This was posted 2 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[SUBS] Spider-Man: No Way Home Added to Amazon Prime Video & Binge


Latest MCU Spider-Man is now available on Amazon prime. Not on Disney plus with all other MCU movies. I was just about to buy this to watch but glad I held off.

Also available to watch on Binge

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  • +137

    Is anyone else tired of Marvel movies yet? or is it just me

    • +10

      I don't know what phase it is now, but they don't seem to know what direction to take except just make them pretty.

      Each hero's stories are quite self-contained nowadays.

      Westerns used to be an exceedingly popular movie genre for many decades in the last century, Can't blame marvel for holding that cow udder in fear of when it will fade same way.

      At least the comic books will last long after the movies.

      • +1

        What you mean? It's the comics that give story to the movies. Marvel can keep pumping out movies for the next decade according to Kevin Feige.

        The more comics there are the more movies they can make.

        • I think they're basically looking at introducing Mutants now.

      • +5

        They are in the "Let's get rid of all our original fans who grew up on Marvel movies, and just target the new younger pc crowd who need to have every check box ticked" and work that for the next 10 years. Also in Disney style, let's make sure we kill off a parent or guardian here and there too.

        • -5

          Spider-MAN?? How DARE they assume xir's gender?! The fact Pxtxr Pxrkxr is portrayed as a WHITE, CIS, MALE is totally RACIST & ABELIST! I'm shaking RN!

    • +4

      I only have a handful of characters I really like, so I love the fact that just about every year I get a superhero movie I will really enjoy.

      But I feel like If I watched all of them I would really badly burn out on them. Add in all the Disney plus series, the netflix series they had, the animated stuff is now on Disney plus as well.

    • +2

      Guess it’s a genre. Do people get sick of listening to rock, hip hop or any other genre of music? For some people movies are the same. I’m a westerns fan. And I’ll watch as many of those (good and bad, old and new) that are made.

      • -5

        Mainstream? Then yeah. Otherwise, no.

      • +1

        No. But they might well give up on new stuff which gets progressively worse and stick to the classics.

        Certainly that way under Disney as content for contents sake gets churned out.

        • +1

          stick to the classics

          So another remake of Lion King?

        • Seen Treasure island?

    • Robinson Crusoe

    • +4

      Yep. Been feeling that way since Iron Man 2. Iron Man 1 and Thor 1IMHO were the best Marvel movies and everything after that was just downhill from there. All their movies now are all cringe worthy and are all simply (seen one and basically seen them all) in Paint By The Numbers format.

      Also Marvel keeps on churning out all of these Z level superheroes characters are oh so tiring too.

      • +2

        The original Avengers was quite novel at the time, being the first true superhero crossover film. Not so special anymore with many of the others regularly featuring other heroes in them

    • Yeah, when they started.

    • I can't even tell if I watched this one yet…

      • +1

        This one comes after Far From Home and before Home Of The Brave but is chronologically set at the same time as Home Sweet Home

    • +4

      I took a break from Marvel Movies after Endgame. I felt that was the finale to the entire MCU, even if Disney kept pumping them out. Spider-Man No Way Home was the first I watched for a long time and actually enjoyed it. It kind of got me back in and I recently watched Dr Strange 2 and Thor 4. Both of those were pretty disappointing imo

    • +9

      Yes we need more of Tom Cruise's stuff like Top gun Maverick

    • +3

      Stopped watching after the first Iron Man.

      • +1

        It's Gwyneths fault.

    • +1

      absolutely! never been a fan of marvel movies in the first place. Zero story or story that makes no sense. Applies the same formula of forcing crappy comedy into an action movie. They just use the same formula and make different movies. That's it.

    • Nope, love them, but we are in a new phase so there's a natural lull whilst they focus on individual heroes and the addition of new heroes. It will be hard to live up to the expectations made with the conclusion of the infinity saga, but that was 10+ years in the making and what made it so good was bringing together those characters and story lines progressively together. It will take time for them to do the same and we'll most likely have a completely different roster of heroes. Top pics for anyone interested in older ones are Guardians of the galaxy and Thor Ragnarok

      • +5

        Agree with your top pics.

        Guardians of the Galaxy works as good stand alone movie without any broader Marvel knowledge. It's just one of the best comedic space movies without the comic book aspect. If anyone wants to watch a single MCU movie without intending on investing in others, this is the one to watch.

        Thor Ragnarok is IMHO the best Marvel movie ever (despite Cate Blanchett's underwhelming performance) but it does require knowledge of some previous movies to understand some (but not all) of the humour.

        • Agree, GOTG did the humour just right (not forced) and didn't feel like I needed to watch other films to get what was happening. I prefer these standalone stories. With infinity etc it was getting a bit much with the woven stories. Thor Ragnarok hit the right notes for me too.

        • Agree big time on Guardians - I went in with zero knowledge and it felt like that movie more than any other nails the tone of what a comic book adaptation should be - serious stakes without taking itself too seriously along the way. I also enjoy Spiderman movies and live Tom Holland’s portrayal, but it annoyed me I needed Endgame/shared universe knowledge before watching the second movie. I like to pick and choose my Marvel movies and hate the shared universe.

        • I like Ant Man.

          • +1

            @Sxio: I love ant man so much.

            And the first one can be watched without any other MCU knowledge (just a vague awareness that there are superheroes called the Avengers).

            It's like a fun buddy heist movie meets "honey I shrunk the kids". And Is outstanding as Louis.

            • @chewbot: Ok so…. I actually shed a tear when the bad guy is threatening his daughter and he defends her.

              I was watching it with my daughter and she said 'Daddy are you crying?' and I was like 'Daddies just love their kids so much sweety!'

              It was really nice. And yes, super fun movie. I think one of the best marvel imo.

    • +1

      Multiverse is a very lazy retcon

    • I think it's pretty amazing that they have achieved in the creation of the marvel universe across the span of a multitude of cinema movies. The latest move pretty much integrates and merges a bunch of movies that otherwise would not have been directly correlated straight into the universe, thereby expanding it's overall reach.

      Given the sheer number of movies involved, I believe this is a rare and unprecedented occurrence. I think it will be very difficult to replicate this type of success and quality. I have doubts that this can be achieved again at this level so I figure just enjoy it whilst it lasts.

    • +1

      Tired of star wars that's for sure

    • nup

  • +20

    Scorsese was right.

    • The theme parks are getting worse too.

  • +42

    I watched this as God intended.

    On a plane, with terrible headphones, at 4am local departure time, after too many beers.

    • +1

      Only way to fly!

      I spent a lot of years on long haul flights and had a rule I'd never trust my judgement on movies watched at altitude. Too many times I watched something I thought was great then recommended it to friends. Watching later I realised they were crap films somehow made better by jet lag and boredom.

      Thanks OP I nearly paid to rent this last night! Only one I've missed in the series.

    • In that case it might have actually seemed interesting. Consider yourself lucky you didn't have to watch it sober, lucid & in full clarity.

  • +2

    and Dr strange is on disney!

    • +5

      Dr Strange was a total piece of garbage.

      • this one is way worse

        • +1

          i enjoyed this one and im not really into spiderman movies. dr strange 2 was terrible though

      • How do you know, sounds like you watched it..
        I haven't and not interested in it so won't waste my time like you.

  • -1

    Personally I was surprised at how bad this was. Even for a Marvel film.

    • +4

      It was pretty good tbf

    • +1

      What did you find so bad?
      I must admit if it didn't have the previous Spider-Man franchises, the movie would be pretty average (like if they just made some new alternative universe characters instead).
      But seeing the old characters again made the film feel special imo.

      • +10

        Mostly I found the jokes centred on re-used/unoriginal gags. The appearance of the old spider men was cool but felt poorly fleshed out - like, a) spiderverse has been done before, and b) the execution was a bit cringey (faux-deep).

        I've enjoyed past Marvel films a lot, i thought infinity war and end game were great. I just found the jokes and plot pretty lame, to put it simply, in this one. I think the whole Tom Holland trying to be nice and 'save' the bad guys was just a bit silly, and the dynamic between him and Dr Strange was pretty uninteresting and cliche.

        • +2

          Fair criticisms

        • +1

          The primary goal of a hero is to save people, including from themselves. That includes when it is not easy to do so.

          Traditional heroes tend to not go about killing villains or turning a blind eye whilst sending people to their deaths.

          Also what occurred here in this movie was quite unlikely from a cinematic movie standpoint. I mean what would be more difficult would be to get any 3 of Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, Ben Affleck , Robert Pattison to all play Bruce Wayne/Batman in the same single movie and make it semi comprehensible…Although it might be even less difficult because Warner Bros owns the rights in all cases?

          • +1

            @Aneurism: None of that makes it a good film.

        • +1

          All my criticisms, I thought I was crazy when literally everyone I talked to said it was crazy good. I also think there were too many plain moments/dialogue with no BGM where the absence of BGM didn't make it better. I thought I watched a well done bootleg or parody of NWH when I first saw it.

          I loved IW and Endgame too but this garbage where peter says 'now do XYZ' and Dr Strange verbally declines but does it anyways is just rubbish and unrealistic. The whole premise is extremely forced and which made the fan-service/crossover distasteful for me.

          Edit: I also did not find a single joke/gag funny, the only time I laughed was at how stupid the show was.

        • Not a bad movie but definitely overrated.

          They made Goblin the main bad guy yet he is off screen for 30-40 minutes after killing Aunt May. Wish they did a bit more with him.

      • It felt like a long episode of scooby doo, idiots running around and throwing in a few fan-service appearances.

    • +5

      Disagree - this was easily the best Marvel movie in a long time.

      • was fun! Dont know what people were expecting

        • They are expecting an Oscar nominee quality film.

    • +2

      Me too, I enjoyed the Spiderman prequals but this one felt pointless, and the "fan service" got in the way of anything interesting happening. I agree with your criticisms where you expanded on them.

      Tangentially, I was expecting Dr Strange 2 to be bad, but I actually loved it - it had Sam Raimi and Evil Dead stamped all the way through it!

    • +2


      I was looking forward to it but it ended up being a completely unnecessary movie. The whole storyline would not have occurred if both Spiderman and Dr Strange weren't complete morons and actually had a plan before trying an extremely dangerous spell. Bringing in all the previous spider-men and villains was just fanboi service to me and lazy writing. The whole movie was just a way to undo the end of the previous Spiderman movie where his identity as Peter Parker was revealed.

  • +1

    Saw this on opening night. Good vibe in the cinema. Lots of unnecessary clapping and wooing. Would do again.

  • +2

    Thanks op, bought 3 (spider-men)

    • Don't forget your cashback!

      • +2

        Price error. Watching at 4x speed before they realise and revert to full price

  • +3

    Generally not a fan of a lot of the Marvel movies but I do enjoy a few of them. The Spiderman ones are done different to the rest and this one which brings in previous Spiderman universes makes it a fun watch with more depth than most of the Marvel series.

    If you've seen the Maguire and Garfield movies before then you'll definitely enjoy this one.

    • Does anyone understand how there's been 3 Spiderman film franchises already? But they totally screwed up the second Garfield one, and being part of MCU definitely boosted Holland's series.

      In 2 decades will we have a whole new MCU with rebooted Captain America/Thor/MCU?

      • They seem to have folded those movies into the MCU series. If you look up MCU movies in order, Maguire and Garfield movies are in the list. Along with Blade, which never was before.. in preparation for the upcoming one I guess.

        I think the previous movies prior to Avengers didn't have a forward thinking strategy and were made by different production companies who bought the license to use the characters from Stan Lee. Now that Disney owns the lot, they will have ongoing, linking story lines for the next millennia I assume.
        We won't see random reboots that don't fit in with the whole series. Just more combinations and tie ins.

        Disney were smart in buying them. They will make billions for generations to come.

        • Oh damn son Blade!? Is my boi Snipes making a comeback?

      • Simple reason - Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man and it’s associate properties like Venom, not Marvel and Disney. Sony had to keep making movies or they would lose the rights to Marvel. Sony currently have an agreement with Marvel to use Spider-Man as part of the MCU.

        Also worth noting that Spider-Man can only be seen on PlayStation games, he was even missing from an Avengers game on the Xbox.

      • From this movie it sounded like a black Spider-Man is in the works.

  • +3

    Definitely the better of the Spider-Man movies

  • Literally searched just watch last night to see when I can finally watch this and wondering why it wasn’t on Disney but this is good I’ll watch it tonight, cheers op

    • +2

      wondering why it wasn’t on Disney

      Sony has the rights to Spider-man.

      • +1

        Yeah I knew but somehow they have the other ones

        • I'm guessing Sony is claiming an exclusivity period so they can make extra money from it before letting Disney stream it

    • +3

      How good is Just Watch though

      • +1

        I use it all the time, mainly to keep an eye on what has been released on the services I subscribe to.

      • Very Good but isn't foolproof. Sometimes it links to different content with same name. Like say you wanted the Brendan Fraser Mummy it may take you to the Tom Cruise Mummy.

  • +1

    Nice, im finding more to watch on Prime than Netflix recently

    • That's great Ozbargain membership = Prime subscriber you ain't losing but gaining

  • +1

    Wow, I checked last night and I still had to pay $6.99. Was planning to buy today, great timing.

    • Yeah I did the same thing last night. Was about to pay for it, but decided to wait coz when I checked the internet it said it was going on Binge today (and I was going to sub to that for a month). But then I checked a few hours later and it was free on Prime.

  • No 4k? Didn't show 4k for me.

    • Pretty average, hardly any content on there with 4k and Dolby Atmos..
      I don' t know who would buy amazon for the video streaming, I treat it like a bonus when you pay for the free shipping sub.
      Surely it would be on Disney+ soon?

      ps. 8.3 on ImDB means pretty good. Some people just don't like the whole genre.

      • +1

        Amazon original have 4k.

        • yeah true.. the point is if do a search there aren't many titles and the 'defualt' is 1080p

          Anyway no risk in watching it.

  • +3

    Bugger, paid $6.99 to watch this last night on Amazon. Any nooses on special?

  • +2

    Why would a movie like this go onto Prime rather than Disney +?

    • +6

      Likely Sony has a deal with Bezos, Disney/Marvel doesn't own the film rights for Spiderman, Sony does, and they're just playing nice atm as it's more beneficial to put Spiderman into the greater MCU hypetrain rather than going alone.

      Hopefully this opens up X-Men being introduced to MCU, as Sony also holds the same rights.

      • -1


        It already has if you’ve seen the latest Dr Strange 😛

      • Nah not Sony. X-Men is owned by Fox, who is now owned by Disney, who also owns Marvel, allowing the characters to come together in all of our wildest dreams.

        • It's happening!

      • The rights own the Sony.

  • On a quick look thru, seems like Prime has Homecoming as well, but Far From Home is on Netflix.

    I might have a Spidey night tonight!

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