Have Applied for 300 Jobs in 3 Months. Still Unemployed

I’ve been with a few recruiting agencies. They mostly put forward my resume to bolster numbers and I now I don’t trust them nor will work with them anymore after being burned by them.

Everything from corporate, retail, hospitality. They go on about a worker shortage but it’s lies. They just don’t want to hire people - particularly the unvaccinated.

closed Comments

                • @DingoBilly:

                  When a small minority of scientists are opposed to this type of vaccine, and they generally don't have a good reputation in the scientific community then it weighs more heavily on the pro-vaccine side.

                  Mainly because if there was good evidence, it would not get through the medical trials

          • @[Deactivated]: Which one? Current Vaccine's avail work in a variety of different ways.

            You might want to do some self informing into the medical definition of a Vax :


            • @[Deactivated]: Yes, they literally changed the definition of vaccines from instigating immunity to providing an immune response. Care to tell me another time a leaky vaccine was used on 80% + of the world.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            You do understand that what you have taken for covid is not a vaccine? Those vaccines you speak of use an entirely different method than the covid 'vaccine'. They were intentionally lumped together to encourage the average person to just get it. They do not work on the same mechanisms as live attenuated vaccines which actually stop spread and create immunity to the host.

            Lol get the Novavax then if you want something protein based.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: What is wrong with what the Bayer rep said?

            The problem is you don't understand the context of the clip you posted.

            In his opinion if people were surveyed and asked if they would accept "gene therapy", people would have said "no"… because people are ignorant and irrationally scared of "gene therapy".

            The guy is speaking about people like you - who would stand in the way of innovation because you are scared of things you don't understand.

            Antivaxers are poorly educated - if you watch that clip as "proof" of a conspiracy you will see a conspiracy. The guy is speaking in public promoting his company, why would he be saying something negative? You need to take a step back out of the antivaxer echo chamber

            • +1

              @greatlamp: So the same people who are 'ignorant and irrationally scared' are the people that have been lied to and taken the jab. That makes alot of sense actually. They are ignorant to the data and irrationally scared of the virus aswell.

              It's literally like my mechanic saying: "Hey I recommend you use this new oil for your car" and afterwards my car keeps breaking down. He then says "if I had told the customer it wasn't actually oil, he wouldn't have accepted it." Yeah no shit, most people when presented with the truth make decisions based on the truth, if you lie to them how can they make informed decisions? It's actually one of the many aspects of coercion used over the past 2 years. The informed consent of the patient is the cornerstone of the Nuremberg code.

              I have never been scared of the vaccine because I was never taking it. Same reason I never wore a mask, never socially distanced and never followed lockdowns. I just didn't care about the virus, and I was correct upon contracting it.

              I will gladly stand in the way of 'innovation' if it's implemented via government overreach and removal of bodily autonomy. Some one in this nation needs to have a backbone and be willing to lose everything for what is just and correct.

              • @[Deactivated]:

                I will gladly stand in the way of 'innovation' if it's implemented via government overreach and removal of bodily autonomy.

                Although I point out misinformation, I 100% agree with you on this point, noone should be forced to get a vaccine.

                I don't have a problem with the vaccine because I understand the industry, I understand that the way all viruses work would be considered 'gene therapy' if it wasn't naturally occurring.

                Unfortunately the legitimate issue of corporate lying and government overreach is comingled with even more lying and misinformation by the 'antivaxer' movement who continually take statements made within the medical community out of context. This delegitimises the cause, and the general population who are 'too busy' to care will write off all your concerns.

                The movement itself needs to call out the opportunistic failed doctors and mommy bloggers.

                I just didn't care about the virus, and I was correct upon contracting it.

                That is your choice, but a very selfish one. The flu kills people. COVID is more contagious and more severe than the flu, and killed a lot more people. Saying it didn't hurt you is not a convincing argument- it just shows you don't care about anyone else

      • But only minutes in your case? Lol.

  • I'm in the same boat. Nothing wrong with my CV, in-fact it's been commended quite a number of times.

    I use Seek, Indeed and Jora (Which pretty much just links back to Seek). All you have to do is take a look on Indeed at how many people have applied for the same jobs you have, most of mine are 50+ people, some are 100+

    The only difference with me is that I have 12 years in Business Admin and Customer Service and I'm trying to get a different job and everyone comes back with the same old excuse regarding not having experience in insert job here
    Either that or I get calls for jobs paying like 50-55k, when I'm wanting 60-65k (or above) as I know what I'm worth.

    Can't forget the vexing shit I had to deal with last year with this job and ended up burning a bridge with that employment agency because they don't reach out to me regarding other jobs I apply for through them

    Agencies will only call you back about the particular job you applied for and rarely help you out with other jobs unless they have something in the works at the time. All these agencies are far too busy to be calling potential workers that are on their books every time their client calls wanting workers. There is one that has thought outside the box and texts me when a job is available (An all points bulletin to all job seekers on their books per se) but they're primarily Forklift Driver jobs which I'm not interested in .

    • when I'm wanting 60-65k (or above) as I know what I'm worth.

      you mustn't like money

      • Why would I take a lesser paying job when I know what I'm worth? All of my previous jobs were 58-60k+

        • +5

          They're having a bit of a dig that you're not looking for more $.

        • +1

          What makes you worth more than the minimum offered if you don’t have the minimum experience for that particular job?

    • +8

      You're in a poor position to negotiate for the extra $5k, and they know it.
      Get a job, even at the lower rate and continue searching for a new job. There is no greater position to negotiate than when you already have a job.
      (profanity) it, aim for $70-75k once you have a job.

    • +1

      Sometimes taking the hit early so you get your foot into the door first makes the most sense.

      Take the $55k, prove your worth then nego or look for another job whilst also earning some income.

  • +5

    Don't count recruiter sourced jobs as an 'application'. You seem to be fixated on that.

  • +1

    Recruiters also resume farm…

    Apply direct to companies and see the results.

    • A lot of these temp positions are only though recruiters. When I ask for the hiring manager or company, they tell me no.

  • +5

    Start searching for jobs in Mullumbimby/Byron area or get vaccinated.

    Or just keep doing the same thing over and over again for the same result.

  • +9

    Utter, utter, utter, bullshit.

    Hospo is screaming for staff, everywhere.

    You say you're looking for a job in business coms, but as far as communication goes, you don't seem to take the suggestion your resumé might be an issue…

    If you've applied for that many jobs, and landed just the one interview, your resumé is not ok.

    Who exactly is asking for vaxxed status?

    • -1

      Here’s an example of a casual merchandiser role I would happily do for now, but I can’t because I’m not vaccinated - even though I would freely shop at the places it would require me to work.


      • +11

        OP States "I am a QAnon and Proud Boy."

        "I never thought Leopards would eat MY face"

  • +36

    Honestly, your replies are shit and immature. If I was a manager seeking staff in your state there's no way I'd throw you a pity interview

    Yet such is the size of this forum that it could've been possible, that someone may have reached out via pm

    You really need to take a good hard look in the mirror and see why you're not even getting interviews, and it's not because of your vax status

    • +1

      OP States "I am a QAnon and Proud Boy."

      "I never thought Leopards would eat MY face"

  • +11

    Not being vaccinated will be a barrier for many employers. They are worried about liability (if you catch it at work), you getting sick and having time off work, company image, the precedent it might set for other staff and you potentially being someone who doesn’t take direction. It is going to rule you out for a number of jobs, but not all.

    Personally I wouldn’t rely on a recruitment agency. I’d also contact businesses directly. I would also use connections and friends, ask them if they know anyone hiring or where they’d suggest applying.

    I am a QAnon and Proud Boy.

    Sorry to hear that. Have you had a look about what social media searches might bring up for you? It’s standard practice to search this in recruitment. No one will touch you with a 10ft poll if they get the slightest hint of qanon or proud boys. Even others involved may well not declare this at work. You’d be surprised how much you can find on people who think their social media is anonymous, private or can’t be tracked. Further, those movements are pretty extreme, so even if recruiters don’t know, it may come across in how you communicate and present yourself.

    EDIT: Just realised from your post history that this has already been an issue for you https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/591697 . You’re going to need to accept that your beliefs and behaviours are not to everyone’s taste and it will be a barrier to you finding and keeping a job.

    • -2

      Dude. I was being sarcastic in response to some of the replies here.

      There’s nothing I can find about me when I look.

      I’ve had three interview in a couple months. One I did well and progressed to the exercise but they went with someone who had “ten years of project management” experience. The other one I tanked. I just don’t understand why I’m not getting interviews at least if I’m submitting hundreds if applications via “quick apply” on Seek?

      Can you explain in your post what you mean about how I “may come across in how I communicate and present” ? Curious about what you mean?

      • +7

        I think the seek approach is probably the issue. If there’s anyway to contact the company/hiring officer directly I’d strongly recommend that for anything you’re interested in. I’d pretty much always call the contact person and introduce myself and ask a couple of questions prior to applying.

        I’d also say look at government departments, but I expect most have vaccination requirements. What state are you in?

        Realistically being unvaccinated is going to make it harder for you to find something.

        I’d also usually say to build up a LinkedIn profile, but if you don’t already have a strong CV and industry connections this could also backfire.

        With your mum passing away, leaving one job from bullying, being unemployed, fearing homelessness and being estranged from your dad, I’d also suggest, if not already accessing some mental health support to do so. If you’re not your best self this is going to show when you’re contacting employers and if you get to interview stage.

        Final thought. Do you actually like the work you’ve done in the past? If not maybe this is the time to reinvent yourself and follow a passion or interest. You’ve mentioned having a really tough time of things in the past. It might be time to skill up in something completely different - depending on what you’re into. You’re going to be a much more attractive candidate if you’re really excited to do the job.

      • +5

        Sorry didn’t really answer this:

        “may come across in how I communicate and present” ? Curious about what you mean?

        So not sure what your views are, but just say you have ideas like vaccines being a conspiracy, women taking mens jobs and being given an unfair advantage, disliking any particular race or religion. Even if you haven’t directly said that, the bitterness and attitude can kind of give that away. I’ve worked with people who I suspected harboured views like that before they actually said anything and was correct. Maybe it’s how they dressed or talked, I don’t know but if I can pick it up, so can others.

        Not sure what platforms you’re on but say for example Facebook, even if not in your real name, search by your phone number and email address (which the recruiter would have) and that may give away your fake name, then they can see what groups you’re a member of, if it’s a public group your comments, or they can join a private group and read your comments. Recruiters actually do this. For whatever reason a couple of times I’ve been accidentally given my selection report and it does include screenshots of my social media - all good though as I don’t really say or do anything untoward.

      • +1

        In all honesty, unless a large number are through the recruiter, this would be a full time job in itself! Are you sure you're not going for quantity over quality?

        Are you going for roles that you're skilled enough for or trying to go up a level? Because if you're trying to go up then it would make sense that you're not getting much from your resume itself. Because you're resume isn't speaking to them for that role because they have lots of others with more experience etc .
        But If you're going for jobs that you truely believe are closely aligned with previous recent experience then I'd say fix your resume and cover letter. But are you writing a cover letter if you're quick applying?
        And call to follow up and try to ask for feedback where you don't succeed.

      • +6

        I’m submitting hundreds if applications via “quick apply” on Seek

        This is a problem… Are you writing a new cover letter for each job, and tailoring your CV to match the job? Spamming your CV out there especially for professional jobs won't get you very far. If you can engage a professional to go over your CV and cover letters you might get higher response rates. It costs money but is worth it.

        • +3

          That sounds very much like the problem. Sitting on your arse clicking buttons doing the bare minimum won’t get you anywhere. If you’re throwing the same CV to any job that comes up, whatever the job is, how do you ensure that it is relevant to the job you’re applying for?
          Same for the cover letter, it may not be mandatory but if you throw a resume with no context and no justification why you’re the right person for the job, then the employer won’t think that you’re the right person for the job.
          Focus on what you want, put the effort in, apply to 10 jobs, answer their selection criteria properly, it will be 10 quality applications instead of 300 half-arsed ones and you’ll at least get interviews

        • +1

          I think it depends on the industry in regards to cover letters. In my recent job search, I stopped doing them and just focused on the number of applications. One company requested that I provide them a cover letter and to do a test. I did the test because I was confident that I'd get a chance at an interview. They just ghosted me and no one would answer emails or the phone, just a message bank (Which I left 1 message on).
          (My test response was of high quality, and after checking glassdoor found that they commonly ghosted people after asking them to do their test that takes 2-8 hours.)
          I'd only do a generic cover letter in the future, if any.
          Without a cover letter, I applied to about 190 jobs in 2 days, received 12 interviews and 7 job offers, although 5 of the offers were a week or more after I accepted a position. Months later I was still getting calls every once in awhile.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Is it possible the test was a technical problem they've been having and wanted people to solve it for them for free?

    • +2

      Yep it’s going to be an issue. Could you start your own business? Freelance?

      • +1

        I might move to Europe. Just became a citizen.

        • won't help, most enterprises do the same over there and many countries have far higher unemployment numbers to deal with so can be far more selective who they hire.

    • +6

      Surprised that person managed to get a job as a recruiter with such terrible spelling!

      • +9

        They defiantly need to proof read, hey

      • +2


      • +2

        Defiant in the face of conformity to spelling!

      • Well no-one would give them a role with actual responsibilities.

    • +2

      DEFIANTLY keep you in mind.

      • +1

        No need to be so defiant! ;)

    • +1

      Gee, I wonder why you aren't able to get a job. There's simply no clear answer anywhere in that email. Its a mystery ( ̄o ̄) . z Z

  • +19

    Are you not vaxed because you can’t be for actual medical reasons or are you just not vaxed because “mUh RiGhTz aNd FrEEdOmZ”.

    Because one of these I have sympathy for and not being considered for a job because of it could be grounds for discrimination. The other is lol, play silly games, win silly prizes.

    Never mind, it’s the lol part… Maybe you could get a job shitposting about face masks and vaccines on forums all day.

    • -5

      How does anyone justify the use of these gene therapies? They do not stop spread or contraction. Every single one of my vaccinated friends has covid, many multiple times. If you aren't a fatty and actually look after yourself there is no risk to covid. There are many risks to vaccination as shown via VAERS and many other adverse event reporting systems.

      • +11

        Oh, and OP, don’t worry about the job making shitposts about Covid on random forums, it seems that position has already been fillled.

        • If the position was filled, why did we get 3 more after the first one? :(

        • +2

          Russia is still hiring.

    • The OP has stated

      I am a QAnon and Proud Boy.

  • +8

    Want to dramatically increase your chances at getting a job? Get Vaxxed. Your choice. It's that simple.

    • -1

      Want to dramatically increase your chances of blood clots? Get Vaxxed. Your choice. It's that simple.

      • +1

        Groan. That's right. The majority of people are wrong, including all the medical professionals that spent years studying, the countless thousands of trials, everything, all wrong. Triple vaxxed and doing just fine. How about you? How's this stance working out for you with friends, family, and employment?

        BTW : what's your profession?

  • +12

    To put it simply you're a risk to the company and public (and yourself too but I DGAF about you)
    Hire you, you get sick with COVID, you claim sick leave, and company has to pay you
    Not to mention putting others at risk

    • -7

      You realise the majority of deaths in this country are vaccinated abs these vaccines do nothing to stop transmission.

  • +1

    Get Vax Get Job very simple. No vax then show doctors certificate easy.

  • +7

    Youve tried nothing and youre all out of ideas. No wonder no one wants to hire you.

  • +2

    Hey John, send me your CV and I will see if your experience matched what we are looking for in our organization. No promises.

    • +21

      You must be pretty desperate to want to hire someone who is a self confessed "Qanon and Proud boy", surely you can do better than a racist, sexist, anti vaxxer lol.

    • -4

      No thanks.

      • +5

        Does this increase the tally to 301 or to 299?

      • +3

        No thanks.

        Isn't that what 300 employers told you?

        • Most never replied to my application.

      • Why not?

        • If I were this guy I wouldn't want anyone on here knowing my actual identity. Don't really blame him.

  • +1

    record unemployment and you still can't

  • +6

    I mean even if the companies didn't have vaccination policy, I don't think the future colleagues would like to work with an unvaccinated person, from both health and personality perspective.

    • Why? I am healthy and haven’t been sick during this time. I don’t drink or smoke.

      • +8

        And yet you can still carry the virus and infect others more easily than those who have been immunised. Its an easy choice when 1 candidate is vaccinated and the other isn't.

        • +4

          Plus you can still get sick and need paid time off. The unvaccinated are more likely to get it more severely and need more time off than the vaccinated. OP, why do you think many workplaces provide free flu shots to their employees every year?

        • +4

          "And yet you can still carry the virus and infect others more easily than those who have been immunised"

          These guys never understand this.

  • +6

    I run a data protection business that operates in Australia, New Zealand and North America. On every job advertisement I make it very clear that only applications with an accompanying cover letter addressing the role criteria will be assessed… though less than 5% of applicants do this. Most go with the easy route and hope for the best which does not work. Several people on here have suggested that your CV may need work and I tend to agree. It's important that every application is tailored to the company and role you are applying for. More importantly, make sure you attach a good cover letter that addresses the role criteria and explains why they should hire you.

    As a side note, I'm looking for a full-time 'Level 1 Service Desk Engineer' in Australia (preferably Perth). If anyone on here is interested, please send me a private message and I'll provide you with some more information.

    • What should I write in a cover letter. Isn’t it just rehashing my CV?

      • +2

        I'd suggest looking at some templates in SEEK as a start for what to cover in your CL. Your CL should cover some of your past experience and should be tailored to show your competency in the skills that a role requires.

        This is the same with your CV. If you're not addressing the skills and competencies covered in the advert by tailoring your CV then it would be a large reason why your application isn't progressing.

      • +3

        It should be a summary of your past experience and skillset (in relation to the role you are going for), how you fit the role criteria and requirements outlined in the job advertisement, and an explanation of why they should hire you. I view a cover letter as being more important that your CV, and in most cases I won't look at the CV unless the applicant has impressed me with their cover letter…. that's just me though, I'm sure other hiring managers operate differently. Good luck John, I hope you find employment soon.

      • +1

        No, you need to read the ad carefully, and research the company to find out what sort of work they do and what their values are and explain why you are the right person for their role. You can go into more detail on things that are just one line on your CV to explain why that experience is valuable for the role, and not bother explaining the things that are only slightly relevant.

        • +1

          The best description of a cover letter on here and yes, much better to do this for fewer positions than to apply for hundreds. But Quantumcat I think the OP's problems go way beyond how to apply for jobs. He is estranged from his father, has fought with his sister, and was nearly fired from his previous job -. This is just from the info he has provided in his past posts.

        • Quantumcat - Do you realise you gave him the same advice on 14.6 22?
          He called himself Rocksteady99 but mods stated it was his duplicate account.

      • +1

        It highlights where you're going wrong that you're asking this now. Ofcourse your vaccination status may negatively impact you but I don't think this is the main reason you haven't found a job or landed many interviews. It's your applications.improve the cv and resume and make the cv SPECIFIC TO THE INDIVIDUAL ROLE.(sorry re caps, easier than italics)

      • Wow. I'm so pleased some people take this attitude as it increases the odds for the rest of us.

  • +10

    Complaint: Nobody will hire me because I refuse to get vaccinated.

    Solution: Get vaccinated.

    Seems simple enough.

      • +14

        What an idiotic viewpoint.

  • +11

    "I can't find any job because I refuse to make myself more employable! Woe is me!"

    • +20

      OSure, it's your choice not to get vaccinated, just like it's everyone else's choice to not listen to you and tell you to stop posting drivel.

      • Being unvaccinated is a choice that was made against the grain of intense coercion.

        "Use of physical or moral force to compel a person to do something, or to abstain from doing something, thereby depriving that person of the exercise of free will."

        If you are okay with the government forcing stuff upon you whilst lying about the efficacy of said thing then you are beyond saving.

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