• long running

Bankwest Platinum Debit Mastercard - Fee-Free International Transactions and ATM Withdrawals


Bankwest emailed and just updated my debit card to platinum for free. Assume it applies to all.

Pair it with the Bankwest Zero and your debit and credit cards will essentially be fee free for international use.

No need to go with two different banks. Time to ditch Citibank.

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  • -1

    Wow, just like the pre2014 28 Degrees?

    Edit: but with 2 cards

    • +7

      No price protection however..

      • -5

        SO better than or the same as a 28° card?

    • -1

      Isn't 28 degrees still good currency conversion?

      • Both are MasterCards so should be same

    • +1

      Is 28 degrees no longer considered good for international transactions?

      • +2

        It’s good for credit transactions: no foreign currency fees, MasterCard currency exchange rates. They removed the ability to withdraw from an ATM without incurring fees, which is sensible because it’s not a debit card.

        • Bankwest lets you take cash out with no fees if you have a bank account with them using the MC debit card. Just saved like 60 bucks worth of fees taking out 2k in thailand with them.

          Edit, lol, I just realised how old this comment is

    • +1

      pre2014 28 Degrees

      i legit have nightmares about a day when i finally hit my 28 degrees price protection lifetime limit :(

      it truly is the 1 card to rule all credit cards.

      • What's the lifetime limit :O?

        • +2

          been a while since i checked, but im fairly sure its still 20k. Can fairly confidently say I'm at about 10k lifetime now.

          • @Jimothy Wongingtons: wow quite impressive that you have claimed 10k! I've never claimed on price protection - my issue is that I don't track the purchase price after purchase. Do you do this manually or have some sort of automated alert? I figure manually is quite time consuming.

            • @ahilen: Nah it’s all from big ticket tech items - I have alerts set up on ozbargain

              • @Jimothy Wongingtons: How does the price protection work mate?

                • @Trendyoz: Buy item
                  Find item at a cheaper spot in aus, within 12 months
                  Get paid the difference

                  (Kind of a null point if you don’t have an OG 28degrees card)

                  • @Jimothy Wongingtons: I do actually, but hardly use. I use my Citi for points. But 12 months is pretty good! Any fee for availing the PP?

                  • @Jimothy Wongingtons: got OG 28d card with price protection
                    OG Go master card with price protection
                    OG Coles source legacy account cover plus with price protection

                    some can do same retailer within 24m and some 1yr with different retailer

            • +3

              @ahilen: I use an Excel spreadsheet that automatically calculates how many days have passed since you purchased an item, so you know how long you have to claim. I also keep copies of my receipts, which is sensible even without price protection.

              I've claimed about $7k so far.

              • @sickburn: How does this claim work? Does it protect against any website?

                • @Fasian: You just present evidence of a lower price (like a screenshot) advertised at any Australian retailer, submit your claim, and get the money credited back to your card a few days later.

                  • -1

                    @sickburn: It is one of a kind card and I have reached the lifetime limit of 20k, I wish they bring it back.

                  • @sickburn: That actually sounds DOPE. Do you know if this is still the case, if it is? I would def get one.

              • @sickburn: @sickburn that's a smart system. How do you track prices? and how frequently? Do you automated alerts set-up?

                • @ahilen: Nah nothing fancy like that. Just check OzB every now and then and if I happen to find a lower price I'll screenshot it. Every now and then I'll open the spreadsheet and see if time is running out on any big ticket items, and proactively look for a lower price.
                  FYI they accept claims that include coupon codes and such so you can get big savings if you can stack codes and screenshot the final price.

                  • @sickburn: I'm new to this price protection, so how does it work? And is it it included with the Bankwest Zero Platinum credit card?

            • @ahilen: Google sheet

          • @Jimothy Wongingtons: @Jimothy Wongingtons you might be able to get away with cancelling the card and applying for a new one to reset the limit (not sure if that'll work though and will impact your credit file).

            • @ahilen: Just FYI, you pay a small percentage of all your purchases every month for the price protection insurance.

              • @thedriver: Only if you're leaving an outstanding balance. If you pay off your balance before your statement generation date you pay no fees. (i.e. 1% of $0 is still $0).

                I've never paid a cent to latitude and have claimed thousands back in PP. Am not looking forward to the day I hit the lifetime limit.

            • @ahilen: Price protection is long gone as an offer.

      • I have the Coles MC with price protection, which is for 2 years for price drops with same retailer…not sure if better than 28 degrees which is 3 months at any retailer.

        • +5

          Nope, 28D is 1 year from any retailer. I've claimed about $4k so far.

        • I just buy my big ticket electronics from Amazon/JB Hifi as they often have sales. Have claimed back almost $5k over the years

      • Do you pay fees for the price protection? Or do you pay everything off almost instantly so month end balance is zero does this avoid fee?

        • +3

          Always pay it off - no fees. Living the dream.

        • Just FYI, you pay a small percentage of all your purchases every month for the price protection insurance.

          The cost of this protection is 0.5% of the monthly closing balance

          • @thedriver: That’s why you pay the balance before the statement date ;)

            • @Randolph Duke: I've tried that, I still get charged the percentage though.

              • @thedriver: You're definitely not doing it correctly then. I've not paid a cent in years.

                Make sure you're paying the balance off and it's cleared BEFORE your statement generation date. If your payment to clear the balance is still pending it will not count, so make sure you send the payment at least 2-3 days before to be safe.

      • how do you get price protection for 28degrees? Do you have to opt in or does it happen automatically?

      • +1

        Still crying now as I forgot to pay one of the direct debit thing that occurred and they cancelled my 28 degree card due to none payment! Haven’t even used one price protection as yet…..

      • I've 28 degrees card since 2011, now it's called Latitude, does it have price protection? Can't find anything on their website..

        • Did you have price protection at any point , you had to opt in. If no then no. The price protection is now actually provided through hallmark insurance.

      • I see you old school OzBargainers rave about this card. When did they remove price protection for new customers? And for those grandfathered is there a future end date?

    • They've been offering this as a credit card forever, this debit card isn't even new afaik.


      • It is now "platinum". There was an administration fee for exchange.

    • +2

      How's it going coops?

      • Do I know you?

        • +2

          probably not, I was just being polite

          • +1

            @nzcoops: :) That is very nice……hi friend

    • Dear OP

      This is OLD NEWS.
      Your Bankwest mastercard debit card has been Platinum since July 2023
      Even though it doesnt say it on the card.
      But this is just very poor Marketing by Bankwest really.
      And their web site has stated this since July 2023 too.
      So it has applied to every Bankwest customer for over 6 months

      So its not a deal and its nothing new.

      • +1

        The OPs post is from 2022! ?

        • Thanks for that.
          Why has it been reposted?

          • +1

            @Dr Phil: Somebody made a comment on the thread 45mins ago, so it would depend what your looking at as to why your seeing it…..Live?

    • +2

      It's good that there's another debit card offering this however the credit card is a waste it will block you from getting another credit card that has a cashback/points offer. If you're just after no international transaction fees, HSBC's debit card will do the trick and offer you more cashback than any other credit/debit card (2% instant cashback).

      • I’m still confused how many cards is this with Bankwest
        And what’s this pair to bankwest zero?

  • +16

    Macquarie Bank is already doing this (free international transactions and no fees for international atms from bank side) with their standard transaction account.

    • Can’t the local bank in that foreign country charge you ATM fees though?

      • +7

        Yup they can, the same as for this bankwest deal

        "You may be charged a fee by the ATM operator. Other fees and charges may apply."

      • +8

        ING bank will rebate you ATM fee provided you fulfill the monthly criteria the month before.

        • Only the first 5

          • @Given: You can have 2 ING accounts, that's should be 10x. You should use your card to pay and use the withdrawal for only cash transactions. 10x withdrawal should be enough.

          • @Given: And a withdrawal at an ATM that doesn't charge a fee anyway counts as one of the 5

        • I'm not seeing any advantage of ING over the other competitors.

          The requirement to fulfil monthly criteria in the prior month is annoying & ridiculous.

          • @vikvance: If you are happy to pay $10 per ATM withdrawal in Thailand/Fiji then there is no advantage for ING.

            • @samehada: Yup ING saved me $448 last financial year because Thailand's ATMs charge between $9 and $12 ATM owner fee which ING rebated..

              • +5

                @wako: Thailand clearly tries to rip tourist off with this ridiculous ATM fee. Fiji is even worse with $15 ATM fee.
                There won't be an Citibank ATM in the airport so you will get slugged with fee without ING.

                Another dodgy one is Vietcombank in Vietnam, do not use this bank ATM, their system reported the total balance including ATM fee to ING for your withdrawal hence ING system doesn't refund the ATM fee.

        • +1

          macquarie does this for all domestic ATM fees period. with no monthly criteria

          • @Reginald7711: Lol, who cares about domestic ATM, why do you even pay for domestic ATM fee? So many bank ATM without fee for domestic.

            • +1

              @samehada: I was making the point that macq offer the same as ING except without need to meet quotas and jump through hoops.

              But on that note, it actually come in quite useful as I don’t carry cash, and often when I do need cash a servo or pub atm is the closest one, so I can use those without paying their fees.

            • @samehada: So will ING work for cash withdrawal on any atm machine in Japan? Provided less than 5 times a month ?

        • +2

          I thought this offer has ended since August last year?

          • +1

            @wildstone: That’s true. ING no longer rebate the foreign ATM operator fees.

            • @damienpang: It did for me though, currently in Europe and all withdrawal fees where refunded.

              • @raspudala: Just came back from 7 months in SE Asia, they refund the fee they charge you but not the one the ATM charges. The same as Macquarie.

                Most ATMs in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia don't charge one. Thailand charges a brutal one of around $9 (I haven't been able to find any way around this, going into the branch doesn't work now either), and The Philippines charges about $6. Vietnam was cheap ($2 - $3) and there may be a free one around but I wasn't there long enough to track it down.

        • +1

          I don't think ING rebates foreign bank's ATM fee anymore… they stopped sometime last year. Yet to find another bank that rebates foreign bank ATM fee.


      • Yes I am in Singapore now and every ATM charges $5 SGD fees to withdraw

        • So ing doesn’t work with atm rebates anymore ?

        • Weird, I don't remember which one it was (DBC I think) didn't charge any fees about 2.5 months ago.

    • -3

      No OSKO for Macquarie so this would be a better account overall

      • -2

        My Macquarie has Osko. Even without limit

        • +3

          OSKO website very clearly states Macquarie does not have OSKO

        • +3

          They have PayID but not Osko

        • +3

          PayID isn't the same as Osko. Macquarie has PayID, but only supports SCT which is an older technology. True Osko will get you realtime transfers between BSB & account numbers at different banks, including those banks which don't support SCT (such as Westpac & Up bank).

          However, Bankwest has a max $1k per transaction PayID limit (max $5k per day), so I'd way rather take Macquarie over that any day.

          • @bonezAU: mac has default limit of $5k and think it goes up to $100k if you register authenticator.

            • @twistedbow: At least you have the option to use authenticator, unlike Bankwest.

              $1k per tx is ridiculous.

          • @bonezAU: Pay ID will still get you real time payments via bsb and acc. E.g. Macq -> NAB via bsb/acc is instant, or phone number is instant.
            It's only the osko banks, westpac/st george that it doesnt work with. virtually any other bank to/from is instant via acc/bsb or phone number with Pay ID

        • +1

          Apologies, I wasn't aware that Osko and PayID isn't the same…

      • pretty sure macquarie transaction account has osko.

    • There is nothing new about Mq. They have been doing this for a long time.

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