This was posted 2 years 7 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order] Playstation 5 Console with DualSense Controller or Horizon Forbidden West $845 ($549 with PS4 Pro Trade) @ EB Games


EB Games have just announced some new Playstation 5 bundles.

$845 or $549 when you trade your PS4 Pro console, or $629 when you trade in your PS4 500GB console. Stacks with your current EB World level bonus percentage.

PS5 Console + Midnight Black Controller $845
PS5 Console + Cosmic Red Controller $845
PS5 Console + Horizon Forbidden West (Digital download) $844.95
PS5 Console + Nova Pink Controller $855
PS5 Digital Edition Console + Starlight Blue Controller $705

JUST ANNOUNCED 📣 Brand new PlayStation®5 Console Bundles will be available to preorder for Click and Collect at 11AM AEST, due late July!
Extremely limited stock. Strictly one per customer.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    What's with the forced HFW?

    • +14

      and their forcing you to pay $95 for the controller when you can buy them for $63 today

      • +11

        These shitty tactics + $120AUD games makes me not want to get a PS5 at all and just hold out for the eventual PC release.

        • Personally I don't see whats even the hype for ps5 at all when most of their games will be on pc anyway and the exclusives are very meh not to mention getting ps5 feels like a nightmare anyway

          • @lesher: I got one at launch (well 2 weeks late cause covid delayed Amazon deliveries or whatever) but aside from GT7 and next-gen FIFA mine has been collecting dust for the most part so you aren't wrong there.

      • +2

        $32, or less than 4%, isn't a bad markup for something you generally cannot buy at all for RRP

        • +3

          People seem to be complaining paying little more to retailer, but are ok to feed big bucks to scalpers

      • Yep, neither option is good IMO.
        But if you had to pick one, it would be the controller.

    • +6

      and to make it worse, it is digital download, so no resell value there

      • +1

        Controller is the better value

        • +1

          neither is good value
          since the controller price here is more expensive than getting one on sale as mentioned by others here.

          but between the two,
          yes controller is the better one to get.. since the game will eventually drop in price and can get it second etc.

          though rather just not get either and pay the console without the forced purchase of either item.

      • alot of these game giveaways are just digital downloads nowadays to prevent resale..
        smart for them but bad for us.

    • +3

      It's to try and deter scalpers while also increasing profits. Better overpay a little for a game or controller than pay lots extra to scalpers.

      • -2

        Nope. That’s profit maximising tactics. EB knows full and well that the chip shortage is over and a lot of PS5s will hit store shelves within weeks. This is a last-ditch attempt to extract some extra coin from uninformed buyers.

        • +7

          EB knows full and well that the chip shortage is over and a lot of PS5s will hit store shelves within weeks.

          What is this based on? Global PS5 stock is still heavily constrained and Australia is not prioritised.

  • +3

    They still on the bundle train aye

  • +1

    Sony is still trying to bundle extra things when selling PS5 while you can get XSX much easier.

    • +1

      Yea but no one wants a shitbox is why you can get it much easier. It's all about supply and demand

      • -2

        Why you sound like an exemplary human being! Please do tell us all about the mystifying topic of supply and demand…

        • Thanks I try my best.
          Also google is your best friend.

  • No digital edition?

  • +5

    Want a 2nd PS5 but not gonna get these bundled overpriced nonsense, will wait it out.

    • +1

      If there were more people like you, they wouldn't get away with this shit.

      • +8

        Yeah because everyone would have at least one ps5…

        • Yeah because having at least one ps5 is essential…

    • why do you want a 2nd ps5?

      backup one on lower firmware in case of a hack?

      • One for me and one for the kids. Got lucky with Amazon 2.5hrs ago and bought one from there

  • +3

    Paying $100 for extra controller :(

  • +15

    Whats worse is when EB Games sells with no home delivery option - you go in there to 'pick up' your console and oh my god they attack you from all angles to try to get you to buy, I had no less than 3 different salespeople try to make me buy stuff I had no interest in, and they also make you wait at the beginning for 10 minutes looking at the software as they 'prepare' your console, and even ask if you saw games you wanted to buy as if staring at the wall for 10 minutes wasnt enough.

    I actually felt assaulted coming out of that place, should've called the police!

    • +3

      Australian retail in a nutshell.

    • +6

      Would you like a tote bag for $10, or a pokemon t-shirt for $15? No? How about some of these pins for $5 and if you buy that you qualify for this mug for an additional $8 (normally $16)

      Such a stupid experience lol


      • Do they still do the disc insurance nonsense?

        • +4

          the only thing they didn't do was ask for my hand in marriage. But then again by the end I was running out the door as they were still talking at me..

      • Wow I have never experienced this at my eb games (Rundle mall) neither tea tree plaza one

    • +1

      My pick up experience was fine for a previous bundle. Even offered to swap bundle.

      The issue I had was being notified when it arrived. They give you a call - no email, SMS, etc. I had missed that call so waited about a week extra.

    • +1

      Anecdotal but the EB Games I picked up my PS5 from actually recommended I gtfo and go home immidiately as carrying the PS5 box is a big target for thieves. No attempts to sell me anything, just told me to rush home and don't show it off in public lol.

  • Just scored one. GO now

    • +4

      GO now


  • Finally got one after 2 years. I gave up my original Amazon pre-order due to no good games. There's still no good games but I'm in the need for a 4K player so win-win.

    • -2

      Not the best choice for a 4K player, no support for Dolby Vision or HDR10+ so you are best off getting a standalone player still.

      • Not enough DV content yet. I'm content to sticking with standard HDR.

        • If you have Disney+ there's quite a lot of content on there with DV although yeah the other services are a bit behind on it.

          Chromecast with Google TV is a cheap way to get it.

          • @Agret: What does that have to do with physical 4K media? My receiver doesn't have DV support so the argument is moot.

            I can watch digital DV content fine on my Shield > TV.

        • surprising that people still get 4k discs

          most are just streaming 4k nowadays.

          • @pinkybrain: I download 99% of my 4K remuxes but I still have quite a few discs I fished out of storage recently. Was only going to get a 4K player if I could get a PS5 (since I could trade my PS4 Pro in).

            • @NeggerOfDeals: how many 4k bluray discs you got?

              is your ps4 pro hackable/hacked?

              should never trade it if it is hackable

  • +2

    I just called my local JB hifi after seeing this deal and picked up right away

    • Do you mean EB?

      • +1

        Guessing they did a pricematch? Kinda strange as I didn't think they matched bundles?

        • Nope, went in last week and they advertised $844 for the same bundle in store and had a couple in stock and more was coming.

    • -1

      Calling BS on this one. This isn't even a deal, price wise, so nothing for JB to even match.

      And very unlikely JB just had stock sitting on the shelf.

      • -5

        Did I mention anything about price-match? I don’t have to prove anything to you.

        • Fair call. I guess it would make sense others are getting stock delivered too. Congrats.

      • +1

        JB is doing $844 in store for the same bundle and has been for atleast a week or so. Got a console last week and they said they are getting stock pretty regularly now but will only be doing bundles. That's on the Gold Coast so can't speak for other areas.

        • +1

          This is correct.
          I suggest calling your local JB stores and testing your luck!

      • He didn't say it was a deal or a price match.

        And what he is saying if legit. I called up my local JB and they had the same bundle going on with stock in store (but I wasn't willing to pay an additional $94 for a digital download). They aren't advertising it, you just have to call/go in to a JB and if they have it store, then it's you're lucky day. Some JB's get more stock than others so it's better to call and check.

    • +2

      Clearly he meant that because EB has/getting stock, maybe other retailers got stock too, so he phoned JB and they happened to have stock.

      JB are known for getting stock and not publishing the fact, so you need to ask.

      He didn't say anything about price matching.

    • +1

      I called my local JB hifi to see if they had stock without the forced stuff. They said yes, if you can pick it up right away. So in I went and got one for $749

      • +1

        Don't worry Pricebeat, it was obvious what you meant.

        • Thanks mate!

    • I did this as well and can confirm it's 100% legit.
      JB have moved from a waitlist to walk-in system.
      Your best bet is to call around and depending on stock levels, they MIGHT leave one aside for a very brief period. Some stores may not do this however.

  • $106 controller for digital edition. Lol.

    • Oh, can I return the controller when picking up?

  • Cosmic red bundle is 855

  • +2

    PS5 Console + Midnight Black Controller( $845
    PS5 Console + Cosmic Red Controller( $845
    PS5 Console + Nova Pink Controller( $855

    are sold out

  • +1

    I called a few JB HiFis on the Gold Coast last week and they are basically doing the PS5 Console Bundle with Forbidden West for $844 and will only be doing the bundles going forward (they couldn't say when they were going back to console only but managed to get one that someone cancelled). They all said they are up to a 2 week wait but pretty consistent stock and a couple had a few in store when I called. Obviously probably not nationwide but unless you want the EB points probably worth looking at JB especially if you have TCN gift cards.

  • +1

    I got one with extra controller, I also got a controller from Amazon today, so I'm looking at it like $80 a controller.

    I don't really care to be honest, I just wanted to get the console and be done with it.

    Sick of the Twitter notifications, now I can unsub.

    My boys will be excited AF when I tell them tonight. Woo!

    • +1

      Woah you sound pretty excited mate, maybe time to change your username to stoked!

      • I might change it to Big Kev. What do you reckon? :p

  • for a second there i thought it was ps5 plus 2nd controller plus horizon:fw… no dice at that deal. having just finished horizonfw finally after elden ring, felt really underwhelmed by that game too…

    • Underwhelmed by Elden Ring?

      • nah elden was great, easy goty no contest. horizonfw was an underwhelming sequel which im sure im not alone in having dropped, for the entire duration of my elden ring playthrough, soon as it came out…

    • Same. HFW was boring.

  • +2

    The good thing about Capitalism is that you can choose to be "ripped off" or not.

    I guess people can use their money whatever they like.

    Good for the people that have been searching for a PS5 and scored one, finally!!

  • +1

    Wonder if they'll have just the console available once they've sold out of sucking the bundle buyers in?

  • Chip shortage is essentially over. I’d rather wait than go for this overpriced bundle deal.

    • +1

      I expect PS5 with controller $749 or under soon enough. Worst case Xmas

  • +3

    I swear it's going to take GTA VI to finally force me into getting one of these.

  • The Gamesmen are doing the same thing but also making you pay $109 for a second controller

    Their "bundle"is $950 and they currently have a few in stock

  • +1

    Everything in my current setup is black and rectangle (tv, amp, ps4, wii u, xbox) and then the ps5 would be this gigantic weirdly shaped white thing.

    Im hoping they make a revised console, its just too big and ugly for me (and not many games, even after all this time)

    • I'm in the same boat, i may just wait for a PS5 slim release at this point, but if you are willing to spend about $100 extra you can get very nice black Darkplate 2.0 conversion kits from dbrand that also shrink the size of the massive outer blades a bit so it looks a little more tidy

      • +1

        thats pretty cool, their wording on the website is funny too

        shame sony had to take legal action against the modding community, just shows their another soulless corporate at the end of the day.

  • Got paid at 11:04AM, it was meant to be.

    Got the Cosmic Red Bundle, and being a level 4 member I will be trading in my 500gb ps4 for essentially $269. That's a hella good value.

  • Shi!!y EB tactics as usual.. I already have mine since launch day but I want everyone to get a good deal and be able to get one because the quicker we increase the adoption rate around the world, the quicker we get rid of cross gen support for future AAA titles.

    Not enough PS5 only exclusives, we won't see the full potential of the PS5 for another few years and then the PS5 Pro will already be out!

  • Gonna wait for better price. It's out of stock anyway with controllers.

    What's the rush? Nothing. Chip shortage will end soon enough faster than the Ukraine and Russia war

    I only play genshin impact anyway and PC does it fine. Might only upgrade just for that to ps5

  • PS5's up for more than an hour and still stock.

    Bout time.

  • digital bundle OOS

  • Lol just get from Amazon. Easier and much quicker delivery.

  • Has anyone received a call to get there's yet, I hope I don't have to wait till the 28th.

    • I got a call yesterday, mine's ready in store for collection :)

    • Got a call today mine came in (Sydney CBD).

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