For new or returning customers only.
Sign up with the code 'southpark' for a free 30 day trial, then paid afterwards, then when logged in go to your account settings and put the code 'july2022' for 3 months at half price.
For new or returning customers only.
Sign up with the code 'southpark' for a free 30 day trial, then paid afterwards, then when logged in go to your account settings and put the code 'july2022' for 3 months at half price.
Definitely not going to resubscribe when my year runs out.. I don’t think the content is particularly goos
Agreed. I've watched the new Halo show (rather, I sat through it), some South Park and some Spongebob since that error deal.
First top gun was useful. Rest is garbage
When I look in iOS subscriptions mine has reverted back to $5.99 Annual. Says Renews at $5.99 Yearly. (Screen captured)
I say reverted, as 2 months after I grabbed this deal, the renewal said will renew at something like $119 Yearly. Can't recall exactly, was about to cancel, glad I didn't.
Same. I’ll check it again on Sept 9. $5.99 annual is good otherwise not worth it to pay $199.
My annual subscription says $5.99 yearly and renews 10 sep. Hopefully they will charge only $5.99
Even if they deduct money, Apple are pretty good with refunds. Done it a few times when I missed out on canceling free trials.
how do you link this to your amazon account??
I’m pretty sure you have to sign up for paramount+ through Amazon. You can’t link a “normal” paramount+ account to print iirc
correct, i signed up for a free month direct on Paramount and when i went to login on Prime on the playstation didnt work, so i contacted them and they told me its seperate. however the 50% off works with a Prime account on Playstion app. open Prime Video on PS and click the Paramount and link and gives you the 50% discount already without having to enter a code.
thanks. did it just for southpark
Definitely the worst of the streaming services, but that show Yellowjackets is out of control. Worth at least a month just for that I reckon.
I used the free month offer from last month but my next payment is set for 2 September. Anyone else notice that?
I did the “SHORE” discount, if that’s the one you mean, but mine still says next billing date is 1/8, so no bonus month, unfortunately 🤷😁
ok cool had to sign up using prime video
and not user the link in post.
Were you able to use the “SOUTHPARK” code to get the one month free? I can’t see how to do it via Prime. It goes straight into signing up with the 50% off/month Prime Day deal.
no but I got the 50% off for 3 months.
It's gonna be hard for them to entice me to sign up again after the $5/yr deal from last year. Also considering I never watched anything other than the new Dexter season.
Halo is good (providing your not a fan of the game), new Star Trek is good and the movies they do have are good proper Movies unlike Netflix.
Halo is good (providing your not a fan of the game)
U wot m8
Please give "The Offer" a go! I also recommend: Tokyo Vice, Yellowjackets, and Seal Team.
1+ given for seal team
can confirm its also discounted when using it via the Prime account on Playstation, it was also discounted without having to enter a code.
Anyone know if we'll be able to watch Top Gun Maverick here on it any time soon?
Apparently 45 days after it hits cinemas but I think they might be pushing for 90 days because they want to keep it in the cinema as long as they can.
Thanks! So hopefully before iOS deal expires then!
I did use NSW Discover vouchers to watch it on the big screen and it was amazing, but I want to watch it again!
I will be renewing my iOS deal, go into subs it should be renewing at $5.99 yearly.
Months ago mine said renewing at $119 or something, but it's now back to $5.99 yearly.
Same here, also used our NSW vouchers, gotta say was very enjoyable.
Anyone know if we'll be able to watch Top Gun Maverick here on it any time soon?
Do yourself a favour and watch it in a theatre. It is one of movies that needs to be experienced in a theatre, plus you will be supporting good old-fashioned quality film making and be sending a message to Hollywood that we are sick of CGI spaghetti and constantly having 'the message' rammed down our throats.
What message are you referring to here exactly?
That women should have the rights to their own bodies?
That mentally ill children shouldn't be able to walk into a Walmart, purchase an assault rifle, and go and shoot up a school because they're upset at the world?
That people of all races deserve to be treated equally and fairly?
Far out, you people are the absolute worst.
Which is the best app when it comes to the best picture and sound quality?
The Prime add-on or the actual native Paramount Plus app?
I don't know the technical response, but personally Disney has a lot of 4k IMAX HDR content, like Marvel movies and they look and sound absolutely astounding.
I like Netflix how it's easy to check the resolution and bitrate. Netflix original content is often 4k but outside of that 4k HDR content is rare as hens teeth.
I have a Sony TV and the upscaling is excellent, sometimes I don't even realise a show is 1080p and not 4K.
I think they're asking specifically about Paramount+
Lol.. oh.. picture \ sound quality is the same, it depends on the content not the app.
Having the Paramount content in Prime, is a slightly better experience, but nothing to do with picture\sound quality. Well I couldn't tell the differences.
Unsure specifically. If it works the same as through Prime, then I would say use the native app if you are running it natively through an Android TV. For some reason, the picture quality of Prime through an Android TV is grainy. No issues elsewhere.
If you have TPB, all this is free via qTorrent
Mostly true but I don't think TVNZ+ has the A-League, which was the only reason I had Paramount+.
Paramount+ as channel add-on on amazon has the same deal at the moment. You're better off paying for that because P+ app doesn't have profiles.
But I think you won't get the A-League
I'm still using this deal!
I think my sub expires soon,though.
Can you unsubscribe then resubscribe?
Signed up through Amazon. Forgot how awful the Prime app was.
Lol.. thank yourself lucky you are not using the Parmount+ App….:)
Thanks.. I've just added it to my Amazon prime for $4.49 :).. my TV doesn't have a paramount+ app :) but i did order two amazon fire TV 4k Max sticks for $69
Thanks, I usually take a Telstra TV on Holidays but the HMDI stick is far more convenient, not to mention faster. This is such a cleaner setup, frees up a power-point, no HDMI cable. Just the stick and remote, and dedicated buttons for all the services I need!
Worth it just to watch "the offer" Brilliant!
I got it through the iOS error deal; I was literally looking for 30 mins yesterday to find something on this service I wanted to watch. Unfortunately not even close to Netflix, Disney Plus or even Stan IMO.
Out of all the streaming services available, Apple is the worst closely followed by Paramount+ for amount of content and quality. Even now under the movie categories they only have 11 movies under sci fi with 4 of those Transformers and 2 Star Trek.
Agree on amount of content but quality? Apple TV+ content all 4K (and a very good stream) Dolby vision and Dolby atmos.
But yeah, not much content at this point. No back catalogue.
This service is pretty lame, but the South Park movies Post Covid and it's second half Return of Covid are pretty great.
Thanks - I used both codes. My kids like paw patrol which unfortunately you can only get on paramount these days so it will keep them happy for 4 months.
Stuff all on Paramount. Shitty interface. Worthless and useless service.
I've just cancelled Binge, Disney+, amazon prime since we weren't using it as much. I was considering signing to paramount… but after reading the comments I think I'll pass for a while. Only subscription that I now have is Netflix :/
Amazon prime paid yearly costs only $59.. that's only $4.92 a month for free postage and lots of free movies, video games and shows
Don't forget Amazon Music, some free ebooks and audiobooks per month
I would say its the best "value" sub out at the moment paying per year… :) The content is good and they have new stuff coming out like lord of the rings ext
Netflix and lots of other services should give us the yearly discounted option as well.
Ok, this is driving me nuts, how do you actually even unsubscribe from the paramount + channel on prime video app???
These codes are working for me, I get "This promotional code is not valid" :/
not very impressed so far - signed up with "southpark" to get the 30 day trial which seemed to work. Then i tried this code but got "not valid". I thought maybe since i was on the monthly charge that it needed to be yearly instead so switched to that thinking I would be able to cancel or try a different code later but instead they instantly charged for the whole year. I guess I get to try out their customer support now.
Considering the iOS error deal last year will expire in Sept, this is a good deal to come back to. Would be nice if paramount made a (profanity) up again for us iOS folks haha