Do You Boycott Companies over Unethical or Otherwise 'dodgy' Behaviour? if So - Which Ones?

I was browsing around for a neck gaiter today and found some at decathlon. I then had to think back to a Convo I had with my dad about the company. He said he won't shop there anymore since they've not pulled out of Russia. He's got a point here I feel.

I just wondered where other consumers draw the line? I've stopped buying certain chocolate bars since production moved to China - I avoid food products from there. Nestle had a pretty bad rep, too.

What's important to you guys when hunting for bargains?


  • +49

    Unless my life depends on it I don't buy products that intentionally cause harm to or kill other animals.

    • +1

      You wouldn't buy a mouse trap, or fly spray?

      • +6

        Those are not necessary

      • +13

        I have bought both in the past. Not lightly. I should qualify my first comment with unless they're causing significant direct harm to me.

        Happy to address any more loopholes - there are some, but none as trivial as how something tastes or feels or looks.

        • +3

          What about hamburgers? That's a product that by necessity causes harm to and kills an animal.

          • +22

            @AustriaBargain: Glad you realise.

            Hamburgers? Me, no.
            Various vegan burgers? Sure.

            • +1

              @fantombloo: But the buns are wheat and wheat farmers intentionally kill (look up the meaning of pesticide) millions of rodents, birds, rabbits, foxes, etc each season! And it's a BRUTAL death, often taking days to internal pain to be complete :/

              Not to mention the entire ecosystem that was destroyed to plant the wheat in a field :/

              I guess millions of rodents, birds, rabbits, etc are fine as long as you don't know about them, but that one cow that dies quickly to sustain a meat eater for a year is a no no!! Such hypocrisy and virtue signalling :/

              • +42

                @7ekn00: mate, where do you think the grain for your beef comes from?

                everyone has a choice to make that is fine, but if you are ignorant about the topic why talk?

                • +9

                  @ddonn: Mate, all my beef is 100% grass fed and finished, direct from the farmer, ZERO GRAIN ;)

                  I quickly kill 1 sentient being for 12 months food supply … now how many rodents have died for a "vegan" loaf of bread? In Australia (due to last seasons mice plagues) it currently sits at 2 rodents per loaf of bread ;)

                  But if you are ignorant about the topic why talk?!? Ah, typical know it all vegan cult retorts I see :/

                  • +14

                    @7ekn00: Deforestation, "entire ecosystem destroyed" still apply. It is a fact that nutrional value to resource use (land,water,time) beef is incredibly inefficient, would you argue that?

                    • +1

                      @ddonn: And you think wheat does not involve deforestation?!?

                      The point is farmers kill animals and ecosystems for wheat, barley, sugar cane, etc, all monocrop products do, or are you denying that fact?

                      Or just trying to pivot to a different question your cult has routine answers for that you can copy paste comfortably ;)

                      • +20

                        @7ekn00: By the way I am not vegan, just conscious of the issues the world faces. Current methodologies do involve the death of much non-human life.

                        But as you pointed out yourself one of the greatest impacts of farming is loss of land (ecosystems), as this does not only kill what life was there before it, but takes away any potential life that would have come after.

                        38% of global surface is used for agriculture, with around 2/3 of that for grazing lifestock.

                        You seem to be coming from a place of black/white. The world will not and does not need to become completely vegan to sustain the human population, and everyone should have the freedom to eat what they want. But environmentally speaking, if you think that eating beef is somehow better than wheat, theres something wrong there.

                        • -8


                          38% of global surface is used for agriculture, with around 2/3 of that for grazing lifestock.

                          You keep presenting that stat without context, you do realise that 2/3 of that 2/3 of land for grazing can not be used for monocrops (ie too much of a slope on the fields, too many rocky outcrops, etc etc)?!?

                          But if you think that eating beef is somehow better than wheat, theres something wrong there.

                          So me killing one cow for a whole year of eating is WORSE than a vegan killing 104 rodents a year, just for their bread?

                          PS yes, I have been 100% carnivore for 4+ years, my kill footprint is literally one animal per year (but I do acknowledge that cow may have eaten or stepped on a few bugs, worms, insects, etc)

                          • +8

                            @7ekn00: Hahaha what are you even on about man you're delusional.

                          • +2

                            @7ekn00: Dunno if this online dude is real but I know someone like this from work and he is jacked af and has an 8 pack, he is also highly intelligent and friendly.

                        • @ddonn: I’m vegan, I also eat meat.

                    • +4

                      @ddonn: I would argue that. Rangeland/tropical cattle production utilises land that would otherwise be entirely unproductive (in the agricultural sense).

                      EDIT: The 2/3rds of ag land used for livestock production is, in the most part, wholly unsuitable for cropping, or the livestock production adds rotational benefits (via disease breaks/nitrogen fixation/weed control) that are basically a requirement to maintain grain production at levels being achieved.

                  • @7ekn00: Do you think all of our beef supply can be provided by that method, and at an affordable cost for most? The correct answer is no.

              • +2

                @7ekn00: I dont think this argument was made in good faith.

                • @sarahlump: I don't think your comment was made in good faith.
                  Woah that was easy

            • -2


              Various vegan burgers? Sure

              But about the killing/destruction of vegetables to produce them??

          • @AustriaBargain: not sure why you were down voted. gave you upvote to help negate it.

        • -1

          microbes are fine to consume, kill, etc. right?

      • +2

        Cancel culture is so prevalent these days that boycotts are practically meaningless. There is a cacophony of voices calling for boycotts that I can't keep track of what is being boycotted. So I wouldn't be surprised if mouse traps and fly spray are boycotted for some reason.

        Companies also defend themselves from boycotts by moving collectively. In that way they're all evil as a group and no single company can be singled out for boycott.

        • +1

          Cancel culture is so prevalent these days

          Here's a tissue

          There there, precious, you didn't like the scary people with different opinions anyway

        • +8

          "cancel culture" is coined by people who does shitty things and got called out.

          it's actually called "having consequences to actions"

        • +4

          Cancel culture has been going on strong for about a century, it's just most been perpetrated by right wing conservatives. Issues of the day that got conservatives upset enough to try and cancel people/companies include: satanic panic, DnD, Video games, books like harry potter, violence or sex ( but mostly sex), alcohol, etc. The list goes on.

          What I find interesting is that the people you're most upset about being cancelled today are bigots and rapists. Why weren't you complaining when conservatives were trying to cancel rockstar games?

    • -4

      Like chocolate, which can kill dogs?

      • +5


        • -5


          Potentially, tho can make them very sick

          OK so you draw the line at very sick?

          • +38

            @spackbace: Wrong, because the production or consumption of chocolate does not intentionally involve dogs at all.

            By your standards I would boycott water because kids can drown in it.

            • -7


              that intentionally cause harm to or kill other animals.

              You didn't state "during the production of".

              So I'm assuming you're careful of every bit of wood product in your house?

              And I'm assuming vegan of course

              • +10

                @spackbace: You need to consider what intentional means. If by design something requires X then X is intentional.

                All production involves harms. Some is direct and intentional, some is indirect and unintentional. I draw the line at direct / intentional and aim (hope?) for minimising indirect. Considering most production is done by people who do not even draw lines at intentional harms (ie: nonvegans) then it is very unrealistic to imagine they care at all about indirect harms. There's not much I can do about that right now other than writing things like this and hoping an intelligent and sympathetic person engages, and perhaps also boycotting those things with immediately grossly negligent amounts of indirect harms.

                My life depends on eating things. I chose to eat those things that cause no intentional and direct harms - like apples. Apples grown by nonvegans kill more animals (insects, etc.) than those grown by vegans. I eat apples now but I hope for a time they are mostly grown by vegans. If / when veganism is normalised and resources applied accordingly, apples will kill no sentient beings. That's a while away I think.

                • -3

                  @fantombloo: If you have an issue with apple growing causing the death of insects, wouldn't you then have issue with your car/bus/chosen form of transport directly killing insects? Running them over, hitting them, etc?

                  • +1

                    @spackbace: Yes I do, and I treat it the same way I treat eating apples.

                    • @fantombloo:

                      If / when veganism is normalised and resources applied accordingly, apples will kill no sentient beings.

                      But that's never going to change, that any form of transport (besides walking, and even then avoiding stepping on anything) will prevent insects getting killed

                      It's always the clear argument with most, if not all vegans, that there is a line drawn about the size of the animal being killed without any further thought. Sure, it's easy to pity poor Daisy the cow, yet dust mites etc aren't in the same category

                      • +3

                        @spackbace: Dust mites enter our personal spaces and (potentially) cause us harm. Cows have nothing to do with us except for the fact that we confine them and exploit them.

                        If an intruder enters my house I will hit them over the head. That does not give me license to go around the street looking for people to hit over the head because I feel like it. If a cow in the wild comes at you - go for it.

                        But that's never going to change, that any form of transport (besides walking, and even then avoiding stepping on anything) will prevent insects getting killed

                        There will always be unintentional harms. That's life. That should not give license to cause intentional harms, or to be grossly negligent with those unintentional harms. When people put their efforts towards something they usually make it happen. If we were truly concerned about insect deaths they would feature in our laws and aspirations and design briefs - they would be diminished.

                      • +2

                        @spackbace: As someone who doesn't eat meat, my take on it is reducing the environmental impact from animal agriculture. I don't worry about about the small stuff like insects, I'll swat fly's all day. Also if non-native animals such as Brumby's are causing harm to the environment and need to be culled then they should. Bigger picture.

                        I can't follow whatever Avofe is going on about. Just keep it simple, eat more plants.

                        • +8

                          @greater mimic:

                          I don't worry about about the small stuff like insects,

                          Neither does spackbace, nor 99.9% of other nonvegans. They only start caring about these categories when a vegan starts talking. They would rather derail a more decent approach to others than admit flaws in their own.

                          • -1

                            @fantombloo: I have zero qualms with vegans being vegans, but foff with the preaching nonsense. Accept that people have different values and value things differently to you. Move on.

                            • -5


                              Accept that people have different values

                              Do you really value torturing and killing other animals for your own whims?

                              (I'm gonna hazard a guess that you don't. In which case the only difference between you and me is that one of us is, in this particular instance, sensibly aligned with our own values).

                              • @fantombloo: Sure I do. Especially if it means I get to eat some tasty meat. I e raised my own lambs and chooks for slaughter, and shared a cow or two. None were mistreated, but hey. I also shoot vermin, no doubt you consider that cruel, but not cruel what foxes do to new lambs.

                                I don’t give a toss what you think of me, nor do I care what you do with your time. Just keep your mouth shut is all. You seem perfectly fine torturing all of us with your veganist meat is murder/torture/cruel nonsense, so spare the hypocrisy please.

                                I align perfectly with my values, hence my values. Somehow I doubt you’re quite as pure as you think ole boy.

                                Guilt tripping doesn’t work here, so please give up.

                            • +2

                              @HelpMeiCantSee: So you want to accept that people have different values, so long as they don't talk about them because you find that upsetting?

                              Apt username.

                              • +1

                                @GrueHunter: It doesn’t upset me at all, I just find any preachiness irritating. But if that’s your take sure. Nice, a username barb, that stings.

                                My main point is your bitterness isn’t going to change hearts and minds.

                                I’ll happily slaughter away for a tasty meal. A side benefit is pissing off your type. Live on the land for a while and see reality lad.

                        • @greater mimic:

                          Also if non-native animals such as Brumby's

                          I just read this as Barnaby's

    • +1

      The worst animal is by far the actual human. Long way later are mosquitos.

      • +1

        Why so anti-human? 7.5b years the Sun destroys all life on Earth anyway. At least humans have a chance of transcending that (and saving other species along with us), besides we're only able to 'destroy the planet' because we're capable… any other species would do the same if they had the opportunity - it's evolutionary biology.

        More than that… we are already becoming aware of (as a species) how the (evolutionarily inbuilt) desire for consumption and expansion can be destructive and we're taking active steps to solve it (things are getting better every year). I'm pro human, love them - best species on the planet, best chance we have.

    • +1

      Easter eggs have the lowest calorie to carbon footprint ratio of any food.

      Think amount of packaging and transport costs, wrapping in aluminium, bunnies and large eggs are filled with air. So I avoid them, but you could also argue they are harmful to all animals and therefore should be avoided for harm reasons.

    • How do you know someone is a vegan? B12 deficiency.

      • +2

        They’ll tell you LONG before you get a chance to draw blood rofl!

        • -3

          Vegans and people with pro nouns. You will always hear about it..

          • +6

            @Ravensbane: And yet you raised it. Interesting.

          • +2

            @Ravensbane: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

      • +4

        There's tons of B12 packed into stuff like so good and many meat alternatives. I didn't think about it for years when I gave up meat and dairy and had no issues because it's packed in everything. Funnily enough nobody worried about my diet missing all sorts of things when I ate meat and few vegetables.

        • +2

          You’re fortunate. But it’s most definitely not packed into everything and it’s a difficult vitamin to absorb. Some things have B12 added to them, like processed foods.

          It can take years to develop a deficiency. Many have done irreversible damage from low B12. Some issues are mild, but some problems can’t be fixed once they start happening.

      • -1

        I genuinely cannot comprehend why you have an issue with vegans if it's purely on a morality basis. This entire thread is based on people sacrificing comfort and convenience because of their line drawn in the sand..

        • +1

          B12 deficiency is a serious medical issue so please don't trivialise it

          • -1

            @plasmog: Have you heard of B12 shots? Regardless, you entirely missed the point of my comment. Sacrificing comfort and convenience because of your moral standing is a noble act. "Serious medical issues" why do you care about the nutrition of others? Start with the meat industries direct contribution towards processed trash food at least.

            • @FallaM: As I said do not trivialise a deliberating condition, just because veganism is cool doesn't mean we need to pretend b12 is nothing to worry about.

  • +17

    Tesla, where do I even start

    • +49

      Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end. Then stop.

    • I'm actually curious about this. Where do you start? Is it with Elon? Because he seems to have very little to do with the day-to-day of Tesla and most of his employees hate him and think he's a (profanity) clown.

      • +9

        He didn't even start the business. Basically joined the business during capital raising and became CEO.

    • +1

      Ok order a Nikola then?

    • Tesla


      Mr Nikola Tesla (Никола Тесла) … WHY?????

      What has he done wrong?
      An idealist by nature.

      • He isn't a company. He was a person.

    • LOL not buying a luxury car is not "boycotting".

      99.99% of us are "boycotting" Tesla too…

    • Anyone know about the environmental impact of 'buying a new car' VS 'maintaining current petrol guzzler'?
      My guess would be that you could run a petrol guzzler for years (10 +?) before the environmental cost of creating a new low emission car is reached.

  • +17

    Yep Volkswagen

  • +114

    I boycott Nestle because of their deplorable business practices. Or at least I tell people I do, Nestle actually make all my favourite snacks. But if I can convince other people to boycott them then it'll offset me still buying their products.

    • +6


    • +2

      Big brain over here

  • +73

    Hardly Normal

    • +10

      same - unless they got a sick deal that is clearly undercost :v

      • +2

        same - unless they got a sick deal that is clearly undercost :v

        thats not boycotting…

        • +9

          that's better than boycotting

    • -1

      Yup, me to

    • Platinum!! More than Gold!

    • +2

      I only buy pricing errors from them. Even then I still feel dirty.

    • +1

      Yep never bought anything from hardly normal and never will. Whenever they have something I want in a good price I just get others to price match.

    • +3


    • Definitely. I do not give these shits even 1 cent.

  • +4

    Haven’t been back to Woolworths since they got caught storing credit card numbers years ago

    • +1

      Do you have a link to that? I'm confused how they did that.

    • +1

      why not use apple pay with them…

      • i boycotted Apple

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