This was posted 2 years 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Arcade1Up Capcom Legacy Street Fighter Arcade with Stool $699 Delivered @ Costco Online (Membership Required)


Twelve games, one cabinet, unlimited retro gaming fun. Add the Capcom Legacy Edition from Arcade1Up to your home, and execute the “Shoryuken!” anytime, no quarters required!

Brought to you by Arcade1Up, this is an absolute must-have for your family game room, game cave, or even in the office. Arcade1Up home arcade cabinets play great, look great, and are instant conversation pieces.

It has a dozen classic Capcom titles: Street Fighter™, Street Fighter II: World Warrior™, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition™, Street Fighter II: Turbo™, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers™, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo™, Darkstalkers™, Strider™, Commando™, Final Fight™, Ghost n Goblins™, and 1944™.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    It has a dozen classic Capcom titles: Street Fighter™, Street Fighter II: World Warrior™, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition™, Street Fighter II: Turbo™, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers™, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo™, Darkstalkers™, Strider™, Commando™, Final Fight™, Ghost n Goblins™, and 1944™.

    Might as well call it a STREET FIGHTER arcade….

    • +7

      Except that half the games aren't even Street Fighter

  • +24

    This is why I need to buy a house

  • +7

    The Midway Legacy cabinet is also at the same price -…

    Personally, I prefer the collection and art on the Midway cabinet. I bought it last year, traded in some stuff I didn't need at EBGames to get it for a reasonable price. It's actually been pretty great, even though some of the included games are a little primitive, there's a good variety to dip into, and MK1-3 are great. Only bug I've found is it doesn't retain unlockable characters between resets, so if you want to unlock secret characters for UMK3, you'll have to input the code every time, which is annoying.

    • +2

      does the coin slot work?
      i wanna spin my 1 dollar coin to get 3 credits :P

      • Just flat art sadly, but it looks nice. The stool looks pretty cool too - but fairly basic.

    • Yep - includes Gauntlet and Defender. 2 of the greatest games ever made.

      • TMNT in time, AVP, goldern axe and simpsons
        they would be cool on this too

  • +2

    This goes well with the Chupa Chups carousel.

  • -5

    Legacy Street Fighter Arcade with Stool

    I hear it's crap.

    • no u

      • +7

        Thanks, I've added it now to appease the NZ members……

        I hear it's crup.

  • +8

    Don't think it's a bargain, but damn 4 player NBA Jam is awesome to have at home too!

  • +4

    Anyone had any success hacking these to add more games ? Oh so tempting !

    • Came here just to ask what this 👑 said

    • +1

      few parts needed

      HDMI LCD Controller Board
      12 Volt Audio Amp
      Arcade Sticks Buttons and Encoders
      Raspberry Pi

      pretty much replaced the gut of the machine with a raspberry pi running retropie.

      did it to my cabinet i bought from Aldi few years back.

      • +1

        I did this with a pi 3b to play Cadillacs & dinosaurs but there's a slight delay and it's not as smooth to execute the combo. Not sure if the pi 3b is too weak or it's just how retropie works.

        • Software accelerated vs hardware accelerated (fast). It's the pie.

    • The pinball machine can be hacked to load all 3 arcade1up pinball APKs onto it along with tables from zen pinball android. Mine has about 50 or so tables on it which I am pretty happy about.

      For other arcade1up I hear that it’s in the works as well.

    • Yep. I have an original SF2 one, and over time I've replaced the joysticks with Japanese ones, the board with a raspberry pi, the speakers with an old Logitech 2.1 system and the screen with a bigger one. It absolutely rocks now!

      • I did similar for my $149 ALDI Street Fighter 1UP cabinet - except havent upgraded the 17" screen yet - but considering it as the original screen has an issue with various shades of white all looking the same - not good for the snow track in Mario Karts.

        Do you find N64 games are sluggish on the Pi ?
        I found this on Pi 3B+ and an older Intel NUC. I have a Pi 4 running HomeAssistant I could swap in.

        • I don't bother with N64 because of the lack of analogue controls. But I think the pi generally struggles with N64 emulation.

          The original screen was a piece of shit, I used a Dell 4:3 17 inch screen and stripped the bezel off it. The difference is an enormous upgrade.

  • +7

    Some other ones at TVSN at the same price plus + $69 postage for me.

    Arcade1Up Turtles In Time 4-Player

    Arcade1Up X-Men 4-Player

    • -2

      Was very tempted by 700 bucks for a 4 player turtles cab but then I saw that artwork LOL

      • +3

        It's straight from the original arcade cabinet you philistine.

        • Turtles in time stink compared to the OG version

    • Thanks for the link. Damn so tempted on the x-men one. But is it hackable? Might get bored with just the 3 games that's included

  • DOES it support usb for more games?

  • +2

    If only they were full size cabinets…

  • is it crappy emulated with hardware lag like the NES mini?

  • +2

    Better to get a JAMMA arcade and install a MISTer.

  • +1

    Nice, but my wife will kill me.

    • -1

      Ozark ? 😉

    • +4

      I remember 3 years back some of the basic machines going at aldi on clearance as low as 150, and I didn't buy them for the same reason, but thinking back I probably should have bought all 3. There was a street fighter 2 and then a couple of combo units, one with rampage and one with gauntlet from memory. They never got them back in and I have never seen anything near that price again

      • yeah, street fighter 2 and rampage, that awesome !!

      • I got the rampage one for $99 at tkmaxx!

  • +4
    • Does Big W come with riser and stool as well?

      Are they always included?

  • when i was little i thought ryu was saying "Areyouken!" (instead of haduken or whatever he says)

    • Ken's not ok. He's a hobo in SFVI

    • To be fair. He was looking for Ken. So there's that.

  • +1

    So glad I got this when they were $200 at Aldi

    • +2

      This is a later version of the n machine that Aldi sold. Yours has mono sound, no light up marquee & local play only.

      • +1

        All good, I spent another $150 putting in a raspberry pi, speakers etc

      • So this one is multiplayer version?

  • +8

    Ah, takes me back to the early 90's, better times.

    • +5

      Cant upvote this enough. Miss those days.

      • +4

        Putting 20c coins into the Terminator 2 pinball & Wonder Boy whilst sipping blue heaven thick shakes 👍

    • +1

      I took sunk plenty of coins into these arcade machines. Fun times.

  • +3

    When is the Daytona USA machine coming out? Aaahh, the many wasted hours of my childhood mastering the final corner drift

    • the xbox 360 version is actually really good, and pretty cheap

  • I got the marvel pinball machine, great quality !

    • Thats the one i have too. Love it.

      Hack it with a1pinner to get star wars, attack from mars and also the zen pinball tables on it.

      Just need a laptop and usb cable.

      • OMG please DM me more information. Your sir have just become my new friend

  • Kogan has a bunch of these too.

  • +1

    for the real arcade cabinets and cocktail models look here, some as high as 5k mind thats a few days pay for the average ozbargainer on 200k pa LOL

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