Klipsch 5.1 Home Theatre Pack - Bookshelf Rears - ONLY 10 LEFT IN STOCK !!!!
Package Contains:
2 x KD-52F floorstanding speakers
2 x KD-51M bookshelf (surround) speakers
1 x KD-52C centre speaker
1 x R-100SW Subwoofer
Klipsch 5.1 Home Theatre Pack - Bookshelf Rears - ONLY 10 LEFT IN STOCK !!!!
Package Contains:
2 x KD-52F floorstanding speakers
2 x KD-51M bookshelf (surround) speakers
1 x KD-52C centre speaker
1 x R-100SW Subwoofer
Much better than a soundbar system !!! You will need an amplifier and wiring for this system.
Just had a look at some reviews based on your comments - interesting. No surprises the most gushing ones come from generic "tech" websites where the authors are probably coming from shitty $300 soundbars. A couple of 'proper' reviews give it good marks for cinema but average for stereo audio performance.
Logically, a sub and soundbar of that size would be unlikely to outperform something like this package deal above but it sounds like it would get close and have various Atmos tricks that you won't get from a 5.1 setup. That Samsung sub also looks pretty weedy.
A couple of 'proper' reviews give it good marks for cinema but average for stereo audio performance.
I can confirm that, which is why I've said that the Klipsch set up would be better for music.
Logically, a sub and soundbar of that size would be unlikely to outperform something like this package deal above
I would say the logic would be quite the opposite, as the physics are on the q990b's side in terms of reproducing immersive Atmos, as it has a number of side and up firing drivers, including its rears, unlike the basic 5.1 Klipsch set up. To emulate that in a classic set up, you'd need to have side and height surrounds, in addition to rears. I've previously had to install in-ceiling speakers for that.
@elektron: This is true, but you are basing this on the soundbar that can't even produce physical stereo sound, and you are also suggesting that all that matters for movies, is that you can hear the sound coming from all around you, but the actual soundstage and dynamics don't matter at all?
Coming from a Q900t to a stereo setup, it's incredible the amount of sound you miss out on. I was constantly having to adjust sound profiles, increase speech, or have trouble understanding dialogue with the Q900t, but in a simple stereo speaker setup, I have zero issues, and gained a huge front soundstage that the Q900T physically could not do. So really you are compromising on many things if you go the q990b route, while gaining a little on setup if you move a lot, while if you go 5.1 HT, you would have a significant improvement in the quality of 5.1 compared to a soundbar virtual atmos setup, all down the having physical speakers and much more capable drivers.
@caitsith01: My "shitty" $300 Samsung soundbar and sub replaced by messy amp/speaker setup and I've never looked back.
Of course a soundbar is going to be easier to install and no need for speaker cable however remember that with a soundbar you are simulating surround sound and delivering majority of this from a central location. The soundbar then simulates surround as opposed to delivering sound to independent channels via a receiver.
In reference to atmos no this system is a 5.1 system therefore not atmos however when using the Q990B the content must be Dolby Atmos or DTS:X enabled for Dolby ATMOS or DTS:X playback.
You do realise the q990b can't even do physical stereo right - unless you sit like 40cm in front of it? It has to rely on virtual sound to get a stereo effect due to the soundbar being so narrow.
Also the speaker size is obviously a HUGE limitation on the q990b.
So really simply said, if simplicity of installation (which you only do once most of the time along with placement), then it all depends how much money you want to spend right? Obviously this speaker system will sound infinitely better than the q990b, but is it worth the extra price for you?
@onlinepred: In my post above I did say that the Klipsch would be better for a stereo music listening, so this is a strawman agruement.
Conversely, I can argue that the 5.1 Klipsch set up is not cabaple of reproducing the positioning of Atmos objects even with a compatible amp.
@elektron: Yes, but that's the point, the soundbar can't even do stereo, or 3.1, or 5.1. So it all comes down to if you like average sound but kinda all around you except below you, or much more accurate sound, on all sides of you.
It's great that it suits you, but it's only better if your single requirement is virtual dolby atmos support out of the box, and that requirement is higher than sound quality/ability,dynamics, etc etc.
@elektron, what made you downsize from a 9.1 HT system to a soundbar?
@ode1online: Moving to a smaller place. Before recently upgrading to the q990b, I had a 5.1 Atmos Sony soundbar from 2018 and it was just okay for movies, but worked surprisingly well for music - a more coherent and musical sound than the q990b, which is let down by a sub that was obviously tuned for movie special effects.
The benefit of a soundbar with rears is it is quite unobtrusive and easy to setup. For these speakers, you would want to have a decent size loungeroom and an understanding wife/partner/housemates - these look like big speakers!
Klipsch is a good brand - if I had the room for it I'd be keen at this price!
I would look at the sony ht a9 if I wanted surround sound and was limited severely by space - because you actually get good stereo separation from these compared to next to no separation in soundbars. You could run the Klipsch system without the sub if you were concerned about noise pollution through rooms etc. They still offer great bass even without the sub
@onlinepred: The ht-a9 are good speakers but one downside is the lack of a center channel which is really important for dialogue in movies/tv shows
@safwanc: It’s really not important to have a centre channel if the speakers are good and produce a good soundstage. It’s often better than having all 3 channels in one small unit like soundbars do. Also the added bonus of actually getting good stereo separation to help distinguish different sounds and locations where they are coming from.
Obviously having a proper centre speaker and dedicated physical left and right speakers that are 60cm or so away from the tv would be best, but anything smaller like soundbars etc is a compromise in something hey.
@onlinepred: Hmm maybe? I have a 5.1 system and I personally find my centre channel and sub (svs pb1000 << really really really good) to make the biggest impact for media consumption.
I don't think a soundbar set up will ever compete head to head with a proper dedicated set up but I was surprised by how close the q990b and ht-a9 have gotten.
For entry-midrange dedicated set ups vs soundbars I feel like it's a compromise of bass vs convenience. I found the separation quite good but the bass can't match the lows of my SVS. Just my 2 cents.
@safwanc: 1000% about full 5.1 systems or even 3.1, I was more comparing against soundbars and tiny speaker systems. I was so disappointed by the q900t, and after moving to the spare room I got a pair of bookshelf speakers that replaced them, and I haven’t missed the soundbar once. I would much prefer high quality stereo speakers over soundbars anyday of the week. Even with the 900t I was constantly noticing issues with dialogue or fatigue in high end, and overall no control over the low end. The stereo bookshelves take everything in its stride so freaking well.
I found with most soundbar systems that they lack midrange and and also lack low end control. And of course lack basic stereo ability haha. The ht a9 looks to fox that at least.
Of course I have my jamo 5.1 system on the main tv, just find I use it less and less as it’s so loud. It’s easily the best out of everything I’ve tried though haha.
If you're in a rental maybe not
If you're in a home or with a large room
Definitely yes
can you suggest a good 7.2.2 receiver/processor ?
Whichever Yamaha or Denon fits your budget.
That would be a 9.2ch receiver - Either of the following
Any help on what you recommend for a 5.1.2 receiver as well that does proper HDMI 2.1 please. Seems none really fit the bill will yet possibly.
I'm not looking at the v6a because even if it has the new board it has the 28gbps limit.
And I'm not a huge fan of the Denon 1700h due to previous Denon experiences.
I'm not sure if I need to wait overall for be models to release
Any help on what you recommend for a 5.1.2 receiver as well that does proper HDMI 2.1 please.
@Nom: Thanks. At least another to compare. It does seem like the 1700h is the best of the bunch at the moment
Even seems the small differences down to the 760h wouldn't impact me that much.
Not enough power!
If you're looking for bang for buck Onkyo is a good choice. The TX-RZ50 is fantastic for $2500 or less, but they do cheaper models too. It's time consuming, but do look at some reviews around your budget, then look at some shops like Eastwood HiFi, Rio Sound and Vision who are specialists in this field and often have some great deals. Also, they will offer you genuine advice as they are small stores and depend on their reputation to keep in business. Word of mouth is the best advertisement money can buy.
is this a good set up for my desktop ?
I have this exact setup for my desktop and I no longer require hearing aids because I can no longer hear. Would recommend.
nohear nohear
I would love one of these but it keeps getting veto'd from the better looking half.
Any chance these come in white? might help with the cause…
Unfortunately not in white only in the black finish.
It's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission….
Didn't work for me when I bought a soundbar. Something like this would have had us on the news "Melbourne man found dead! Police suspect natural causes as he failed to fill in the appropriate paperwork to marginally change the look of the living room".
But you've still got the soundbar right?
@Salty Pretzel: Yeh managed to keep it by the skin of my teeth. I had to remind her that the initial plan was a pair of standing speakers and a sub with a receiver that we would move around when switching from the TV to the projector. The soundbar didn't look as "ugly" after that.
@AEKaBeer: Trying to talk to missus anything about Hifi and receivers never works. Not even sound bar. She thinks TV speakers is good enough. Apparently AirPods are best for music
I can never upgrade from my old Yamaha 5.1 kit 10 years ago
Don't want to stereotype but I believe a lot of guys have this issue.
@neonlight: I think the only way to get surround and approval from my wife is to get in ceiling rear speakers.
There is a definite market need for a small decent surround system which isn't a soundbar….like a Bose 5.1 system from >10yrs ago, but with an updated receiver
@onlinepred: The Sony a9 system is appealing, almost exactly what I was looking for. But by the time you add a sub to it, it's going to be ~$3.5k so it's well into proper receiver and surround territory…
Maybe I just need to find some nice small speakers!
@PhilToinby: Yep agreed, but I think these would be the best bet for convenience and sound ability of looking at the soundbar segment.
@PhilToinby: I have not seen any new 5.1 systems with new versions of receivers. Those Bose ones were awesome. Nevertheless can’t get wife’s approval, lack of understanding about audio and why upgrade is needed are the main cause. Anything I say are excuses to upgrade lol
It's cause you got a soundbar.
"I would love one of these but it keeps getting veto'd from the better looking half."
Do you stop her from buying whatever expensive thing she wants?
Purse, bags, shoes, jewellery and clothing….list goes on. if you do stop her it means bad relationships bound to happen, it’s quite unfair for guys to endure the pain not being about to upgrade hifis. For sure if I get it the other half will whinge all day about taking space and how unjust to get such audio system when $ can be spent on holidays, her items, or the kids…
Surely it would be obvious how hypocritical and selfish she is being if you just pointed it out to her? I mean, basic logic and human decency defeats any narrow minded argument she may come up with.
Reminding a person of all the things you do for them/others should help them see that they are taking you for granted. But you have to stare them down and not respond to any useless words or ridiculous arguments they blurt out in de-fence. Just say your piece and keep looking at them and let your silence allow them to realise how wrong they are.
At any rate, I wish you all the best, because it is very difficult to deal with an unbalanced relationship and someone who refuses to listen.
Get some sand paper, primer and paint these white, would that void warranty? Shouldn't.
Damn, just picked up a PDR 100 for $200 otherwise I’d jump on this. Will keep an eye out for any 2.0 / 5.0 deals :)
can my iphone 12 pro power this?
No, but an iphone 13 pro can. You can also use the 13 Pro to charge your Tesla if you run in to any trouble.
You need an amp
Any good Deal on klipsch RP?
i am also looking for 5.1.2 deal in RP series…getting them individual gets it very costly..
Gumtree or FB may be a good avenue.
I have a Denon AVR-S750H would it be enough for this speakers on 5.1 ?
Yes that will be more than sufficient to operate the 5.1 system
Oof, I only just bought a cinema 900, would it be worth all the hassle to sell it and get something like this for a bedroom?
Was tempted as just got a projector mounted but these speakers are sold exclusively at Walmart in the US and that was enough for me to pass
How are the actual reviews though?
I paired the middle / tower klipsch speakers with krix subs and 4 directional atmos speakers - all going through a high end yamaha amp. Couldn't be happier.
Just ordered the R-100SW a few days ago as my sub recently died. Tempting to go full Klipsch but my wharfedale speakers are still working fine. Am keen to check out the sub though, has great reviews from what I've seen.
Klipsch aren't known to have good subs. They're expensive (ref premier line) and don't go down low enough compared to say svs.
Noice…. hopefully this is still available when I get home
No click and collect option? Don't really want to pay $150 shipping when you're down the road from me
any chance of a AVR deal? Maybe an Onkyo RZ50, Yamaha RX-A4a or Denon AVR-x3700h?
Go hard or go home. If you can't afford https://www.westcoasthifi.com.au/packages/hollywood-atmos-ho… stick to your Logitech 2.1 set up :)
Use tv
I think you can save 20k from this deal
Gee that's a cheap divorce settlement!
.. or you can get a BenQ W2700 for $2500 for the same experience.
all their packages unfortunately include a projector, but I and I assume a lot of people would already have a tv
would a Yamaha HTR-2071 5.1 be enough for this?
Any recommendations for a 5.0 setup for around 2k?
Any reasons why you don't want a subwoofer?
Already have an SVS PB-1000
Almost tempted to buy and store them for 12 months till I move to a bigger place. Nice deal.
Don't do that
Was really planning on doing this at my new place but lost patience waiting for a decent deal. I am glad I got the Samsung q990B. Just better in most respects in this day and age. No cost for an amplifier. Compared to my JBL LSR 308 with sub, I am not losing anything in terms of raw sounds at normal movie sound volume (aka most neighbours will complain level). So, I find it hard that this will be better and aesthetics is not on its side either.
Any thoughts on buying this to replace a Q Acoustics system (Q2050i/Q2010i/Q2020i) with an old Wharfedale sub. Noticeable upgrade?
Different sound.
Go listen to some Klipsch speakers, which are renowned for being bright, from their horn tweeter design. Smne like, others do not. I find bright speakers fatiguing. That said I don't think your q acoustic speakers are worse than this, I wouldn't upgrade.
Agree. These are only entry level Klipsch speakers and not worth the upgrade.
Unlikely to be much of an upgrade, if at all.
Thanks Conor!! Nice upgrade for me :)
How can we tell without hearing if they are upgrades? From the specs alone can we decipher much?
How much of an upgrade from a previous 5.1 deal - Yamaha NS51?
What are chances of something like this coming up again in 6 months?
Will all depend on stock at the time. These where exclusive and they doubled up on my order
damn the whole set is cheaper than just a sonos sound bar.
In fairness that won't be true once you've bought a receiver.
How does this compare to the R - 620F setup ? See link below?
That is the reference pack so next series above
Thank you. So what are the key spec difference? More wattage, bigger tweeters etc?
Is this a better setup than the Samsung q990b?