Just wondering how this all works and how its calculated.
Lets say I triggered a $500k CGT event for the financial year (eligible for 50% discount) and in order to try and minimize tax, I choose to max out my super concessional contributions.
Lets also say my concessional cap is $100k for the financial year (accumulated from years before).
What will be my Taxable Income for the financial year? Assuming no other deductions or income.
$500k - $100k = $400k
$400k ÷ 2 (after cap gains discount) = $200k
$500k ÷ 2 (after cap gains discount) = $250k
$250k - $100k = $150k
Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
These aren't exactly small amounts of money. Sounds like the help & advice you need should come from a professional accountant.