Hey guys,
Our little one is getting into pokemon cards stuff. Everybody seems to be collecting them at school. Now she wants to get some for her birthday. Whilst I find exchanging money for paper rather odd (to put it mildly), I remember myself being a kid, so naturally I would not want to disappoint her. Offer of LEGO was rejected:)
We know nothing about the stuff. Would please anyone give any recommendations on what to look for and where to buy. She is not into serious collecting, it is just child's play. I have checked gumtree/ebay and a couple of shops: EB Games, Troll&Toad. The choice is overwhelming and, given my ignorance on the subject, is overbearing.
Would appreciate your input!
My budget is $100 - $120.
Wait for school to ban them. Happened at my kids' school after allegations of theft and bullying. I think the one pack my kid had is in a bin somewhere. Fad.