • +1

            @greatlamp: Or if you're struggling to pay rent due to rent increases, just buy a house.

            • +1

              @Miss B: And if you can't afford one, stop eating smashed avo.

      • +2

        This is a super entitled view

      • +2

        Choice only applies when you have the full set of information. It's possible (and frequently practiced) to manipulate information given to people in order to convince them that what you want them to do ie work at Amazon, is the less bad of two choices (the other being quitting).

        This virtual tour is part of that manipulated information dissemination program. The smart and secure ones won't be taken in, but like cults, that's not who they are targeting.

      • -4

        If you are unemployed and on the dole, and Amazon offer you a job, you have to take it.

        You have no choice.

        • +1

          If you are unemployed and on the dole, and a Brothel offers you a job, you have to take it.

          you have no choice.

    • They didn’t deliver to my apartment once. I have a disability as well.

    • This is what exactly what I want to see.

    • +1

      They were paying $180 odd for 60 parcels in the week or 2 after Amazon prime day for a 4 hour block.
      They are back to normal pricing how, roughly $2-3 a parcel over 4 hour block. Still beats uber eats and other companies.

    • It's a demand and supply economy, there are too many people with the willingness and skill to do the work. On the flip side if you were a prosthodontist you can charge $1000 per denture and call it a day.

    • +1

      And yet people are still doing it. Tell me you're not buying from Amazon…

    • +1

      Are you one of these people who signup to a one month trial of prime and rinse and repeat?

  • +55

    Includes complimentary virtual pee bottle.

  • +52

    Will they also show the crying rooms?

  • +13

    Prob more of a forum post than a deal..

  • +10

    Dance for the camera wagie in a cagie!

  • +30

    They should be shouting us a free gift card to sit through 1 hour of Amazon propaganda!

    • -1

      "Sit through"
      Or like, just don't go on the tour?

  • They're run suprisingly well, putting safety as a priority.

    I wonder if they use hydrogen powered machines like they do in the US, pretty cool tech.

  • Probably worth checking out. I remember being amazed years ago at FedEx's systems for moving packages around fast, I always assumed Amazon is doing something like that.

  • Tour duration

    Live virtual tours are approximately 1 hour long, including Q&A.


    System requirements

    We strongly recommend using a computer with a strong internet connection to view the tour.
    You do not need to install any software—the tour will automatically open in your preferred web browser.
    For the best possible experience, we also recommend using earphones (wired or Bluetooth) instead of your computer's built-in speakers.
    Please note that some elements of our live virtual tours may not be viewable if you are watching the tour on a mobile phone or tablet.

  • you had me at "alot"

  • +5

    Can i ask when they'll start paying their staff a decent wage?

  • +8

    I work at a Melbourne site if anyone wants to AMA, site specific of course

    • Is that the South Dandenong one?

      • +3

        Ravenhall FC (Mel 5)

        • Do you experience any of the problems mentioned at the American FCs?
          expected working hours? breaks?

          • +5

            @Blitzfx: If you're not in a tiered role, a 10hr shift is expected
            x2 20min paid breaks, x1 30min unpaid break

            Not all. American FCs are pretty full on

            • @icedcoffeeNFT: Also you do a 4 day week with a max 1 overtime shift if you want too.

        • How many FCs does Australia have now?

    • How big is the crying room

      • +8

        The whole warehouse is a crying room

    • What sort of shoes do you wear?

      • Different sites have different requirements.
        My site you have to wear protective shoes at all times, no crocs. They allowed composite or hybrid
        Other sites only required it in certain areas

        • -1

          So you don't wear shoes? I would think that working on your feet all day, you'd want to invest in some good shoes

    • Do you get issued a piss bottle or is it BYO

      • +5

        Issued one during onboarding with our name on it, if you lose it, share with your peers

    • i'm just curious, what's the salary / hourly rate ?

      • +3

        Full time employed by Amazon at the lowest rate is around 30$/hr. It's good because it's a 4day working week due to 10hr/day

        • +2

          Thanks for the honesty ..

          $30/hr is more than hospitality workers get so yeah.

          • +5

            @CereaL: Yeah working standard here is definitely better than in other places. Yet, people still talk crap like they know all.
            They should see how some overseas students got abused with $8/hour and 12 hours shift at some dodgy asian restaurants

    • Thanks for this. Are you working at the FC as a fulfilment associate?
      I’ve read some claims online but I’m unsure if it’s exaggerated.
      Do you have to ‘walk as much as 10km during a shift?
      Is the KPI that bad, the pressure causes people to leave?

      Also out of curiosity i understand that 4 days, 10 hours is standard. Personally I would prefer that over working 5 days for 8 hours. But would they hire anyone casually to work on weekends? (E.g. one day a week).

      A ‘AMA’ in the forums would be interesting.

      Thanks for that.

      • +1

        Externally, that's the role
        Internally, there are like 50 'roles' and can change depending on your shift

        Depending on your role, pickers have the most amount of steps. Not sure about the 'km' but the minimum you would get is 8k steps (lazy day), with the most I have done around 26k steps (Boxing day sale)
        KPI's are high but achievable if you set your mind to it. This rate is 'supposed' to change as a warehouse average but it doesn't. The good thing is that we wont get in trouble for not hitting the rates as it's a safety concern. But obvious if your rate is 50% lower than expected then 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 get spoken to

        4x10hr is standard, part time available but only 4x7-8hrs.
        AZ doesn't hire casuals, they do this through agencies. Agencies won't hire you unless you're available 4 days a week, including 1 weekend

        Trust me if I could, I would just work weekends for the obvious loading and money for time opportunity

        • Thanks so much for those insights. Do you enjoy working there? Since everyone is under the pump, do people also get to have small talk and make friends?

          • @Fliedlice: Everyone has a different view on their workplace so I can only speak for myself.
            While there are times where you're by yourself and working away, you get many moments where you're with other people. Again this is dependent on your role.

            I personally talk smack 80% of my shift with my friends. As long as you get the work done, and in a safe manner, no one bats an eye. Unless Operations has it out for you

  • +24

    How on earth is this a "deal"?

    • +1

      Amazon showing you the new dystopian future with your very own pee bottle. Yet you complain??


      Some people just never appreciate what your neighborhood friendly multi millionaires are doing to make your lives different.

  • +6

    at least the end of KFC kitchen tour we got a free meal! btw it was a great experience.. wonder if they will do it again post-COVID

    • Yep they gave me a larger Zinger Box meal 😎

  • +7

    I want to see the bottle the workers have to piss in. And some workers passed out because of exhaustion.

  • +4

    An interesting forum post to some - sure.
    A bargain post on a bargain website? Not so much.

  • +10

    Here is one that already has been recorded. https://youtu.be/yO9VRtrTJwc

    • +6

      This video is not accurate. Our protagonist took a break.

    • Thanks, I was going to post this but you saved me the trouble :)

  • +2

    Will this be a bit like a tour of the North Korean IT university? People smiling, sweat pouring from their brow as they enter their 38th hour of a shift?

  • +6

    I want to watch the virtual tour of their warehouses with a hidden camera, not a fake unreal live streaming.

  • +6

    Damn I just paid $45 for this a week ago. Wait, what's RRP on this deal?

    • +1

      Whatever a thruster bolt that sends Jeff into space for 14 seconds cost.

  • +11

    I am all for stretching the definition of deal based on what people want to see, but "there is a video available" seems a bit far. Can I just post a deal for a twitch stream that is on? Or a companies ad on YouTube? What monetary value does this have?

    • +2

      Post your favourite hot tub stream please, I hear twitch is all about that now.

  • +10

    "here's some boxes. there's some boxes"

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