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Emporium Selection French Brie Cheese 125g $3 @ ALDI


Hi everyone

I am not sure whether this is a special deal but it certainly deserves to be as I will explain.

First though, I am not in any associated with Aldi nor am I shilling for them for any purpose. I just find this cheese to be epic and great value.

With that out out of the way here is the long winded explanation. I regularly buy the little $3 Brie and Camembert cheeses from Coles, Woolworths and Aldi (prices may vary a little). They all taste pretty much the same and there is a not a lot of flavour in these cheeses. With respect to the Aldi cheeses I am referring to their normal cheap brie and camembert cheeses which I recall were selling for $2.79.

Recently though whilst shopping in Aldi I noticed that they were also selling a similar size Brie but called 'French Brie'. Closer examination showed that it is made in France. It has a blue and white wrapper and is marked as 'Emporium selection' and cost $3.

I bought some home and tried it but was blown away by the flavour which is much stronger than other similar cheeses. Its like the cheese has been flavoured with truffles or with a very mild blue vein flavour. It is extremely moorish. Normally I would not bother to post a deal like this but given that the flavour is as good as cheeses with much higher price tags and given that it may only be a temporary deal I think it is worth mentioning here.

Again this stuff is so moorish. [Warning you will get fat - try at own risk!].

I'm interested to hear other's comments on this cheese as its so much better than the normal Brie and Camembert supermarket cheeses you buy for the same price.

cheers Peter

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closed Comments

    • +4

      I only just posted the deal. how did you get your hands on the cheese so quickly?

      A bitof of pedantry. Its not strictly a blue or blue vein cheese. It is just described as French Brie.

    • +1

      Why have people downvoted his joke so much?

      • -1

        Maybe it… Does not belong in forums?

        • +1

          Forums are boring enough. Nothing wrong with a bit of humour. Get over it.

  • -5

    The French would be insulted with their cheeses stocked at Aldi 😂

    • +1

      Sacrebleu monseur!

    • +1

      I doubt it.

      But they would be happy if aMeRiCa didn’t make cheeses like these illegal over there.

      • +3

        I'm sure the yanks would allow it if it came in a can?

      • Most if not all milk over there is also ultra pasteurized/ heat treated, but sold chilled like here. I think almonds also undergo a similar process.

        There's always product recalls over there, so they make laws trying to minimise such occurrences. Especially ground beef/mince, frequent e.coli recalls

    • +2

      Everything insults the french

      • +1


      • -3

        Not true,
        But your insensitive assumption here does.

        • Bon essai Ă  l'attaque. Ma grand-mĂšre est français et elle a ri.

      • -3

        So I get downvoted because you carry a stereotypical distaste of the French.

        So weird

    • Good.

    • I'm French and don't feel insulted by this at all.
      If it tastes good and at a good price, Bingo!

  • +6

    Can confirm - ALDI stocked deli goods - cheese meat etc is awesome

    • +2

      Mmmm cheese meat đŸ€€

      • +2

        Cheese is a kind of meat. A tasty yellow beef.

  • +1

    Is it this?

    • +5

      That looks and is described in a very similar manner but No.

      The one I am talking about has a small French flag on the front and is called 'French Brie'

      Its flavour is also deeper than a French submarine. [is it safe to mention French submarines?]

      • +1

        You talking about the big one (which is like a semi circular shape) ??

        • No these are the same size as their normal Brie and Camemberts. Its about 8cm wide.

    • No.

      The product in your link is different. OP refers to a different product on his link.

  • +4

    Guy likes Aldi cheese.

  • +6

    Why are ppl asking which one it is when there's a pic and link in the OP

    • +2

      I updated the picture after they asked. For a while someone had the wrong cheese shown.

  • +14

    Moorish? So it's from the North African colonies of France?

    • +10

      Thats a cheesy joke.

    • +10

      It's Moops!

    • Nah, it's produced on parked boats in the hills of Yorkshire.

  • How much is it normally please.

    • $3 or thereabouts

      • -3

        Oh. So not really a bargainÂż

        • +2

          Not a special but maybe a bargain

  • +56

    Hi Peter
    I must admit I have no intention of buying this as I do not visit aldi regularly. I am however very impressed by your obvious passion for the subject matter at hand. I have therefore indicated my support with a positive vote. I will follow your career with great interest.

    • +7

      Seems Emperor Palpatine has entered the chat.

    • You are an OzB regular… …. but you don't visit Aldi ….. ….. please tell me you have a costco or other non-colesworth alternative ?

      • Perhaps he goes to IGA?

      • +1

        Other than ALDI or Costco, is there even any alternative? Besides, if you're a hawk with the specials, Woolworths (not so much coles) can definitely be cheaper than ALDI. Huge benefit to Woolies is that you can simply search the site for up-to-date prices, sorted by unit price. So you can have an exact, optimised shopping list (or just have it delivered for the same cost as the fuel to go and get it yourself).

        • And you can use GC's and special bonus offers.

        • Don't get me wrong, I am one of those people with 52 of the same item in my trolley at Woolworths because its half price and not a perishable to cater for a year's supply … but of course a regular to Aldi as well for regular staples and the odd special buy

  • +50

    Cheese dreams are made of this. Who am I to diss a brie?

    • +11

      Sweet dreams are made of cheese?

  • [Warning you will get fat - try at own risk!]

    The perks of working out 6 days a week. Just finished off some Brie with Ash from Aldi. Good stuff. Need to give this a try.

    • +29

      If you eat a lot of French Brie you will get Fetta and Fetta.

    • +1

      Who's Ash?

  • +48

    I accidentally knocked the whole tray off the Aldi shelf. There was de brie everywhere.

    • +2


    • and thus marks, 2022 - the year we officially peaked in terms of cheese humor

  • +10

    I am a fan in general of the Aldi cheese selection but this one is DELICIOUS!

    We discovered it about a month ago and are already on our third wheel.

    In terms of flavour, it's miles ahead of the generic Aldi/Coles/Woolies Bries and Camemberts. It's also better than any of the larger size brie/camembert brands that regularly go on sale at Coles/Woolies for 1/2 price.

    • I bet this one feels a bit awkward being the 3rd wheel any all

  • +7

    Not sure if bargain but anyone this passionate about cheese is my kind of people

    • +6

      If you like cheese and French food do visit Roule Galette in the Flinders Lane (corner Scott Grove). Yum!

      • I'm not a Melburnian but absolutely can vouch for this. If going for lunch, try to get there a bit earlier before 11.50am to avoid crazy queue.

        Try the flambe or the drinks!

  • Havnt tried the Aldi ones but did purchased premium priced brand a while ago from coles, i prefer the normal Brie than french version.

  • If I’m doing the crime I’m doing the time. I go triple cream Brie or I don’t have anything.

    • Chacun a son gout. But do give the Aldi French Brie a try.

  • +6

    We were excited by this post, so we rushed down to our local Aldi only to find there were none on the shelves.

    We asked the manager and she said that it was a deleted item… although it may come back again in the future. The store is Carnegie Vic.

    • It's been ozbargained although I bought the last one in Bayswater last night. Try another nearby Aldi.

  • +2

    Can confirm this stuff is tasty, had it with some leftover saucisson we bought online and baguette

    • +1

      That sounds very French. Add some wine and you are in business.

  • +1

    Almost certain this was a special buy item. It was USA, UK, Finnish? and now Japan.

    • Funnily enough though I didn't see it marked as a special buy.

  • +1

    Right I'm going tomorrow. Thanks Cheese Peter đŸ‡«đŸ‡·

    • +2

      You are welcome. It will be interesting to see if you can get some. Please let us know what you think of the cheese.

      If you go to Carnegie or Bayswater Aldi though this will be your experience.


      • No upvotes for the famous Monty Python cheese shop sketch link? Gosh you guys are harsh!

  • +4

    I am not into cheese but an upvote for the story telling, need more posts like these ! 👍👍👍

    • +2

      Wholesome ozbargain right here.

  • +3

    I once dated a girl called Brie. Things took a sharp turn when I fell for her sister, Camembert.

    • +2

      Be honest, she dumped you when she found you with that poutine.

  • Thats a cheesy joke.

  • +1

    I loved their truffle one, but they stopped stocking it - I might give this a go

  • Who knew that one family owns ALDI.

  • Do Aldi still stock Le Pave cheese?

  • Shades of the mutti tomatoes post, but I'll allow it.

  • OP. Immediately set off to the nearest Aldi and acquired some. Agreed and yes. Very good.

    • For the sake of those who are having difficulty finding the cheese at their local Aldi, which store did you find stock at?

  • +1

    Yes I found this cheese about 6 wks ago. Taste totally different to the other brie they have. It's flavoursome and lovely.

  • thanks OP, I thought I could start on cutting weight in August. whelp, perhaps in September…

  • This doesn't seem to be available at all ALDI's.

    • +2

      Yep, none at mine either though neither are any eggs, tissues, frozen broccoli, etc, etc

  • I did the clichĂ© (but out of character for me) “I must know where you got this from” thing at a friend’s house after trying some Aldi brie on a cheese plate. Very nice.

  • Going to give it a go, huge fan of cheese. Current favourite is milel parmesan block, made in Australia so not parmigiano reggiano but I'll take it over anything else at the moment

    • +3

      Aldi: Gouda Different.

  • Just visited Kilsyth and Croydon stores - all sold out. I asked one of the shop assistants and she said that the French Brie was a special buy. She assured it me that it would come back at some point.

  • +1

    Try the l’ovale. Really good too

    • I couldn't find this French Brie, so I bought the French l'Ovale instead - it's good. It does have a very mild blue vein flavour - similar to how the OP described the French Brie.

  • I hope to find and try this one. How does it compare with my current love Castello Brie Double Cream? I know it is double the price through.

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