Looks like this was popular last time.
Plus $10 off on their mobile plans.
Join MATE nbn Internet and Get $100 Credit Applied 28 Days after Activation @ MATE

Last edited 18/07/2022 - 20:21 by 1 other user
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Nah Mate nah
Please go through the last couple of pages here before you jump on..
Yeah NAH … Over the last 2 weeks the NBN service from these guys has essentially (and inexplicably) become unusable, because it drops out so frequently. I'm currently churning through about a year's worth of 'rolled over' AldiMobile data (using phone as a 'hot-spot'), just to maintain reliable internet so I can work/etc.
'MATE' seems to actively avoid any 'real-time' contact with customers, so I'm not going to bother going down that route; I'm simply going to ditch them. I'm sick of pissing around with restarting routers too, so I'm going to try an 'unlimited data' phone plan as a source of home internet. The temporary AldiMobile hotspot thing works seamlessly … if only they offered an 'unlimited data' plan. I found one offered by a mob called 'Felix'; $35 a month, unlimited internet at 20 mbps. Has anyone here tried these guys/this service for their home internet?
Wasn't happy with their speed throttling during peak and weekends due to congestion. Switched to ABB and immediate difference in bandwidth speeds.
Trying to move away from them right now for the exact same reason. Progressively getting worse. Speeds are often half what they are meant to be (hfc).
Going to move away from their mobile service too, as significant congestion in suburban Melb for data (I appreciate they are a Telstra wholesale reseller, but it’s terrible).
At least you are getting half. I was getting 70-80 on a 250 plan and on the last few days before I moved away, went down to 10mbps at peak time.
They are throttling my download speed to 3.5/4.0 Mbps from 04 PM to 09 AM Perth time every single day.
So I pay for 100 Mbps but can only use it for 7 hours a day.. I am moving to Aussiebroadband asapThey started doing it to me 2 weeks ago. I ended up churning to Exetel at 8pm last Saturday. Surprisingly my service with Exetel was activate 45 minutes later.
Wow that sounds great! Mate sadly are doing the same to my service. I only get 5-10 speed instead of 100. Moving out soon.
In my case they don't apply the throttling to Ookla based speed tests. So when you complain about the issue, they ask for speed test.net evidence, which is useless. They are essentially cheating and pretending there is nothing to see here.
I recommend testing using fast.com over ethernet for accurate results. The throttling can also be easily noticed on any file download, even from services like OneDrive.
'They started doing it to me 2 weeks ago. …'
Me too; pretty much exactly 2 weeks ago! What the hell are these clowns doing/hoping for? Do they really think they can decimate the service they are providing, and not have peeps leave them in droves (and forever tell others of their 'never again' experiences)?
I have also just ditched 'Mate' due to their sudden and extreme deterioration and opted for 'Exetel'—who I had never heard of before reading this forum. The monthly price is good (same as the baseline 'Mate' service). Sign-up was easy. Set-up info (emailed) was informative/coherent/easy to follow. I had a minor problem with my 'BYO' modem/router and rang them up; and was on hold for less than 3 minutes! Then the dude talked me through modem set-up within 5 minutes. My internet is now 'streaming like I'm dreaming' (4 devices set up as a test; 2 laptops gaming etc. plus a TV streaming free-to-air, plus an i-Pad on YouTube).
The bottom line is, at least currently/right now, I can HIGHLY RECOMMEND Exetel.
And mmmyeah … 'Mate' appears to have degenerated into some sort of 'shell company' that is seemingly planning to fold in the near future; like so many electricity/energy providers. That is the only explanation I can think of for their sudden plummet in reliability/service provision. They must have 'done some maths', and deduced that it would actually cost them money (rather than make them money) to honour their ongoing commitments to current clients; so they are actively trying to shed them, and either acquire new clients on re-jigged contracts/terms … or just do an entire 'phoenix'.
I am moving to Aussiebroadband asap
Superloop have a discount offer for first 6 months that many say are on par with ABB performance, so may be worth considering.
That's pretty rough.
I am on mate 25/5 deal ($59/month) and I always get 26mbps 24/7. And for me there's no reason to want faster.
Actually I have just checked and it's 4mbps now. Mustve declined very recently for me, and I'll probably switch soon unless it comes back to speed.
A pity because in the past they were good.
MB? or are you really saying 4 Mb?
Yes, no joke. The upload is not throttled, so I get ridiculous 3.5Mpbs down, 30Mbps upload results.
The throttling happens from 04 PM by the minute, and stops 09 AM sharp. This should be illegal.
'The throttling happens from 04 PM by the minute, and stops 09 AM sharp.'
Exactly the same for me; and no reason for it. I am not even a big user/there is no way I would have exceeded some undisclosed 'cap' they apply in-house. The throttling causes my laptop, and my son's, to periodically beak connection completely, rendering "MATE's" service utterly useless to us now.
A shame, because we have been happy with their service for more than a year …
No free month, no deal.
Truth - what’s the point of this haha when you have no idea what they are like
As someone who complains regularly, I can say that I haven't had any problems at all. I will still be switching to exetel after I use my $100 credit because the game is the game.
Staying for 2 months, or switching after the cash back is paid, 28 days….if all goes well?
Looking for my first NBN connection.
So I've timed it as follows -> sign up for $59 plan, activation= day one, 28 days later a $100 credit applied. On that day (but before the billing cycle changes) I will increase my plan speed to the "elite mates product" which is $99 to use the majority of the credit. Once the new billing cycle takes effect set a termination date at the end of it. It sounds complicated but takes like 15 mins tops which I do while working anyways, so it's basically being paid to save.
If you do the maths you will see there is no point to stretch out the credit since $100/59 = 1.69 months. Meaning if you just treat the promo as a "free" month and cancel you are paying nearly the same as if you would stay and use all the credit.
ex. $59 for one month and use $100 for one month free, then cancel = $29.50 average per month
or $59 for one month and use $100 til depleted = 2.69 months free and 0.31 months ($18.29) paid = $25.76 per month over 3 months.
Plus with the exetel cashack of $110 dollars they did I wanted to switch to them quicker due to a delayed activation and not wanting to push my luck.
Yeah, good and all but previous posts show people had issues getting it credited at all and had to follow up multiple times 😂
@DemocracyManifest: I'll keep you guys advised how it goes. The T&Cs got updated and it seems more automated now.
I've just signed up for activation tomorrow and was gonna stick with them for 3 months as per your calc above ($59/month) but I think I might do the upgrade and bail after getting the "free month" with $100 credit looking at all the negative reviews.
Really hoping that I don't run into issues with them, 25/5 should be good enough for me but am expecting to be able to do the usual YT/video stream and basic WFH.
If you don't mind being throttled during peak times then it's a great deal.
So currently with superloop at 79.95 for 100/20, is it worth churning short term for the free $100? or is the service that bad its not even worthwhile?
Don't even think of it. Read my other post below.
Based on comments above, I'd stay with SL
I just switched from Mate to Superloop 2 weeks ago. I joined mate in May when they had the same $100 credit promotion and the price is competitive. The speed on speedtest is fine although it is not as high as promised in the evening. In the morning and afternoon, speed benchmark is high but my video quality is very bad. I switched back to Superloop and all issues are gone. Getting 109Mbps on NBN100 when typing this.
No thanks. Tried them for many months. I don't recommend at all. My 250mb speed plummeted to dialup speeds during peak. Every time I emailed them they'd respond with the same stupid email about testing my speed using steps. I tell them I get great speeds outside peak hours, so it surely has nothing to do with my router or anything on my end. They ignore everything I say like I'm an idiot and insist on testing. So I just moved to another provider and I'm good again. Assholes.
Stay away if you can. They used to be really good about 2-3 years ago. I moved in to a new house about 9 months ago and went with them but changed within 3 months. Horrible peak speeds and the tech team always pretends that they're helping you but treat you like an idiot. Used the CommBank offer for More Internet and couldn't have been happier. In summary, I was disappointed with my Mate because I wanted More.
On a 25Mbps plan
Check out my Speedtest result! How fast is your internet? https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/8536067167
It was good speeds for a month, then it fell below 10Mbps and stays there most of the time.
Complaint lodged, escalation with provider. Crickets afterwards.
I switched from Aussie Broadband which was consistently good speed and amazing service.
Il move back to Aussie after my 100$ expire.
Not recommended.
Im currently with aussie on a 100/20, and look at my speedtests.
its always this low…so i dunno if Aussie is all its hyped up to be.
When i was downloading OW2 beta last night it constantly downloaded at 3-4mbps.
Wow that's bad
I thought it was the recent floods here in nsw because the timings coincided.
But it's still slowwas that you that negged me? just curious
I'm just pointing out my experience…
and just to show its not a one off heres another speedtest done right now.
@cloudy: yeah thats low. i moved to aussie bb 100/20 and so far all is good.
are you connected to wifi on that speedtest? have you tried speedtest from a hardwired machine? maybe you are "far" from wifi AP, congested network, wireless G, etc
They “forgot” my $100 credit until I asked last week.
Mmm, yes, I love not being able to watch 4k YouTube without buffering, on a tv with direct ethernet connection to router, on a 50/20 plan. Thanks mate!
No worries mate!
I signed up at the last cash back deal in May.
Since then I've had 3 nights and 1 entire weekend with no internet and no customer support/ call centre.When the service was finally restored, Mate sent an email about 12hrs later saying "well it appears the issue you had is now resolved, Mate."
Oh, and I couldn't even stream Netflix on a Friday evening. Ookla said my connection was peaking at 4Mbps.
So, yeah, buyer beware. I've jumped to Launtel whilst waiting for the FttP in our street to get activated, but I have Never had an ISP as bad and unreliable as Mate.
did u get the $100 credit automatically?
It was credited in the 1st bill I received after 2 months.
Moved to Exetel recently for the FTTP upgrade and noticed improved speeds on same connection.
About to cancel my service horrible packet loss (discord going robotic) and speeds went from 250Mbps to 20Mbps at peak time on FTTP connection.
Switched to AussieBB and pulling 800+Mbps so clearly no issue from my end.
When i joined. There wasn’t any mention of a 28 dats activation credit. I had to pay the first month and them they notified me theyd be charging me snd i had to spend time dealing with getting the credit activated.
Sounds like im in the minority but I get totally fine speeds from MATE. On the 100/20Mbps plan and usually getting around 90Mbps down, regardless of time of day.
I’ll count myself as lucky and be on the lookout for slowdown.on the same plan and usually get above 100 even.. last few days has been crap and only half the speed. Not sure what's the deal.
Do not recommend. See their reviews on Product Review. Lots of users complaining how their service has gone down recently. Even from personal experience, I struggled a great deal while giving them a try. There are better providers out there. Really disappointed in their customer service
nope, packet loss during peak hours
horrible dishonest company
Speed during peak hours were horrendous. Better off using 56k.
Sorry, let's not be Mates any more. I've been a very happy customer for over a year, but they recently switched from Vocus to Wireline as their upstream provider and purchased some IP blocks that are giving me, and many others, a US IP address.
If the speed/reliability hadn't fallen off a cliff with Wireline, access to US Netflix, Hulu, and HBO would be great and all, but the routing is woeful for any sort of business usage, and I keep getting geo-blocked on Australian sites requiring secure login. I had to use an Aussie VPN to buy movie tickets tonight 🤣🤣🤣
P.S. Top Gun Maverick is just as good the second time 👌🏻🛩️
Thanks for this info tbh, this probably explains the pretty sudden plummet in the usability of 'MATE' nbn. As others above have said, their 'customer service' is a joke, so I'm not even going to waste 30 minutes trying to get anything 'resolved'. I'll just ditch them. Who are you planning on switching to tbh, if I may ask?
Exetel. $30 off for 6 months, plus $70 Cashrewards cashback. They're currently #1 in Australia for average peak period speed.
My churn only took 15 minutes at 11pm last night. I'll PM you a referrer code, I think that gets both of us a treat too.Done … and I'm very happy with my first day of service, including some brief initial 'modem set-up customer service' rapidly and patiently supplied over the phone. YAY for Exetel :)
Shady company, don’t get stuck with them.
Commenting to cast my vote of mate Internet. I just switched provider from them today because of all the above reasons. During peak hour, packet loss, packet delay, unable to watch streams through discord or listen properly to VoIP. Couldn't do screen share during peak hours for work. Also very strange site problems where some random sites weren't able to get accessed.
I wouldn't recommend unless they confirm its fixed.
What's the nbn of choice these days. Last time I looked these guys were OK, and superloop was amazing, but I've also seen recent comments about superloop being meh. Telstra $1 deal ending soon.
Please don't say More as Commbank refuses to let me sign up for a card online as I had an account a decade ago
Exetel are the go, I just signed up last night. It's currently $30 off p/m, plus $70 cashback from Cashrewards. Happy for anyone to PM me for a referrer code, I think it gives us both 10% off for once the 30% finishes after 6 months. Not sure if I'm breaking rules by saying that, so maybe there's a random referrer post for Exetel on here somewhere?
Anyway, can recommend. Churn was super quick at 11pm, updated my PPPoE settings and I'm now speed testing a bit over my plan tier 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Holy crap!!!! I was wondering why i was having packet loss and pretty crap bandwidth but whenever I did a ookla speed test it was full speed. Just did a fast.com speed test and omg.
Anyone have any feedback on More or Vodafone nbn?
i just checked… Ookla has me flying at 80mbps… Fast test has me at 3.8mps…
every one of those speed test sites gives a different result. Which one can you trust?
I moved to superloop today and both tests, ookla and fast.com are giving similar results.
Recently left Mate as well - they have been absolutely terrible last few weeks, was on 100/20, but getting no more than 3MBps in the evenings. Support is useless too. Do not!
Before joining I researched as I already had 3 perfectly good routers. All OK according to Mate.
Upon joining was given settings to enter into router. No router would work. Contact support go through all the troubleshooting, still no internet. After, support person casually mentioned to set the VLAN ID to 100, not even mentioned on my welcome email with settings. None of my routers had this capacity. Nowhere on their site in all of their setting guides is VLAN ID mentioned.
So I go out and buy a new router and lo and behold internet connected. Fantastic.
During that first week, as soon as 7pm hit, internet was unusable. No streaming whatsoever, constant buffering. So try to do some surfing and website pages would take minutes just to load. Gave them one more week but with the same outcome so disconnected.
Just be prepared as you may or may not be lucky.Like so many have mentioned, Mate have poor peak time speeds and deceptive tactics to hide it. Ookla always indicates a fast speed test result but I know it's slow because I cannot get content to load like normal. I definitely don't like being deceived like that.
Terrible NBN service. I was having plenty of packet loss and dropouts a month ago. Now I've got no more since changing away from them.
Does mate have a satisfaction guarantee that you can leave within X days if not satisfied? Can't see in their T&C
I thought it was 1 month, but not sure. If you take $100 that would cover your first month though.
They charge you straight away for first month when you sign up though, so you're still our out of pocket until they issue the $100 credit after 28 days.
Yes they do. I joined up and I got charged immediately, which was fine and then 2 weeks later cancelled. 2 days later got a full refund.
Here is info: https://www.letsbemates.com.au/includes/uploads/Important%20…Fab, thanks for this!
Did you have to chat or talk to them about the refund before cancelling? Or did you just churn and the refund was all automatic?
I cancelled over the phone and I mentioned it. Very easy process.
I followed what it states from my link above: "you are required to let us know by contacting our support team via phone on 13 14 13. Please ensure that you do so within one month of your service being activated and before your subsequent bill cycle date."@Petsa: I'm on day 5 with mate (connected 20/7) and no surprises I'm very unimpressed with them. It was ok for the first few days, then yesterday midnight I noticed my connection dropped, and as of now I'm struggling to even load OzB and normal websites! Ookla speed test is returning 16-17Mbps but fast.com is showing 6-7Mbps.
Needless to say I'm compelled to neg this deal and will be calling them up tomorrow to cancel. Never again, mate!
Hi guys I just got this message:
We regret to advise that some nbn internet customers located in NSW may be experiencing performance issues including slow speeds and latency. Our network partner is investigating the issue and we will provide a further update once more information is provided. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I hope they fix it, my plan renews in 10 days. If not improvement I am moving out.
I can also confirmed that their quality has nosed dive. I am signing up with superloop. Bye mate!
Had no issues for the last 12 months but lately… unusable. Just went back to Exetel. Sorry mate.
This company is not to be trusted. Wont ever give the promised credit.
Was the biggest advocate for Mate after being with them and having no issues for over 2 years on a 100/40 FTTB connection. Then earlier this year around the time SOS/ROC was activated in my area the peak periods the internet was barely usable at times with buffering on videos, packet loss in gaming and a support that didn't really say what they would be trying when I raised the issue with them. Fast forward 4 months of waiting on support to do anything, jumped on a Superloop deal and my net is back to working as normal. Don't know what's happened with Mate recently but I wouldn't bother with this based on my own experience as well as a few anecdotes in this thread/Whirlpool/ProductReview
Just moved back to Superloop after 2 years with Mate. Speeds are back to full 100/20 even during peak times, on hfc. I forgot how good decent internet providers can be.
Some of my final speed tests with Mate were between 7 - 20Mbps on a supposed 100Mpbs connection. When you ring to complain, Mate treat you like a noob and make you do basic isolation testing then make up various excuses. To be fair, I can’t blame their staff who are just doing their job, it’s the management of the company which sux.
Goodbye Mate, and good riddance!!! Do yourself a favour and never use them.
I'd like to echo the negative sentiment of Mate Internet as above.
Joined on their $100 off deal.So far its been disastrous with:
- frequent unplanned outages lasting up to 12 hrs which is not acknowledged on their website or NBNCO
- Substandard speeds particular in the evening - I'm on the 100/20 plan and despite speed tests (which they prioritise traffic to) saying its ok, practically its less than half of what I achieved with ABB/Superloop. I'm on FTTH.
- Unable to stream anything from sites like Kayo, Netflix etc for the last 2 weeks.We've had multiple "We're updating and transitioning our network, please be patient" SMS/Emails which have acknowledged the substandard service but yet they continue to bill customers full price and were refusing to provide refunds "until the outages are sorted".
I've had enough and spoke with my wallet.
Never again!
Joined in May with the similar promotion, and it was terrible. Will cancel after credit runs out.
Worst NBN experience imaginable.
Worst experience I have ever had.
I decided to give it a try, since ABB was charging me $109 for 100/40.
((I also forgot to check OzB. Before doing all this, and went by word of mouth it was good.))- Signed up on Friday at 8 AM
- Paid my $89.
- ABB Disconnected at 11 AM - That's fine, should be up and ready soon.
- Get e-mails and sms notification that lines are active at 5 PM. We became Mates.
- Line still not active. No up line, wait patiently. Can take a while.
- Saturday Morning at 8:30 A.M. Call Customer service, because line still not active.
- Chat offline — Working hours are 8:30 am - 7PM Monday through Saturday. ( No Biggie. )
- Wait on hold for 2 hours, and finally decide to hit "2" to be called when my time in the queue is ready. ( There is no hold music, just a person repeating the same things over and over) 10:30 AM
- 2:00 PM Send an e-mail correspondence, as per their contact team. Trying to get someone to respond.
- 5:30 PM - Reach out to Twitter. Have still not been contacted. Decide to call Customer service back.
Wait till 7 PM on hold, lines are now closed. Phone hangs up.
Goes To Exetel - Signs up at 7:30 PM. Has internet WORKING by 9 PM.
Calls Mate at 1 PM, Still on hold for billing. Gives up after 2 hours. Trying only to get the 28 day money back. I have not used ANY service.
- Sees I got a message on twitter. Respond, saying everything that has happened. 4:20 PM Still no Response back.
TLDR: Don't be mates.
What a shit show!! Thanks for the detailed experience. Saved me from going through this myself. I did consider them as my last resort after dodo. But not anymore!!
Update at 6:12. Twitter response. Full refund in 3-5 business days.
Make sure to leave an accurate ProductReview.com review to warn others of their BS and shenanigans.
https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/mateI’d give a free month a go, paying upfront and the chasing credit doesn’t sound like a great time
Just lodged a TIO complaint against them as they did not apply the $100 bill credit after 30 days of joining, nor provide the $30 +35 refund to service fees (they promised) for their Wireline and static IP fiascos in June/July rendering me with an unusable service. They would only provide "account credit" which I can only access if I rejoin them, instead of refunding service fees. What a farce!
I like any sane person have churned away and my internet now works. Hope this company burns.
Finally cancelled couple of days ago after needing to contact support twice in 2.5 weeks of joining. Had to e-mail support to initiate refund of first month charge.
Jumped on a Launtel 7-day trial before starting Superloop.
No thanks Mate…