Should I Upgrade from 12/1Mbps nbn?

Hey guys

I have a fairly basic home internet setup consisting of a $100 TP-Link modem router and internode 12/1 speed broadband.

All was well until my gamer brother moved back home. He's got the ethernet cable for his game but says the wireless users are making the game lag.

I always thought the ethernet cable was solid and the wireless got the leftovers?

Anyway, how do I solve it? Bump the nbn speed up?



  • +13

    I always thought the ethernet cable was solid and the wireless got the leftovers?

    If you're streaming a 1080p youtube video on one device and playing games on another device on a 12/1 "Broadband" connection I'm afraid it'll lag regardless of whether you're on Wifi or ethernet.

    Time for a speed bump.

    • Ok cheers. Would 25 speed be alright to handle wireless users and a solid ethernet connection?

    • +11

      If all was well until the brother moved back, perhaps he should chip in the extra dough needed to up your NBN speed.

      • +2

        Can't disagree there lol

    • +1

      The 12/1 is certainly the bottleneck

      If there is a setting in the router called QoS (Quality of Service), you could try setting that to prioritise the gamer but it probably won't be enough if anyone else is trying to also use the network.

  • How much are you paying per month?

    I am assuming $50 per month from their site for 100GB. If so there's a promotion for 50Mbps for $60 per month. Certainly worth the extra $10 per month. Give them a call to get you on it as it seems it's only for "new customers" or just switch to another provider for 6 months on a nice deal (it's super simple these days).

    • +1

      If so there's a promotion for 50Mbps for $60 per month.

      $53.90 for 12 months…

      • +1

        I second this jv, no more hopping for me after getting this

        • +2

          no more hopping for me

          at least not for 12 months…

  • I always thought the ethernet cable was solid and the wireless got the leftovers?

    Only because ethernet was significantly faster than wireless - no so, these days.

    You could look at changing some QoS settings on your router, but that's treating the symptoms not the cause (and all you're doing is making your own experience worse so that your brother's is better). As others have already said, you need a faster internet connection.

  • +3

    lol 12/1…

    • +3

      must be a 15 yr old plan…

      • +1

        It sounds like the brother is > 15 yr old…

  • Just checked out the Internode pricing and 12/1 isn't even cheap at $50 a month.

    Anyway get 50/20 for around $70 a month and get your bro to pay the difference since he's the one complaining.

    I don't think you can reliable stream with 12/1.

  • Exetel price 12/1 and 25/10 both at $59.95. Give it a go.

  • +4

    Should I Upgrade from 12/1Mbps nbn?


  • -1

    According to the FCC, the definition of broadband internet is a minimum of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds.

  • At first I thought it was a typo…

  • +1

    Thanks all,

    Got it lifted to 25. Doing 26 on the speed test so a decent boost.

    Will see how it goes. They said the max my line can hold is 50.

    • The upload speed of 1Mbps was also abysmal — what upload speed have you got now?

      • I think the upload speed on the 25 speed is 5.

  • according to most who post here, not having 200/100 makes life barely worth living

  • Get a router with MIMO
    If I was u, I would go to and put your address in there to see what it turns up, then see what RSP's there are.
    If u need a hand with that, come on back here. When u get another RSP, they will say use this router, but most of the time, it is a crap router, so get something better and manually set it up, it is easy. Like I said get one with, MIMO, duckduckgo it

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