My first post on Ozbargain :)
This seems like a pretty good deal decent model aswell.
Ends 31/07/2022 or While Promotional Stock Lasts
Bonus: Claim Forspoken, Saints Row or Sniper Elite 5 via AMD
My first post on Ozbargain :)
This seems like a pretty good deal decent model aswell.
Ends 31/07/2022 or While Promotional Stock Lasts
Bonus: Claim Forspoken, Saints Row or Sniper Elite 5 via AMD
The 6800 is an excellent 1440p 144Hz card. I was fortunate enough to pick up an RX6800 reference card for RRP in December 2020 and it's handled everything I've thrown at it.
Yep, I pulled the trigger and ordered away. Very excited. I'm about to get into 1440p gaming so I am stoked I got an RX that's actually full PCI-E x16! :P
likewise mate, i also pulled the trigger. was still running a gtx 970 from 2015, will be a very nice bump in performance
Nice good job! You won't regret it!
I'm going to wait for a RX7700XT :) .. i know it will probably be early next year but i can wait
The card is listed to have a msi graphene backplate that helps with heat. but don't let that fool you.. its pretty much just plastic back plate :) with a fancy name
Probably graphene infused, aka get some kids with their 2B pencil and scribble on it xD
marketing is the most soulless, marketing teams could a gold bar out of a lump of feces, at least they attempt to that is
anyone have any experience with this particular model? from a quick bit of research, seems to be one of the best performing cards thermally in the 6800/6800XT range
plastic back plate.. everything else looks good
it looks cool though, and thats all that matters right =P
well… can cause hot spots but yep.. its cool but not cool in some places :)
Good 3080 deal here (if you prefer Nvidia), should also be valid for games package
Not a bad one per;
All depends on what you're currently running
And if you don't prefer Nvidia, you should.
why would you get a 3080 when you can just get this for 799 delivered
It's a better card for higher res, RT and DLSS is here and now where FSR is coming or can be used in some games with modding.
I went 6900xt for 3440x1440.
More than just preferring nvidia, amd and nvidia have software where they dominate, so what you use effects what you want. I don’t want a 3060ti cause they are still so expensive but I need it for software
Next month is my 1st year anniversary of me paying $830 for the rx 6600xt. I'll be lighting up a candle in sadness.
We thank you for your sacrifice.
I hope you got a bargain on the candle.
Legend. Loads of us fought for the same RX 6600 XT cards for $700 and I am starting to regret it…until I read your post. LOL.
Bought for $1750 in nov 2021
$1750 oh my RIP
Resting… But not in peace.
6800 for $1750?
Crypto tax
I lost $6k in crypto :) only invested what i could afford to lose lol.. now i need to wait 2-5 years to see that money back if ever
@OnlineShopper123: The blockchain is the new internet.. crypto itself is a bit a scam though :) self funding for the development of these blockchains looking to replace everything online
@vid_ghost: "New internet" is how it's marketed. In actuality it's not used for anything usefully yet, possibly never will be. Between PoS being even more ponzi-ish, L2's partially removing the backbone of trust, etc, it seems less and less like blockchain has any practical applications.
@Lonewolf1983: Care to elaborate? I've never seen anything more than a basic proof of concept system, or less (a few whitepapers). The few things ive seen actually using a blockchain would be better served with a centralized database as they haven't actually solved the trust problem, just moved it around. Same as this "web 3.0" bait - still relies on the regular web infra, it's just another layer of bs on top.
Damn. Nice!
Not bad shame all the 6600xt/6700xt are awful
This gonna be snapped up quickly already 18% of promo stock gone.
I'm a weak, weak man. Ended up grabbing the $79 HyperX keyboard and an Arctic Liquid 240mm cooler too. Well wishes to all those still hodling.
Just curious why did you stop hodling? The rx6800 has been $800 already (few weeks ago). So why now and not then?
I feel like giving in too but retailers are scum. I'm not going to give in because they're firmly not dropping prices. I'm not giving them a cent because they're firmly not dropping prices
I have a short-term time frame where I need to upgrade my PC, using my current parts to upgrade another PC build which is dying. I was only going to hodl maybe to mid August the latest, so no intention of waiting on the next series. The AMD promotion is also hard to pass up and ends early August. Regarding other similarly priced models, not interested in the entry-level line ups and have had bad experiences with gigabyte cards.
RX 6800 is a nice 1440p card with 16G VRAM and medium power consumption.
I suppose it's time to upgrade… I have GTX 1060 :(
Waiting for the 6800XT to drop to this price.
I wonder if they are still producing it even
you maybe waiting for a RX7700XT :) ..
I hope they release it sooner and not delay like nvidia.
Thanks OP - purchased!
4% of promo stock remains nearly all gone .
When the 6900xts be sellin for like 100 more
Cheapest 6900xt has been $999 so your math does not check out.
Most currently are sitting at $1099 +
It's also one month later and the card is older. So why is the 6900xt $100 more?
Not to mention this rx6800 card was $830 in 2020. Idiot sheep buying these are basically covering retailers shortfalls for them.
While this is a top tier variant of the 6800, entry level models of the 6800XT have gone for 899, and top tier 6900 XT for 999.
Either way still a good price for this model .
Looks like some more stock avaliable .
7% promo stock left.
all gone again.
Sad how people fall for retailer snake tactics. The susceptible minds ruin it for everyone else.
What's happened is retailers have not passed on the price drops these people were expecting. So they eventually give up and hand retailers their cash. Retailers wouldn't be able to hodl like that if weak people didn't panic and give in. It would mean weeks of no sales for them. Instead they now have people desperate for deals worse than 4 weeks ago.
They could raise the 6600xt to $800 now for 2 months. Then lower it to $650 and it would fly out of stock. Unfortunately this is what sheep are like.
Honestly these people are silly wasting $799. It was a good price 2 years ago. Stupid though when you consider what $799 can get you next gen. At least a 3080 tier card and we're talking this year.
We had some incomplete orders come through. Hence why some stock came back online for the promotion.
How much more stock is there to clear before next gen? (Of all the 6800xt models)
I'm hearing great oversupply in America but retailers here locally are drip feeding 1 individual model every 4 weeks. Usually Gigabyte/msi rubbish models
3% promo stock avaliable apparently.
gone again lmfao .
More stock priced has been bumped up to $849 yikes @ mwave.
Damn, might finally be time to upgrade from my RX580… Finger on the trigger!