OzBargain favourite. Great controller. Good price.
Grab one while there's stock.
OzBargain favourite. Great controller. Good price.
Grab one while there's stock.
$56 with discount code 92JB5OFFJUL
Click and collect
Thanks man
Thanks grabbed it for this price too with free click & collect
good price. i am going to sell my brand new nintendo controller pro, if i can sell for more than $59.
Note you can remotely turn your switch on with the pro controller, but not with this. Handy if your console isn't immediately accessible when docked.
How does this work?? I haven't been able to do it
With the official pro controller?
While your switch is in docked mode and connected to the TV, just tap the home button on the controller. Sometimes you might have to tap it twice.
This feature isn't present in the 8bitdo controllers though.
I press and hold my home button on my Pro controller to turn on my switch with the dock inside a cabinet (open at the back). Sometimes takes a few seconds to work.
@Domingo: It took me 3 years to realise you don't need to hold the button. Force of habit from Xbox.
@Faro: Interesting. I just landed on what is reliable, I found my controller didn't always connect when I pressed the button.
There's something satisfying about the haptic feedback when holding down the home button and it connects
Wait, am I misunderstanding something here? Why would you want to go from a Switch Pro Controller to the 8bitdo Pro 2?
Unless you're only playing games that primarily uses the D-pad, and/or you need stuff like Macro or Turbo, why would you downgrade?
The Switch Pro has objectively: Better gyros, HD rumble, less awkward stick positioning for 3D games, and vastly better (roughly double) battery life.
Subjectively: More comfortable to hold (especially for extended play sessions), and the convenience of waking the Switch from sleep mode remotely.
" less awkward stick positioning for 3D games,"
This is not objective.
Symmetrical position sticks with back paddles/buttons are way better than any offset stick controller for 3d games.
Having your thumbs in the same position and not having to leave them a majority of the time to hit face buttons is great. For example; In a shooter being able to easily jump/slide while still aiming with the right thumbstick is a heck of an advantage.
For example; In a shooter being able to easily jump/slide while still aiming with the right thumbstick is a heck of an advantage.
Except motion controls (where the Switch Pro Controller is objectively superior to the 8bitdo Pro 2) already allows this, and ready access to 2 more buttons at a moment's notice than if you were limited to the paddles.
Hell, it would be easier to hold and reliably press the Pro 2's paddles if the sticks were both placed closer to a natural resting position for your thumbs.
Just because PlayStation has trained people to accept an unnatural stick positioning, doesn't change the fact that the grafted on analog stick design still less ergonomic.
What are people using them for?
To practise boomerang throwing.
Couch coop games. I have my laptop hooked up to my tv and 4 of these controllers. Great fun for kids and guests.
Can you recommend any games?
Of course! I've played a lot.
In no particular order, and just off the top of my head:
2 players
it takes two. (Amazing)
Child of morta
4 players
Castle crashers
Lovers in a dangerous spacetime
We have relatively different levels of skill so these are the games that are relatively gentle from this aspect.
Currently enjoying magicka 2 and helldivers.
Boomerang Fu is a quick to learn fun game
PC and mobile. I use the Pro 2 mobile clip for my phone which makes it a pretty awesome emulator handheld device (uncompromised controller and OLED display).
The instant toggle on the back makes this my 'Main' for both Switch and PC.
Personally I've never liked the way that the official Pro controller/Xbox pads have the thumbstick/Dpad non symmetrical at an angle, and much prefer this classic layout.
You mean the classic PlayStation DualShock design, where the two analog sticks were grafted onto a SNES-like controller's design as an afterthought?
The asymmetric stick design is the natural evolution of the SNES design from 2D to 3D games, where the primary movement controls is placed at your left thumb's natural resting position, while the primary face buttons are placed at your right thumb's natural resting position.
Well, I mean this is why we have options like this.
I've only been Sony my whole life so I've never played with or gotten muscle-memory used to the asymmetrical design from those other platforms.
The stick positioning is fine for me.
I play a lot of indies/Jrpgs on Steam where I don't even use the thumbstick for movement at all too, which makes it more of a comfort and preferable.
@Stoibs: Fair enough.
I love my 8bitdo Pro 2 for 2D games (or games like Catherine Full Body). But to me it only makes sense as a secondary controller.
@pj1351: I hold my controller in such a weird way that the PlayStation style feels a tiiiiny bit more comfortable to me even for 3D games. It's mostly an afterthought to my controller choice though. Also having a satisfying d-pad is great for me even in 3D games that just use it for inventory switching like Souls games. Biggest reason I use this over my Xbox one controllers outside of emulation is that the face buttons feel more responsive compared to those, a bit less mushy.
Playing video games
Thank you for the enlightenment.
Someone had to do it!
Use mine mostly for 2D stuff as I love the silent dpad and more ~old school~ feel. Great controller for the price.
Dedicated emulation/XBMC PC setup.
Can anyone comment on these vs xbox one controllers for pc gaming
Not AAA titles or anything but like retro and casual games.
Yeah this is great. I've got both and use both. This is a quality controller for any title, retro/casual or AAA.
It mainly comes down to the shape, PlayStation style vs Xbox offset stick style.
They have the underside extra paddle buttons and a turbo macro repeat press thing.
Plus these are more universal than either of the console specific controllers, you can use it with phone games.
Battery life is good plus the rechargeable pack can be replaced with 2x regular AA.
Not showing available for me (Sydney West). Lowest price is $68
I snoozed and loozed.
Get it from JB HI-FI
Does windows detect these as Xbox controllers?
you can switch it to X for Xinput, or D for Direct Input. You want Xinput normally
Yes. Though the button letters are labelled different which is a bit confusing when it's telling you to press Y and you aren't familiar with the Xbox Y location.
Will this work with a tesla?
Only if you have a Twitter account.
Still available on JB, Just purchased
$49 with JB Perks, even lower if you got the Ultimate GCs from recent Amazon deal
1 more in stock
Edit: Gone
Also at JB hi-fi.
Free click and collect or $5.99 post.